Forum Replies Created
January 18, 2012 at 5:47 pm in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201086
Member[quote=”Scott”]Would love to hear our VIP Member opinions on the recent letter I received from a retired U.S. citizen now very happily living in Costa Rica…
[ ][/quote]
are Gringos now considered a race? 😉
Member[quote=”2bncr”]The Gringo way, Stress and worry about all the little rules and follw then very cafefully and never do anything to upset the big bad goverment…
Ticos actually most Ticoa dislike this very much because it grows government. However Gringos seem to like to grow goverment. [/quote]
That is problem, most Gringos set on Govt=savior and tend to stress out, a lot……ruins other cultures if one does not learn to chill…..hence, the “lazy gringo” post….As my tempermant is Phlegmatic, I am more laid back (and no not “racist”, which I guess means anything these days hat angers someone else-there we go, stressin’ :lol:), like our Canadian poster, I would likely stress the first time or tow I enterend CR, then would get used to things and relax. Sounds like she/he is having good time…sory to hear about the family difficulties and challenges, though.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]that $1000 is what you have to PROVE you have coming in FOR LIFE!!! they don’t care what you have in the bank, or whether you own your own home. they want to know that — for pensionado status — the $1000 is coming every single month while you are alive.[/quote]
Gotcha and that is for permanant resident, correct?
Member[quote=”PatFromTX”]I am a 62 yo Single woman who is about to go through my 3rd company layoff. While I had intended to wait a little longer to try to retire, it is apparent that my options to keep working here are likely over.
I’ve done a lot of research on CR and on my trip there have found I love everything about it, especially the people and of course the incredible beauty.
My question is this: Am I insane to think I could move there totally alone with nothing but Social Security to live on?
I should add that I am certified to teach English as a 2nd language, and while I have only very basic Spanish understanding, I am workinkg to improve on that now.
Your comments would be most appreciated.
Pat from Dallas, TX[/quote]
pat-side note to your main question, how long did it take you to get certified to teach English? was thinking of dowing that as a way to move to CR and/or as a job in retirement……any pointers? Can send me private PM…..
Member[quote=”maravilla”]it all depends on how much you get in SS. you need at least $1000 to qualify for residency, and if you have to pay rent in a safe area, it is very likely that $1000 a month will not be enough to live on. you certainly won’t be able to afford rent AND a car on a grand.[/quote]
that $1000 -does CR consider that total earnings monthly or after cost of living (car, home,etc)????
hypothetical-I someday move to CR and have a home that is paid for, no mortgage,etc and none here in USA…I have coming in $1000 a month or, certain amount in bank,etc..
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Sadly, making you pay for sonething you may not want is the very face of American merchandising. If you don’t believe me, just try to buy a single six ounce Coke or even a six-pack of them. Sorry, but if you want a drink of Coke, you’ll have to buy half a liter and maybe not just one. Who among us consumers decided that we want all that Coke?[/quote]
what a doctor I used to know called the American Diet…he had a Coke bottle from the 50’s side-side with average big plastic bottle today and had a sign in his office “this is the problem”….his counseling was big on diet as many of his clients were poor and had obesity and diabetes, HTN,etc…
Said MD was very pro-Hispanic and married a Columbian lady, lives part time in USA, part in central Columbia…..he was the one that noted to me how refershing it was to travel abroad, esp latin countries and how different it was to return to USA, noted it was very bland here in USA and consumed with consumerism,etc….yikes, their I go again “haterizing”……:lol::shock::D
Member[quote=”smekuly”]I am so sick and tired of all this crap out of the U.S. goverment[/quote]
Me too, but, better watch out 😉 som here might accuse you or racism against American (guess there is a “american race” or something 😆 )
Yes, for many of us that truly care about what is happening in our lives in the USA and those of our families,etc, are angry about what is going on and, how most fall for it or are apathetic…..guess, again 😮 that implies, vaguely, we are “racists”, what race, well, who knows…:lol:
Member[quote=”maravilla”]the vid did stop and start annoyingly, but i suffered through it. wordpress is very easy, actually. i keep a blog on there and i am the biggest computer dunderhead there is.[/quote]
I tried Worpress, could not get things to work for me, stuck with my account at Blogger and Bravenet
January 18, 2012 at 5:02 pm in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201085camby
Member[quote=”clewis”][quote=”Camby”][quote=”Johnzane”]For a company called WeLoveCostaRica, you sure spread hate. What else do you mean by publishing this obvious attack on white Americans? In Hawaii, we call them f**king Haoles. But do you see this epithet published in trade publications and websites like this? Of course not. Hawaiians are not about to bite the hands that feed them, and dealing with a few annoying tourists is not going to change that. Paradise is not without it’s snakes, but I’d rather not read about them. Please stop running anymore of these hit pieces, they do nothing to build loyalty to your brand, much less Costa Rica.[/quote]
Actually, Hawaii should be independant, it was stolen in a USA led coup, buy wealthy American industrialists (Dole fruit people I beleive for one).
Now, that said, America, the nation I was born, raised and still, live in, does not feed me-actually, much food is imported these days, much like everything else not shipped to commuinist China.
God does feed me, it is scriptural, look it up-who is in charge? Isaih ch. 30 echoes several psalms in that God, obediance to Him, equals wealth (and not, not some stock option). It equals sustanance.
Another point, I am a white European-origin (EuroAMerican if you will :roll:) male. I am proud of my Scot and German forefathers. I am very euro-centric, but also, look openly at other cultures.
I am a traditional (yup, pray the Divine Office, say rosary and go to a Latin Mass) Catholic, hence, much of Costa Rica, though a different flavor/history of Catholicism, I can relate to in many ways. Hence, that, coupled with great weather and nice Ticos, makes CR top on my lists of places to retire to or flee even to.
America, for decades of neglect, factionalism, partyism,etc,etc is dying.large parts are a war zone in major cities. A nation founded on radical “dont tread on me” liberalism, do whatever you like was the motto basically. Through in Deists and Freemasons, and it was a pot ready to explode and decay…..and now it is….
My forebearers, when they could not effect change any longer, left… too wish I. I served my country in the “war on crime”, crime won btw. I served 4 yrs as chairman of my states third party,etc,etc.
It is not hate to point out the obvious and documentable fall of the USA economically and in standard of living. It is not hate to point out the arrogance that the USA, on its own and on behalf of Israel (our undeclared 51st state), in that we tell everyone what to do and by gosh, if they do not do it, we set up false flag operations, bombing churches, schools,etc to get the results we want (for our corporations too). Obviously, you do not really have your eyes open and certainly, do not live in the South, where people actually worhsip, nearly, the military and relish talking about bombing and turning people/nations into glass!.
Ever see pictures of chidlren after a nuke affects them? or phospherous weapons?…something to cheer about? Bear in mind, most do this from the sfaty of their living rooms, 50-100 lbs over weight and never serving even-fine for your kid to go die for the NWO, or lose a limb, eyes or their minds. After Vietnam, plenty of people thrown like garbage out on the streets as the VA either did not have resources to help them or did not want to report them in the stats…..I had to deal with a few as a cop…..
No, many of us do not want to play “pretend” or wear rose colored glasses any longer (now, one almsot has to wear blackened). We do not like Patriot Act I and II, and all the other garbage that has been passed since. Not really wanting to be brutalized while a gang of TSA thugs gang rape my wife.
Yup, give it time and USA will happen.
So, please, stay in hawaii under the protection of Uncle (TSA-molesting) Sam….for me, want to get the hell out now…..
Thinking of looking into a neocon directed site, where flag wavers can get rid of me by donating…naw, they are too cheap and too busy reciting jingos and flag waving during their 2 minutes of hate……the real haters, BTW, are neocons and the 98% of AMericans stooging to them…give or take a %[/quote]
Camby, since I don’t know you I’m trying to reserve judgement on you personally, however you are making it very hard to stay silent with your racist comments about people in the South, I was born and raised in the South and I resent your remarks. For someone who professes to be a follower of Christ you sure seem to harbor a great deal of hate. I also see you tend to post a comment on any post made here which you may or may not know anything about. You said earlier that your brain works faster than you can type. Really? I wish you PEACE and happiness.[/quote]
how is attacking southern attitudes “racist”? I am white, and siad nothing “racist” about whites. Nor did I say one word about black people…..ignorant people thrown around words like “racist” and “antisemite”,etc to shut down the discussion, make themselves look smart/big and try, failing, to humiliate others…..
I hate no one on account of race, skin tone, origin,etc,etc,etc……if you lived in this increasingly fascist society of couch-war mongers and cheerleaders for violence, you would find it disconcerting, esp when one leaves and spends any appreciable time away from the USA and then, returns…Mike Rogers used to write about this feeling at Lew Rockwell….how bizarre the USA is to the rest of the world. I used to be a SOuthern Nationalist-meaning a free southtern Republic for all, white, black, Hispanic,etc.then I realized how co-opted most Southerners are to the hyper-Lincolnesque war/corporate mentality and realize, aint going to happen, ever…..also, a rather drab and culture-less society, USA in general, is….So please, do not put words in my mouth nor go jesting at windmills for some “hidden” racist meanings to my words, for again, nothing said about hating any racial (hence “racist”) group. I made no stereotypical comments about any race (white, black, asian) whatsoever…..I was commenting on attitudes and behaviors of the USA in general and in particualr, my war mongering area of the nation, commenting on region. Last I checked, talking about Southerners, or New England Yankees,etc was not “racist” as their is no such thing as a “southern race” that I am aware of. For Record, lives in south 25 yrs, married a woman that could, if she wanted to, claim daughters of Confederacy.Neither of us have ever treated anyone “racist” if you mean the common use of viewing of other races as inferior and hence, treating them that way. As one with German heritage, german is thnic, not a “race”…..
Being angry is NOT hate, seeing the destruction of ones home and that if others is righteous anger over said nations policies…Christ himself was angry at times, read Pslams.
So, to shut down the discussion, makes ones self feel superior, while at the same time, trying to look wounded and libertarian, one throws around words like “hate” and “racist”, etc…..
and yes, my IQ at the height of Hypoxia I suffered a few yrs ago, was still around 118, plus I am used to writing a lot of political columns in the past, my brain does in fact work faster then my poor typing skills.your last comment seemed snarky and..:D hateful to my intelligence….:lol:
that said, come back and live in south, where your neighbor is obese, where your preacher and congregants cheer war, then wonder why “they” are not converted and do nothing about fascism creeping into our every day lives and the propaganda out there….easy when one is living in paradise to forget how bad it is here…..Peace and happiness, sure……that does come from Christ……and hopefully some day, a change of scenery, somewhere more steeped, however imperfect, in a Catholic society (whether CR or Ecuador,etc)…..peace out, intelligence hater :lol::lol:
January 18, 2012 at 4:43 pm in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201084camby
Member[quote=”tommy999″]Whether you are moving to another town or another country:
If you are expecting a smooth transition, that is what you will get.
If you are expecting a rough transition, that is what you will get.
Human nature is pretty much the same everywhere.
When someone moves into my culture I naturally expect them
to embrace my culture,language etc.
Since I am moving to Ticoland it is only proper that I embrace their culture,language etc.Thom
(tico in training)[/quote]WELL PUT!!
Membergotcha, what a pain in the neck, esp since you are merely going from one airport to another…
Goign through Heathrow, getting baggage, re-checking it in while fighting my way through subway and 1000’s of people was a hassle and then some, plus lines for customs….but the Ticos, geesh, they have it worse trying to fly, as your example, from CR to Spain via Miami…..a real hassle……you would think with tourism, expats,etc, USA would be a bit more flexible,esp when we are with people from countries far less hospitable and less stable…..camby
MemberI keep open mind, hardly ever listen to mainstream media….not sure how it is in CR, but USA, you want news, dig on internet……and discern…..occ look at Alex Jones, take w/grain of salt.
HAARP been around a while, a weapon that leaves little trace and written off as “natural”
January 13, 2012 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201070camby
Memberre-read title, Gringos applies to many people, not just AMericans…..but, maybe the problem lies in that people do not do their research prior to moving to CR and then want it to be like some tourista, built up McDonalds/WalMart Disneyland……the idea being that, it should be “just like home” or if not, then darn it all, it should be…..or else…..
January 13, 2012 at 8:46 pm in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201069camby
Member[quote=”Johnzane”]For a company called WeLoveCostaRica, you sure spread hate. What else do you mean by publishing this obvious attack on white Americans? In Hawaii, we call them f**king Haoles. But do you see this epithet published in trade publications and websites like this? Of course not. Hawaiians are not about to bite the hands that feed them, and dealing with a few annoying tourists is not going to change that. Paradise is not without it’s snakes, but I’d rather not read about them. Please stop running anymore of these hit pieces, they do nothing to build loyalty to your brand, much less Costa Rica.[/quote]
Hit piece??? hmmm..sounds like Limbaughism….again, no hate, but really, notice that many here left USA-or other places-because they did not like where they were any longer.
and by hand that feeds-do you imply that the USA, like a rich uncle, is providing for Costa Rica? Is CR now a client state of USA? should CR “smarten up or else?”January 13, 2012 at 8:43 pm in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201068camby
Member[quote=”sueandchris”][quote=”Johnzane”]For a company called WeLoveCostaRica, you sure spread hate. What else do you mean by publishing this obvious attack on white Americans? In Hawaii, we call them f**king Haoles. But do you see this epithet published in trade publications and websites like this? Of course not. Hawaiians are not about to bite the hands that feed them, and dealing with a few annoying tourists is not going to change that. Paradise is not without it’s snakes, but I’d rather not read about them. Please stop running anymore of these hit pieces, they do nothing to build loyalty to your brand, much less Costa Rica.[/quote]
What on EARTH are you nattering about? This wasn’t an attack on Americans…by any reading![/quote]
it was an attack on dupes and certain people, maybe, certain politicians, attitudes,etc….not all people (like you, me and others). Sometimes, truth can hurt and excite….
I myself, not haterizing, just ready to leave and change… -