Rock and Roll – Earthquake in Costa Rica

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    It’s pretty sickening to hear those stories, but then we are a me-me-me society. The hotel at LaPaz only has 50 beds someone said, so I don’t know if they would’ve had 300 blankets, or be able to get the food, or cook the food — imagine the stress the hotel personnel must’ve been under? Didn’t the restaurant collapse? I can’t even wrap my mind around how awful it must’ve been, and then you’ve got all the whiney tourists wanting to get the hell out instead of doing something/anything to help. and then there was all the criticism about the private helicopter companies charging $500 a person to airlift those people to safety. Okay, so that’s an exorbitant amount of money, but the chopper doesn’t fly on air. Someone had to pay for the fuel to operate the thing and then I’ll bet there were landing fees at the airports. It wasn’t as though it was the Red Cross gouging people, it was a private company and who was supposed to pay the cost of operating those birds? It’s such a mess, and the aftershocks just keep coming. There were several 4.5ers in Colombia, too. And just a week or so ago there was the big one in Indonesia, so I guess the ring of fire is on the warpath. I’m glad I wasn’t there, but I wish I were there so I could help in some way, especially with the animals.


    We heard that it was an immediate reaction that the restaurant collapsed/exploded, with no warning, so as you said, how/who was supposed to ‘provide them with food’?.
    Maybe, when they think back on this awful experience, they will relish the fact they they survived with a tale to tell.


    The earthquake in Costa Rica on January 8, 2009 caused a great deal of damage as you can see in these before and after photos of the mountainous area where it literally stripped the forests and anything built on them from the face of the terrain.


    Thanks Tom, I have been trying to find those photographs ever since they first appeared in small form in la Nacion …


    Wow! The last set is something else I almost can’t believe it.


    I have posted the photos at [ ] for those of you who do not like downloading files from the internet

    Fascinating to see how the Poas volcano activity has also increased – That’s probably more worrisome for some no?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Has the La Paz Waterfall Gardens been destroyed? From the picture it looks like a massive landslide has wiped out the road. I am sure that this road will be rebuilt. I have traveled this road several times because I have needed to travel this route when the Guapiles Highway is closed due to landslides in Brauillo Carrillo. Thanks for posting these photos.

    Are you still feeling tremors?


    There was two more earthquakes yesterday, the strongest being 4.3. Numerous aftershocks are still occurring.
    The road to La Paz is now accessible. Damage has occurred to the La Paz restaurant and other buildings.

    More info:

    Edited on Jan 16, 2009 06:03


    Do you have photos of the buildings? It was so beautiful…


    Maravilla added this link on an earlier post, and there are a couple of photo of the buildings.


    Hi, I was on my thrid visit to CR and sitting in the hotel lobby when it started to shack in San Jose. There was a lot of shaking but no apparant damage. The hotel workers were a little shaken. The following day I went to my attorney in Heredia to pick up my papers for my resisdency, and she told me all the shaking that happened there, but again not much damage. I am still moving to CR this summer. Ron USCG Ret

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