U.S. Issues Wolrdwide Travel Warning

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  • #204848

    CLEARLY—-some people missed their ride to Hale-Bopp a few years back…….:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    while others have not yet left the caves….


    Why would we want to leave the cave if the sky is falling.:lol:


    bogino — you are really funny. and uninformed. right now there are 300,000 people in the streets of Roma. Why don’t you watch the Italian news and see what’s really going on and why. the looney tunes people are the folks like yourself who believe nothing is happening. you must be part of the generation that benefited from the deliberate dumbing down of the population. stop watching Fox news and see what’s really going on in the world. :lol::lol:


    [quote=”maravilla”]bogino — you are really funny. and uninformed. right now there are 300,000 people in the streets of Roma. Why don’t you watch the Italian news and see what’s really going on and why. the looney tunes people are the folks like yourself who believe nothing is happening. you must be part of the generation that benefited from the deliberate dumbing down of the population. stop watching Fox news and see what’s really going on in the world. :lol::lol:[/quote]

    “300,000 in the streets of Roma…”….ooooooohhhhhhhh. Do you REALLY think anyone really gives a Rats behind about some dopey Italian demonstrators. [b]COME ON……[/b]Look at the shambles Italy is in….along with Greece….along with Spain….along with Portugal…..along with France……and WHY?? Because all those countries are [b]BROKE!!![/b] And their governments have [b]NO MORE MONEY[/b]. And [b]WHY[/b] is that? The European model of SOCIAL Democracy which is a complete [b]FAILURE[/b]. Those DOPEY Italians [b]SHOULD[/b] be demonstrating. They are about to lose all their [b]FREEBIES[/b]. Italy could fall into the ocean and the planet would not miss them.


    you just proved my point. please tell me why all those countries are bankrupt. come on, tell me. bet you can’t. jejejeje


    oh, and bogino, please don’t move to costa rica because their system here is based on the dopey italian system. you crack me up.


    These guys are not serious. Nobody is that unplugged from reality. They are just pulling our chains.

    But since their pretended ignorance gives us a platform on which to present an interpretation of world events, I like to encourage them.

    It goes like this: They ask a stupid question or make a stupid statement, and I respond with an obvious answer. A teaching moment from which they can learn. They don’t really believe the stuff they are saying. they are just repeating some of the nonsense the corporate media uses on really dumbed down citizens, of which, lamentably, there are many.

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