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MemberMR. Sweikert and Sprite:
you don’t believe me in the amount of property taxes I pay in CR vs. the one in Tampa, FL; then do this and you will really find out
from San Jose head towards Desamparados all the way towards “Parque de LA PAZ” you will reach la “Circunvalacion” and when you pass LA GUACAMAYA (auto part store) turn right. On your left you will see CASA CONDE (hotel) on your right a gated community. 8th house on your left and you are at my place.
would you also like to visit me in Tampa, FL….It is easy to find also, walking distance to MacDill AFB.
October 30, 2014 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Business Week Story Today on Costa Rica & Tax Evasion #166514aguirrewar
MemberMemo to Scott:
11 diputados are traveling to France and Spain while Limon is in FLAMES (strike).
each one of the Diputados gets FREE: cell phone, car (gas), viaticos, free food at their cafeteria and other PERKS
more than 700 high ranking Gov. retired employees collect a monthly pension from $5,000 to $10,000
AND one more true story that falls in the BELIEVE IT OR NOT; my wife’s sister is a teacher at “Los Guidos” and makes 2 millones de colones a month or $3,773.00 and she teaches a KINDERGARDEN class from 7:00 to 11:00
MemberPlease don’t confuse Costa Rica with the REAL Costa Rica. While Jaco Beach, Santa Ana and Escazu are in CR they do not represent CR, for that you would have to see the hundreds of “Precarios” like “Los Guidos, Desamparados. Nothing but tin shacks all 2,000 of them and around 250 more between 200 – XXX amount of families’ of the same in San Jose and making an average of $800-$1,000 a month. (How much taxes should these people pay?) The first time I came to CR the exchange rate was 7 colones to $1.00 and a year latter my son was born. He is now 37 years old and lives in FL. So I have seen CR as it grows and changes but poverty never does change.
MemberImxploring is right in his comments; this place (CR) is getting more expensive by the hour and the GOV. cannot find another way but to TAX in order to spend.
Our house in Desamparados is 1,200 sq/ft and we pay $1,200.00 to the Muni, on the other hand the house in Tampa, FL is 2,200 sq/ft and only $900.00 in property tax.
Electricity/water is also more over here and also some food articles.
Time to return back to Tampa, so says mi TICA wife.aguirrewar
MemberIt is called “Renta Global” and has been in the news in CR for the last 2 weeks and NO… you don’t have to be a politician to understand politics.
It is projected that by 2015 because of the fiscal deficit the Gov. will have to pay 40% of every colon collected to cover some LOANS and that is why THEY are imposing every imaginable TAX they can get away with, just remember the most popular sport in CR is not futball but TAX EVASION.
Memberlook at the debt both countries acquired by dates Scott between Brasil and CR
4 years for Brasil to built a 8 billion debt and 4 weeks for CR to have an 0% inflation, maybe $780,000 debt calculated for to the World Cup
and at the end, still the same disaster for both countries
MemberInterestingly there was an article about the false sense of security the World Cup gave to Brasil even after spending close to 8 billion dollars.
Then REALITY came with the loss of 7-1 against Germany, the PARTY was over and they woke up with a hang-over.
In the meantime while LA SELE was winning the prices of gas, electricity, water, etc was going up in CR but the people were still drunk with the way their team was winning.
Now they have to pay the bill for a two week party.
Member[b]The rising costs of Costa Rica and doing business in Costa Rica are going to cause more problems and less investment from expats and business.
[/b]not only that … there is more
the level of corruption since 8-10 years ago have saddled this country with a HUGE debt. The salaries and bloated workforce in the Gov. (un Diputado) makes 5 million colones a month, then add ICE, CONAVI, RECOPE, CCSS and the rest of the agencies and you get the picture.
and YES, Panama and Ecuador are looking more attractive than CR by a long shot
unfortunately I am married to a TICA and she isn’t moving ANYWERE else 😀
Memberon another BAD news for this week is that Bank of America is closing it’s service center in CR.
POOF!!!! another 1,500 jobs are gone this time to India.
MemberAccording to La Nacion (newspaper) 4/5/14 Intel will layoff 9,900 employees worldwide and 1,500 of those are in Costa Rica.
The other bad news is the loan restructure Costa Rica did for 1 Billion dollars @ 7% instead of 5% and all of this because the 35 million paid to OAS for the failed contract for the road to San Ramon, Las Crucitas and La Trocha besides the disagreements with Nicaragua.
Costa Rica has some serious problems and the new President is going to inherit some big headaches.
MemberYou have no idea on how crime works in CR. Just 2 days ago in a stadium PANDEMONIOM erupted. 54 detained. Just a couple of days my wife’s daughter was riding a bus when 2 guys blandishing GUNS asked the passenger’s for their money and cell phones. People in the bus where throwing themselves through windows. want more examples??
Come and live in CR and find out.aguirrewar
Araya got 29% of the votes that means 71 voters out of a hundred voted against him.
Villalta the “communist got 17% or 17 voters out of a hundred, must be there are a lot of communist in CR,
Solis got 30% and is going to the second round. want to bet he WINS!!!!
This expat was there with my wife’s family (middle class) and NO ONE in the family of 20+ voted for Araya.
Watch channel 6 in CR and find out the truth.
Membera hot water heater (on demand)
gas stove
new electric panel box with brand new brackers
one tv and one computer
NO AC (air conditioner)
NO dryer for the clothes
and my bill this month still came to $130.00 (1,200 sq foot home in CR)
last month I paid $125.00 in Tampa Fl with 3,000 sq. foot home with all the electrical products you can bye at Sears, Home Depot, JC Pennys, etc…
is going to cost a whole lot more than $5 million, the White House has to send ahead of time an advance team to make arrangements with the US Embassy and sweep the hotel where he is going to stay.Make travel plans and inspect the roads he will travel, send his LIMO and other vehicles for support, communications (SECURED), food, extra security, etc..
He arrives 3 May and departs 5, 3 days total for about $10-15 million and that is not counting what the different money the PRESS and the Costa Rica gov. will spend.
In the meantime Washington, DC does not go to sleep, there will be provision to have in the capitol a MIRROR government just in case.
since the early 1990’s things are changing.
wire taps
camara surveillance
Patriot Act means you can be arrested without a warrant
militarizing the Police forceDo you see the pattern??? What is NEXT.. MICRO CHIPS implanted in the citizens.
I know!!!! all for National Security, RIGHT*****