left wing liberals

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    has costa rica been invaded by left wingers…how soon we forget 9-11…lets kiss up to iran,n korea,and whoever else wants to kick our butts.long live bj’s in the oval office.and you wonder why society and the kids are getting so screwed up.lets not hurt anyones feelings…tks


    actually, i’ve met far more right-wingers in costa rica than liberals. quite frankly, i don’t know which group is scarier anymore.


    When was the last time a liberal scared you with war or environmental destruction?


    I am not a war monger,my son served in iraq as a marine..but I cannot condon the idea we have to get along with terrorist and people who want to kill us . I also agree we need to clean up the enviroment,become less dependent on foreign oil,quit raping the consumers,lower taxes,stop spending so much money,close the borders,but still protect ourselves and get congress off its a** and do SOMETHING


    we don’t need as many police, soldiers and lawyers as you may think. Fear is debilitating and a terrible way in which to engage the world.



    Posted May 16,2008 8:16 AM postalx

    Pardon, not too hip to forums; didn’t intend to start this new thread. Based upon my brief exposure to the expats in CR , I find that they are an interesting mix of attitudes. The overriding quality that I found attractive is the love they have for this beautiful, friendly country, their new home, a fresh start away from their homeland, which many understandably see as going down the wrong track.

    That being said, it’s inevitable that folks bring their baggage along with their arrival. It’s no different anywhere in the world. Believe me when I say: you haven’t seen baggage until you’ve met up with a Massachusetts resident who has moved up here to Maine. They’ve already screwed up their state so badly, so they flee here but slowly try to re-create the mess they caused back home!

    The last thing I want to discuss in CR is US politics. Not only do I find the current state of our US representative political system broken, I feel powerless to effect meaningful change. Even more so from abroad!

    The air in CR is fresh on more than one level! Best Regards, Fred



    Like Bush, you have a talent for naming countries and connecting them in a sentence including 9/11 when they had nothing to do with 9/11.

    If “kiss up” means talk, I think you will find that the people who care about the future of this planet which we will leave to our children would prefer us and our one or two allies to “kiss up” rather than set a new record of being the one and only country to use nuclear weapons (again) AKA WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION to kill millions of innocent civilians in Iran to supposedly try and prevent them from developing nuclear weapons.

    Incredible logic right?

    And once again, why do they want to “kick our butts”? It has nothing to do with the fact that we’ve been interfering with them, overthrowing them, torturing them and killing them right? And that’s been happening long before 9/11.

    It has nothing to do with the fact that the US has over 700 military bases (plus many more ‘black’ sites) OUTSIDE the USA. Some people might suggest that military bases are not good at spreading ‘peace, freedom and democracy.’

    It has nothing to do with the hypocrisy in our support of a military Muslim dictatorship in Pakistan that developed a nuclear weapons program without being a signatory to the NPT which Iran is…

    It has nothing to do with the fact they we support a brutal family dictatorship in Saudi Arabia where most of the alleged 9/11 hijackers came from and you do know that FAR MORE funding for terrorism comes out of our “ally” Saudi Arabia than has ever come out of Iraq & Iran?

    And shhhhh! We shouldn’t mention the 200+ nuclear weapons our Zionist extremists have in Israel or they will all start crying about how many ‘anti-semites’ there are in Costa Rica.


    as usual, you are truly a voice of reason in the obfuscated facts about who is doing what to whom and who the real terrorists are. are you living in Costa Rica yet? If not, when do you hope to be there?


    (YAWN!) When I visit Costa Rica in a few months I’m going to see if I can leave my Canadian baggage behind for 3-4 weeks. If I’m successful, I might try again for a longer visit. If I can stay for two or three months baggage-free, then who knows, I might be ready to live there. (over and out…zzzzzzz….)


    Sprite…does Rwanda ring a bell?


    Sprite, tell that to the countless Americans that got fleeced in an uncontrolled land acquisition in Costa Rica…


    Moon, just a heads up, I’m heading for the CR coast. If because I oppose an illegal, immoral war of aggression, the corporate gangsters and banksters, Monsanto gm food, torture, the destruction of the environment and the Constitution, if you think that makes me a left winged liberal, then so be it.
    But you and Ann Coulter can do a victory dance, you win and I’m done fighting about it. The worlds’ wealth is now in the hands of 2% of the population. A few thousand corporations control all the wealth and resources.
    The only terrorists are us. So while you were waving your flag, calling us unpatriotic the true evil did whatever they pleased and laugh while the people yap about red states and blue states, right wing wing/left wing, black/white, lapel flags/no lapel flags. Do you really think Exxon cares anymore what we think or if we support Al Frankin or Rush Linbaugh? They made 10billion last quarter!
    It’s a shell game-keep us all at each others’throats, while Chase and BoA and Citi collect their interest payments. So keep watching corporate sponsored tv and believe you are forming your own opinion that left wingers are behind the demise of our youth…I’m going to the beach…


    Couldn’t have said it better, Tracy. I can’t wait to leave this three ringed circus and settle down in Costa Rica. It seems to me that most of my countrymen consistently vote against their best interests and in favor of the rich and powerful who have completely bamboozled them.

    For me, it’s over. I don’t feel it is possible for the U.S. to change course now. But that doesn’t mean I will stay silent whenever I am confronted with wrong minded, right wing ideology. Mercifully, I have yet to come across that kind of thinking from Ticos…at least not in person. Most seem to be in agreement with my opinion of the U.S. government, either because they live in a more socialist style of government or because they simply wish to avoid confrontation and disagreement out of politeness. Either way, that leaves only other Americans with which to disagree.


    fear is is one of the reasons Rwanda arrived at such a sorry state….fear and and the deleterious effects of colonial meddling, a result of greed.

    Costa Ricans don’t keep an army. Explain how tiny little Costa Rica has not suffered the way Rwanda has. Rwanda is armed to the teeth.


    I know WLCR is a happy, informative place, not a place to vent, but a nyt best seller, Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a must read. Here’s an interview with the author.

    Economic Hitman

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