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But she was gorgeous and a carnal delight! No regrets here!:D[/quote]Need I say more?
MemberI am sure the event will be of biblical proportions!
MemberWho will play the irrepressable Don Diego, Do-Gooder David and Sprite the Heathen?
MemberFunny David,
You remind me of the 60′ parents telling their kids to turn down the noise of the Beatles music. You may call my words noise but to those who yearn to be free, like the music of the beatles, to an entire generation it’s beautiful enlightening noise…
BTW I have an accurate attitude toward women (not negative just neutral)and a positive attitude toward men (if you can call most of them that). Its just that many men, like yourself, have bought into the feminista spiel. Sad really.
MemberCostaricabill how right you are (this stuff should be syndicated).
I love women; I do not worship them. Does that make me hostile to women – naw, just a realist. Ask the ones that know me including the mother of my child. They are treated very very well. I take the time to build my physical, financial and emotional strength and women appreciate me for it. And I am a Jesus man. But, there is a difference between ruling and being ruled. This is my point. Men are here to rule the family and the Holy Bible says that if a man is a good husband than the wife should be subservient to him.
I believe that you are the subservient one with a hidden axe to grind with women. I have no such axe. When women displease me I use the axe to cut them lose and thus my axe stays sharp, no need to grind it. You my friend have a dull axe because, unfortunately like some/most men, you have become dependent on the validation of women, you have become a son not a husband. I believe Sprite that you think a woman can complete you. I am complete and in no need of others to complete me. All people are complete – unless they cannot see it, as you cannot see that you are complete. Like you, men need no woman to complete us. That is a belief that leads to codependency and a dysfunctional life.
Who rules your physical, mental and spiritual house Sprite? Psychobabble and testosterone deficiencies will only lead you further into the darkness my blind brother with eyes. You have simply caved in like an old fart. Yeah it easier to cave in and lose the respect of your wife, and yourself, but then it is a mediocre life that you will live. Better to die a free man than suffer mental slavery. An unwilling servant in your own home.
All excellence requires energy and diligence, it’s hard to do and that is what makes it exceptional. You don’t need money to live an extraordinary life. You need guts and perseverance along with faith in the laws of God and not faith in the laws of man. Women have used the laws of man (marriage) to dominate men. I don’t accept marriage. I answer only to the laws of God: that which is natural.
Sprite perhaps your Babylon education and indoctrination under the laws of men has led you down the path of hopelessness. Hopelessness results from faithlessness. You don’t need to see things to realize they exist. But then again Sprite you may need to see things to know they exist.
Vision is the ability to know without seeing. I have made fortunes with my vision. It has allowed me to see value where most do not. Vision however requires the freedom to dream, squashed by servitude to a false God that freedom is nonexistent. Vision requires believing and you my Spritista are a non-believer, a fatalist resigned to the doldrums of leading a quite life of desperation under the iron first of a Latina lord. Do you worship her Sprite? No wonder you suffer. God is to be worshiped not women.
Every day I wake up to the possibilities of life, free to do as I choose and not as I must. At times, I simply follow the crazy wisdom of the wind and contradict the obvious rhythm of the campaign. This opens up a whole to realm that brings crisis and yes, I welcome crisis. I simply counteract crisis by reversal and when I stand over the soft underbelly of crisis, you know what I discover? Opportunity.
Sprite be bold enough to take the crisis in your life and flip it over, whether it is a women or a job, you will suffer the discomfort of the reversal but will later receive the opportunity to create the life you of your dreams.
The question is are you willing to go through the hard stuff, the discomfort of the crisis to arrive at the opportunity? That requires a gut check on your part and a decision to accept failure. I fail frequently. But it never stops me. I would bet that you are defeated by failure and that is why you are cynical about believing that which cannot be seen.
Don Diego, the hypnotist, visionary and magician over and out.
BTW Spritista you can thank me in the next life as I am sure all the validity of this will go right by you as the nuggets of silver are overlooked by those in search of only gold.
Oye mamita, I’m saving lost souls here. I don’t appreciate that you can think only of sex. I am not a piece of meat you know (well maybe I am). Don Diego again standing firm in the face of opportunity.
MemberPeople are people. It is the conditioning that has led us away from nature – masculine men are natural. Feminine women are natrural. All the TV crap has everybody screwed up. Let women be women and men be men. But the NOW women want to be men and they have duped their men into thinking they now need to be women. What a joke. Blow up the TV and listen to an honest women from minnisota who wants a masculine man to grab her by the hair and have unbriddled misbehaving monkey sex.
The joy of living is left unfulfilled by the breathing dead.
– Don Diego said that.
Nave, my mount. I have chastity to quash (a thankless job but hey someones gotta do it…. Hi ho Silver and away .. damn keep mixing up my TV shows. Anyways I got a thing for masks and so do my chicas…..
BTW my love there is no other love better than the love of oneself. Follw that and all your self love will spill into others. Foe no one can give you love if you do not have the self love required to recieve it.
BTW – you want to join Don Diegos quire. No matter your age you would be granted quire status.. Think about it and imagine the BIG rewards…
Machista attitudes? Haaa! Of course I have a macho attitude. I am macho. I am male and proud of it. That is the problems with whiners who cave into their wives control. Clip clip snip snip. Oh my brother follow me to the neurtering, it won’t hurt and you wont have those little monkey feelings when you see a beautiful women. Shame on you for leading stallions leaders to the slaughter. Do you think the viberant women out there want neautered males. I assure you, women to women, they do not.
The Cuban women are more beautiful than the Ticas. And much more honest. As long as you don’t play the “you are my only one etc etc” and let them know that you play the field, with no intention of marrying, than you will have the time of your life.
They love men who are men, and secretly resent the weaker males.
US women and now from what I hear Ticas want you to buy into that oh just do as I say and a happy wife is a happy house crap. What a line of horse dung. Men will never be happy under the control of women. It goes against or biological make up (testosterone).
Until there are laws against emotional violence perpetrated mostly by the female species, than there will always be the upsetting of the household used by women to get what they want. That is how selfish they are. Oh, I don’t get what I want! Than i will bitch a storm and make the entire household miserable until I get my way. That my fellow brothers is emotional violence and is crueler than the occasional bitch slap that keeps the emotionally violent in place.
The emotional violence is perfectly acceptable; however, the bitch slap is not acceptable in the US. Here it is. Actually, the women respect you for it and later come back and for incredible makeup sex that is an apology for you having to bitch slap them. Although they deny it, women want to feel dominated by a stallion. They talk all the “well he is good husbands material’ kind of crap but they want to be thrashed in bed and put in their place at home. Remember that and you will have a happy life with Latinas. Also they want to know that you have options and have other lovers. They love to compete against themselves and there is nothing more satisfying to a Cubana then succeeding in seducing a girlfriend’s man. I know from living it here in the land of Fidelito, Bucanero and rum and a lot of sex. It’s the national pastime.
The gals I now here brag that they have the blood of whores in their vain and that is why they are so good in bed. Just don’t get used to one in particular or your life will turn miserable in a New York second.
Don Diego not afraid of political incorrectness angain telling the truth about how it really is.
MemberTo the gal with the father in Boston. Anybody stupid enpough to get married, especially to a women (I am moving to California where they will allow you to mary anything) is indeed stupid, Why would anyone want to sail with their anchor out. Women do nothing but slow you down. You want to sacrafice your freedom for someone to wash your clothes? Get a maid. Tell me what do wives do for there men, cook? Haven’t you guys heard of resturants. I mean really. what do men need women for other than sex. And with an honest woman you can pay her to leave after sex. The dishonest ones want you to belive they have honor and virtues blha blha blha… Who gave who the apple. Just remeber that and when you want to bear your soul to a women after sex just remebr the gals father in Boston and how he married and got roped into suporrtin kids… with a women he probally only want to bed. Just like all the rest.
The old Romans had it better figured out. Men were for relationships and sex, Women were only for having babies. Now I am not sure I buy into that, but I’d rather marry a man then a woman. The point is I would bnot marry either. Maybe that mischevious monkey Sprite was talking about… I hear church bells…
MemberSprite, we have gone round before. You have to be baiting me, but for a little while I bite. Valle Vinales is one of my favorite spots to hang in the summer here.
Oversexed, well that not in my vocabulary. That is just like saying you can be too rich or too thin.
Too much sex eh? Sex and kids maybe all that life is about. Go forth and procreate young man. Now as far as sex goes, there is nothing and I will repeat myself – nothing – as good as infatuation. As far as this “soulmate” crap goes, give me a big break like the size of the one in the earth’s crust known as the Grand Canyon.Also as far as women liking men: Women don’t like men, they like women just as men don’t like women, they like men, as in friendship. Anyone who thinks they have a friendship with the opposite sex is ciego – stone cold blind and you are probably the most blind because there is none as blind as those who will not see.
The sexes tolerate each other for one reason: they need each other for sex and all that comes with it. All the rest as to why they tolerate each other is life’s biggest charade. I don’t care what anybody says its all framed in the “I don’t want to be lonely so I got married” – schlemiel. Most people get tired of the chase and simply give up. Like Woody Allen said, now listen up “marriage is the abandonment of hope that something better will come along.” Or like Groucho Marx said, “are you happy, or are you married?” That basically means that you have to tolerate the opposite sex daily. What a pain in the ass.
Dignity in sex, oh yeah like thse that celebrate eachother greatness by mating – what the hell have been reading or swallowing. That should be the wifeys job. It doesn’t matter how many you have had, it matter how you manage them. Women are to be managed. And if you can’t manage em, they are just like kids – as they will manage you. So if you are too weak to be a manager then you just cave in and start to believe your own stories about dignity and sacrifice and compromise (all of those words are code for sellout).
Your turn. Oh, do I need to lend you my glasses? Mami las lentes claro porfa, this guy is wearing rose glasses and a pink g-string. No no its not your pink g-string, it’s an internet thing again. YeahI know I know we have a better thing to do at the noon hour. Gotta love those bisexual women. Toodles –
Member“Misbehaving monkeys” That is a good one. Sprite are you a eunuch? Did you have some debilitating injury? Stay with the uptight white folk in wherever-it-is USA. We Latinos like to live. There is no dancing from the grave. Misbehaving Monkeys!!!! HAAA HAAA erf erf erf shh shh. Wow I have to wipe the coffee off the key board.. Yessenia bring the wash towel,, no not the one from last night my gosh she sure is a little misbehaving monkey, isn’t she???
MemberDon Diego still reveling away… I have been here on and off for about 10 years now. It has regained its old form. Plenty of action, girls everywhere, the economy here is better than it has been for years. Revel revel revel. So, if the part comes to an end then I will just switch hats and buy up all the best properties I can. If it does go capitalist and I can’t stand it, then I’ll just sail off to another warm water port. I have docked this ship in many a port and they have all been good, although I must say that some are diffinately better… arr arr arr … revel revel revel.
MemberHere in Cuba the doctors are great cause they have nothing but time to study. They are not under the gun to graduate. The problems here is the facilities. I use the estranero hospital in Santa fe/Miramar. Cheap by my standards and the Cubans, unlike the Ticos, actually really like Americans, as they see through my non-Cubano accent.
I predict very shortly that most of the US overseas investment and retirement money will be pouring into Cuba afetr the demise of Fidelito. Actually I hope he lives for ever as Cuba will go the way of Costa Rice like a grey hound on Red Bull.
Things are fine here with the 8+ $20 hiniteras and the dysfunctional infrastructure. Black market is thriving and the living is easy.
Don Diego living big living out his days con la communistas. Yeah comrade me to death my love.
MemberTonto I can relate to your story – although you should think about changing your user name as “tonto” usually means fool in Spanish.
Almost all Gringos I know are in some kind of self-made prison either of the mind or by contract. Oh and BTW, never used a condom in my life. Releasing the hounds bare skinned is kind of a Russian Roulette truth serum of sorts.
Ah the good ol days at the Blue Marlin bar. Perhaps no place more fun. Now I remember way back when Key Largo was the place for women. I’d take girlfriends from the states for sex sandwiches. Say 1991, it was almost all Ticas and I was in my early twenties. Even at that tender age, I had to see a chiropractor after a week or so. Now a day I don’t work so hard.
It’s no secret that men pay for sex one way or the other unless you are a stud. Maybe 1 out of a 100 men are studs so the majority pay. At least the chicks at the Blue Marlin are upfront about it.
Most married types and other semi castrates never understand the immense pleasure occurring at the Blue Marlin. First, it gives you a great insight into women and what they put up with from men always hitting them up for sex. You can’t have a conversation with a buddy there without women tugging on you in places at the moment you may not want them tugging on. Yet another thing about the Blue Marlin is the immense amount of fun it is to see and hang out with a bunch of un-caged animals. Yes, most in there have not been laid sense the dinosaur age. They freak out because they just had sex with a model-type for only a hundred bucks and start buying everybody drinks. It’s like a bachelor party in reverse. In the states, you can spend that at the restaurant and never get to eat your food (if you know what I mean).
Women who play men for money under the veil of love do not appreciate that the girls who play it straight only make $100 for sex. You get a lot from a hooker for relatively little. Don’t agree, just ask a man who has been hauled through court and is paying monthly alimony for years – and getting nothing in return except disdain. The big female players in the states are looking for retirement plans in return for occasional sex.
Now here comes the joke. Many guys there have never been with a hooker (or at least they just don’t recognize it), so believe it or not, they think they are on a date! I can spot em a mile away. They buy a chick a drink and some other guy sits down next to her and the drink buyer get jealous (I never buy a hooker a drink. Why? Cause it’s a business deal – just as a healthy marriage is nothing more than a business deal).
These kinds of guys walk into the bar and think they are on fire and as handsome as can be. Well they are on fire just as a wealthy man with a 100 grand car and a bunch of money to spend at beachside restaurants in the US is on fire – no matter what he looks like. Same deal, except at the Blue Marlin they are big fish in a small pond. And that’s okay, actually its smart business when you think of the supply and demand (fewer guys with money / more women without money). The point is they think it is there duty to support the women as if they are honorable. What honor is there in laying on your back for money? Sad isn’t it that most men (not most Cuban men though) think that they are chained up after sex to dishonorable women. Ticas of course know this about Gringos and the milking machine goes into full play (all possible puns intended). That is why they prefer Gringos for marriage and Latinos for sex.
As it has been said before (by yours untruly), women want power. Either financial power or physical power. If you have a little of both, and not a lot of either, then the best game in town is the Blue Marlin, a place that you can feel like a millionaire for a night on a couple hundred bucks. Just ask Tonto and the Lone Ranger Don Diego (oh-oh mixing adventure show).
I can sympathize. Although I spend 2 hours a day every other day at the marina’s gym and am independently wealthy, the little people need to get laid too (Isn’t that what the Brit from BP said.. err sompin like that).
Hey, by the way the new push to capitalism here in Cuba is having some strange effects. The girls are coming out of the campo and in to La Habana. Guess I won’t be seeing any of you soon in Costa Rica where my pals say the cost of living is going higher every day. Here I buy boxes or puros for $20! Nothing better than a Monte Cristo after a workout on deck… if you know what I mean. BTW Lobster here is still $2 a pound, and I have my deck mates grill it open shell and then I skewer it with sausage. Here’s to wishing you were me swinging in the wind on deck and telling yourselves how happy you are with the ball and chain. Time for the dip of the day. DD over and out for about a 20 minute pre din din snack.
MemberWhoa – ah there boys and playthings – playeth nice. Now I am here on the is-land with my Russian hands and Roman fingers having the time of my life living on ham, French bread and rum. Okay a little beer too. It’s about 90 degress dockside and nothin wrong with these babes here, as long as you understand they will never be your friends. If you try n cozy on up to them and bear your soul, well then simply put, you are done – toast. Furthermore, they are not from the States and have never been to the States and here in Cuba there is little US influence so I would say it’s a genetic thing with a whole bunch of penis envy. Castration culture has been alive in women since day one. Remember all those Bible stories about Samson getting his hair cut off (you fill in the blanks).
No changing them, nor should there be. The snake like ones are to be held by the neck and don’t you turn your back on em. The angelic ones are virtually nonexistent – an anomaly. So the best you can do is play the hand you got. That means if you are a stud you play your physical strength. If you got financial power, use it. They say the clitoris is the ruler of the world… well cash and power is the ruler of the ruler of the world… That’s how I see it and it works for me.
So if you are belly aching about women, you are really belly aching about you lack of power. Ain’t no woman problem that power has not solved; therefore if you ain’t powerful than keep it in your pants or be prepared to fricked over. If you ain’t the alfa male you shouldn’t be reproducing anyways. Weakens all of us… tooodles . Bridgetttt! I told you I am tired. Go find your little girlfriend and tape it for later.
MemberDon Diego Banned in Boston – Update at 11… Sorry Marv… too busy avoiding the oil slick. Gonna have to find someone else to say the politically incorrect. My testosterone levels are too high for this venue. Damn I wish I could remember what I wrote .. I’d like to reread it just for S&G!