It takes a community

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  • #203334

    [quote=”vache”]I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    Vache….if your not sure what you are talking about and about whom, I would suggest you sit on the sidelines until you figure it out. I take exception to your use of “kkkwhite”. That was extrmemly uncalled for and your assumption of me being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know nothing of me and what I do and beleive in. Kindly STFU.

    David, thank you for the backup on that.


    Haha, what?…are you going to shoot me?
    Better yet, instead of sitting on the sidelines I’d prefer just to unsubscribe from this forum and website. It’s become a complete waste of my time. I live here and joined up to read and participate about Costa Rican issues, not amerigun paranoia
    Have a nice day and Adios.
    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”vache”]I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    Vache….if your not sure what you are talking about and about whom, I would suggest you sit on the sidelines until you figure it out. I take exception to your use of “kkkwhite”. That was extrmemly uncalled for and your assumption of me being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know nothing of me and what I do and beleive in. Kindly STFU.

    David, thank you for the backup on that.[/quote]


    [quote=”vache”]Haha, what?…are you going to shoot me?
    Better yet, instead of sitting on the sidelines I’d prefer just to unsubscribe from this forum and website. It’s become a complete waste of my time. I joined up to read and participate about Costa Rican issues, not amerigun paranoia
    Have a nice day and Adios.
    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”vache”]I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    Vache….if your not sure what you are talking about and about whom, I would suggest you sit on the sidelines until you figure it out. I take exception to your use of “kkkwhite”. That was extrmemly uncalled for and your assumption of me being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know nothing of me and what I do and beleive in. Kindly STFU.

    David, thank you for the backup on that.[/quote][/quote]

    Sounds like a great idea to me. Thanks for playing.

    I for one gather very valuable information out of these fine folks.


    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”vache”]Haha, what?…are you going to shoot me?
    Better yet, instead of sitting on the sidelines I’d prefer just to unsubscribe from this forum and website. It’s become a complete waste of my time. I joined up to read and participate about Costa Rican issues, not amerigun paranoia
    Have a nice day and Adios.
    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”vache”]I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    Vache….if your not sure what you are talking about and about whom, I would suggest you sit on the sidelines until you figure it out. I take exception to your use of “kkkwhite”. That was extrmemly uncalled for and your assumption of me being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know nothing of me and what I do and beleive in. Kindly STFU.

    David, thank you for the backup on that.[/quote][/quote]

    Sounds like a great idea to me. Thanks for playing.

    I for one gather very valuable information out of these fine folks.[/quote]

    Sorry Scott, I ran one off. You can send me the bill.


    I requested to be removed from this website a few hours ago but am still receiving message alerts. Your arrogance and more importantly your ignorance assures me that you will have a very difficult time adapting in Costa Rica.
    Good luck!


    I can’t believe that there’s someone who wouldn’t want to go huntin’ and fishin’ with kwhite1 (Best Friend For Life):!:

    In fact, we just recently we went trolling for Trolls, and we caught a Big-un ! I can’t wait to see the pictures and mischievous grins.


    [quote=”puravidatexan”]I can’t believe that there’s someone who wouldn’t want to go huntin’ and fishin’ with kwhite1 (Best Friend For Life):!:

    In fact, we just recently we went trolling for Trolls, and we caught a Big-un ! I can’t wait to see the pictures and mischievous grins.[/quote]

    I ask myself that everyday,,,who would NOT want to go out with me, I’m a blast!!


    “Blast” being the operative term.


    That video was so creepy. Sort of an “all sweetness and light” version of Germany in the 1930s.



    here is another creepy video

    in todays easy access to information there is no excuse for this.

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]That video was so creepy. Sort of an “all sweetness and light” version of Germany in the 1930s.



    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]That video was so creepy. Sort of an “all sweetness and light” version of Germany in the 1930s.


    or North Korea currently.

    I have never been committed to either party. I just voted for the man I thought best for the job but mostly Republican.

    Over the past 20 years or so the Republican Party has moved further and further from my beliefs.

    I do support Obama but I disagree with what we saw in the video. I don’t think those kids really understood what they were singing about and I don’t approve of teachers getting kids involved in political brain-washing like that.


    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”vache”]I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    Vache….if your not sure what you are talking about and about whom, I would suggest you sit on the sidelines until you figure it out. I take exception to your use of “kkkwhite”. That was extrmemly uncalled for and your assumption of me being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know nothing of me and what I do and beleive in. Kindly STFU.

    Something that the gay lesbian community doesn’t understand is that not being gay is okay. I have interacted with gays, and although I don’t condone their lifestyle, I believe in live and let live. I just don’t want it in my face. But now even grade school kids are being exposed to the gay agenda.
    Some people are just disgusted by the gay lifestyle, but it doesn’t mean that I want to lock them up, or stick them in the oven.
    But just not liking the gay lifestyle doesn’t mean you are a homophobe. And guess what, if some people or the majority of the people are homophobes, it’s their right. Right or wrong! Gays just can’t seem to understand that.



    this is what I mean about parents being very dilligent in the choices for thier kids.

    not letting 3rd party people injecting thier own values

    which I also do NOT agree with people in influential positions like teachers.. etc getting involved at this level.. this is not thier job to do

    but this goes on all the time

    so back to the community collective.. if everyone came from the position of individual thinking and respect for thier fello man..

    this should not happen

    I would never even think about telling someones kids why or why not they should believe in any political pundit.

    [quote=”waggoner41″][quote=”VictoriaLST”]That video was so creepy. Sort of an “all sweetness and light” version of Germany in the 1930s.


    or North Korea currently.

    I have never been committed to either party. I just voted for the man I thought best for the job but mostly Republican.

    Over the past 20 years or so the Republican Party has moved further and further from my beliefs.

    I do support Obama but I disagree with what we saw in the video. I don’t think those kids really understood what they were singing about and I don’t approve of teachers getting kids involved in political brain-washing like that.[/quote]

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)
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