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MemberFirst… I do believe that if Costa Rica signs on to CAFTA, there will be trouble. The CAFTA is all for BIG business in the USA. Corporate America has control of the government.
You can read the full CAFTA at: is a sad state of the World at this point in time. The New World Order is coming.
Bill Maeswmaes47
These cheap rates mean that you must travel on Monday or Wednesney ONLY, and in both directions.
Flights from Denver start at the end of November 2007 and are promotional fares only. There are still plenty of seats. It is a Red Eye flight at 12:10 AM and arrival at 06:25 at SJO.
These low fares can’t be found on the Frontier Airlines site.
My best price from Denver R/T is $253. I purchased four on 3 December 2007 and return 12 December 2007.
I purchased these tickets at
It was a total surprise that you could find them cheaper than on Frontier’s website.
Happy Flyer
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberFantastic country for a great variety on the menu.
My best suggestion for you and your family is to drive the back roads and highways and look for the small eateries called “sodas”.
You will find excellent beef, seafood and chicken. My favorite being the rotisserie chicken. Generally you will see these beside the sodas with a wood fire blazing and many chicken on the spit. Even if you see a rotisserie in it’s idle state, stop in and ask…Pollo.
Stop in towns where you see the most people. On the autopistas, stop where you see the people stopping.
There will be many fruit and vegestable stands you will see, also. I have never had a problem with the water. So eating the roadside fruit has been a favorite of mine. Pineapple is fantastic.
Find a small, pocket size translation book and take it with you… My first experience with the great smell of a rotisserie chicken was pollo entero… to much to eat… the entire chicken…
Happy eating
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberWelcome home…
I flew from Orlando to Denver last week. I arrived at the airport with a large bag of Florida oranges. They scanned the bag and passed it through. These oranges were full of fluids. I could have had them pumped full of gas or LSD and they would not have cared.
That was a diversion for TSA as I was carrying a stomach bug that would have closed the whole airport for a month.
Just joking with ya…
X-Squeeze me…
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberI do believe… I do attend, occasionally, a Messianic Jewish Temple… You didn’t read “prejudice against Jews as a religious, racial, or ethnic group” anywhere in my posts.
Zionism is an International Political Movement.
Where you come up with calling me an “anti-Semite” (anti-Semitism) is beyond anything I have posted in this thread. I do believe you have your wires crossed.
But, who am I to argue with you. You have all the answers. Only a closed minded person can argue with themselves, they don’t listen or watch the truths.
The time is coming and it is very close as prophesized in the Bible. You will be watching as your money disappears down the “black hole” as the recession starts, then a depression, then more contrived terrorists attacks “let the government protect you, and finally the anti-Christ coming to power for a seven year reign.
We could go on… If you want to view the truths, but I fear you will not view anything I have to offer. I can only show you the door, you must choose to walk through it…
Print this and place it on a wall in front of your computer, then contact me in two years with your same beliefs as today. Then we can talk, again.
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberMr. Roark
Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious, racial, or ethnic group, which can range in expression from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecution.
I never expressed antisemitism. I have referred to Zionists as a movement, not a religion.
Have you listened to the many videos from the above website?
Don’t be so quick in condemning what I have posted, as you have not studied the facts of my post. You only mentioned Hitler. There are several other subjects that are spoken of that have ties to each other. The master plan of a “One World Order”.
In my previous post, I suggested that you do the search on your own free will and look in GOOGLE and You Tube for the subjects I have mentioned.
Please take a moment to read from several website from the USA, Russia and Britain and find the facts of how the late Senator Prescott Bush, grand father of our current President, profited from the support given to Hitler. Below are those links from GOOGLE:,12271,1312540,00.html
With due diligence, everyone can learn from the internet and have an open mind to the truths of the world. Please don’t be a sheep and follow what you have not understood.
Search the many subjects in my previous post and learn.
I fear that Costa Rica is on the verge of being a pawn with the rest of the world and with the passing of the TLC, will not have any freedoms and they have today.
I remain and independent thinker
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberYou want “MORE”… I love my country, but we have been stuck with a knife and we are bleeding to death… Money, controlled by the Zionists are the root of evil in the entire World. England is in the same hole as the US… Seven regions of the World are coming, the Amero replacing the Dollar Bill is coming, USA, Canada and Mexico borders will be gone… A great tragedy will happen in the USA, when another 21,500 of our beloved troops are dispatched to Iraq… The Iran will be blamed for an attack in the USA and we will invade Iran, if Israel doesn’t beat us to the punch with their nuclear bombs, produced in Israel… The USA continues to borrow money from the Federal Reserve at 3% interest adding to the National Debt, and the USA doesn’t control the Federal Reserve… This interest is paid to twelve different banks who paid $100 per share for ownership of the Federal Reserve… Eight of those banks are on foreign territory… Executive Order 11110 and five months later JFK was assonated… Over four billion dollars in Silver Certificates issued under this Executive Order were recalled after Presidents Kennedy’s death… President Kennedy had plans to Nationalize the Federal Reserve and it cost him his life… MONEY and CONTROL…
Do you want to read and listen, start your own search and see what you find… Google everything I mentioned above… GOOGLE and You Tube videos of the above mentioned subjects…
I can bury you with truths that are hidden from everyone, except the elite in power…
Oscar Arias visited the USA last year and had many private meetings that relate to Costa Rica and control of it’s people by the Fascists…
Try watching the truths at this website… Then prepare for a recession, bigger that the 1930s… It’s all about control and extermination of people of the world.
Be fearful of the Future and Prepare
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberThere is a very good article in dated 26 January 2007 that relates to many foreigners currently and proposed changes to those current laws…
One excerpt states:
“Temporary residents, such as inversionistas, pensionados and rentistas would still be forbidden to work for a salary, but the law spells out clearly that they can do work on their own account. That has been interpreted as running their own businesses. They must spend at least six months in the country each year, according to the proposal.”The whole article is still online as the cover page at After 28 January 2007 you will have to visit the archives for 26 January 2007 to retrieve the article.
Still Dreaming
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberI have seen this occurrence, also… But attribute it to the fact that most police cars and ambulances run with their lights flashing no matter what they are doing.
This would attribute to the callousness and resilience of anyone to move to the side.
Was the siren going??? Was there a victim in the back???
It had me wondering “why” ever since my first trip in “04”.. My heart had stopped on one occasion as I saw the red lights flashing behind me, pulling over, then watching as the police car casually drove past a blank look on my face.
Still weeping
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberYou will have no problem opening an account, if you have a Costa Rican corporation in place. Much reading on your part is needed for a decision to incorporate.
If you have two Costa Rica personal references that can vouch for you.
But then it depends on the bank that you try and set the account into. Some may ask for a US100 initial deposit and they will give you a debit card, then you must wait for a checking account… but a bank debit card is the only one needed.
Bill Maes
You are stepping on thin ice. Be very careful in your descriptives of anyone who posts on this board.
This is a forums board for discussions of assistance, not that of slander.
Bill Maes
MemberThe only increase in taxes that I have heard read about, is the new “arrival tax” proposal.
I would say the friend of a friend’s friend has the amount misstated.
Fly Free
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberI have your answer. Your lawyer should have set it up properly in the first place and you would not have to worry about filing a tax report.
Your corporation should be placed in “Inactive” status when forming. I do believe that you can have your lawyer change this for you after the formation.
That will solve the on going problem of filing… unless you are active with the corporation, then you do need to file.
Snow and Cold in Colorado
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberTry this in three sylables …
S KA Zoo
Spelling 201
Bill Maeswmaes47
MemberHi Scott
The Bush Cartel is not the only group to continue with World control.
England is in the same sad situation.
It is much deeper than anyone, except the perpeTRATORS, can imagine…
One of the biggest bad boys today is David Rockefeller. Google this monster.
It all began several centuries ago with the Illuminati and has progressed from there.
The “HOLE” is very deep.
The Federal Reserve Bank doesn’t belong to the United States of America. It belongs to world banks.
Kennedy was killed because he wanted to nationalize the Federal Reserve Bank. Google Executive Order 11110 and John F. Kennedy.
President Kennedy had the treasury issue over $4 Billion in Silver Certificates for our country. He was assassinated five months later and the Silver Certificates were recalled.
One person from this group stated that he didn’t care who made the laws as long as he controlled the money.
God help the World.
Bill Maes -