Active & inactive corporations

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    Of course I didn’t pay but we’ll have to sort it out somehow from theUS as we had to leave today. My husband thinks it may have to do with neglecting to reregister the corporation after 5 years. We purchased our property about 6 years ago. Any thoughts on that Costaricabill?


    [quote=”lyncota”]Of course I didn’t pay but we’ll have to sort it out somehow from theUS as we had to leave today. My husband thinks it may have to do with neglecting to reregister the corporation after 5 years. We purchased our property about 6 years ago. Any thoughts on that Costaricabill?

    No ideas or thoughts yet. I’ll be talking with my attorney manana to get his thoughts.


    We’ll be returning in February, and plan to meet with an attorney then. I’ll let you know if we hear anything in the meantime.


    This is an update from my original post in March. In January 2013 I was billed $400.00 for an active company plus $100.00 for resident fees (what ever that is). I assumed that I was an inactive company and sent $300.00. In March I was bill $200.00, the legal firms explanation was that all inactive companies have been reverted back to active companies and documents have to be signed before the company can be deemed inactive again. In March I sent another $200.00.
    I will be back in Costa Rica for the month of February this year and will sit down with the law firm for clarification and will be glad to share what information i receive with my fellow forum members. Jack


    We are currently in CR, and have met with a local attorney regarding the change in status of our corporation (inactive to active). She said that all corporations were changed over to active, and rather than try to sort out which should be inactive, the customs agency is just waiting for the owners to contact them to make the correction. I think she used the word “chaos” at some point. Anyways, she said we could go to Limon ourselves to take care of it, or she would do it for a small fee. We opted for the small fee. She said it would take about 2 weeks and she would get back in touch with us. We could then pay the tax ourselves at the bank as usual, which we will do when we return this summer. Anyone else get feed back on the corporation tax issue? I know some other forum members were planning on checking out what was going on during February visits as well.


    [quote=”lyncota”]We are currently in CR, and have met with a local attorney regarding the change in status of our corporation (inactive to active). She said that all corporations were changed over to active, and rather than try to sort out which should be inactive, the customs agency is just waiting for the owners to contact them to make the correction. I think she used the word “chaos” at some point. Anyways, she said we could go to Limon ourselves to take care of it, or she would do it for a small fee. We opted for the small fee. She said it would take about 2 weeks and she would get back in touch with us. We could then pay the tax ourselves at the bank as usual, which we will do when we return this summer. Anyone else get feed back on the corporation tax issue? I know some other forum members were planning on checking out what was going on during February visits as well.[/quote]

    Paid mine in January without issue… no magical automatic change to active from inactive. I’ve had the oldest one for more than 5 years so I don’t think that’s an issue either. I will include that when I had them set up I did go the extra step of having the books issued and paying the minor fees required to do so. I was told by one attorney that it wasn’t needed but got different (and apparently better) advice from the attorney I ultimately used. Perhaps that is the difference in forming the corporation that’s causing all the problems. All were formed to hold assets… not conduct business.


    No, Imxploring. Not the case because we had the books issued as well. AM COSTA RICA recently ran an article about corporation taxes which focused on the attachment of liens for non payment after 3 years. At the end it does mention that many expats are complaining about their corporations being changed to active, but had no explanation as to the reason, only speculation that it may be a ploy to squeeze more money out of expats.


    We have two inactive corporations that hold assets. Both corporations were originally formed as inactive; one 8 years ago, the other 4 years ago. They have both remained inactive. We’ve only paid the inactive tax rate (last month it was just shy of $200 for each corporation).



    I have too many corporations for a variety of online and offline businesses and like most people in Costa Rica, I have not yet paid this (IMHO outrageous) tax…

    If you have not paid the tax and have bank accounts in the name of the corporation, it might be a good idea to remove whatever cash and/or investments you have in those accounts just in case they decide to make an “example” out of you.



    [quote=”Scott”]I have too many corporations for a variety of online and offline businesses and like most people in Costa Rica, I have not yet paid this (IMHO outrageous) tax…

    If you have not paid the tax and have bank accounts in the name of the corporation, it might be a good idea to remove whatever cash and/or investments you have in those accounts just in case they decide to make an “example” out of you.



    Good advice since we don’t know how far they will be going to collect these fees. After the recent CAJA “adjustments” it’s obvious they seem to care very little about the economic impact such fees will be inflicting on CR.

    Unfortunately for some of us the leverage they can use requires we pay and hope to avoid the radar for potential problems. Nothing underhanded or illegal… just part of the cost of enjoying the many good things CR has to offer…. unfortunately they are slowly making that balance tip in favor of looking elsewhere.


    There is an article in today’s AM Costa Rica regarding corporation taxes for some companies ( like ours) changing from inactive to active:
    The fix looks fairly simple, but who knows how long it will take? Our attorney seemed to know about this issue when we talked to her in February.
    Glad we only have one corporation to worry about.



    I love paying for other peoples mistakes.. I really do 😀

    they screw up and I have to pay.. and spend all my time to deal with a solution


    I wonder how much money this will bring to costa rica.. as I would speculate a large %% of people will pay the tax and fill out the form.

    this is another form of theft..

    maybe sweikert can pay the tax for us..:D:D

    [quote=”lyncota”]There is an article in today’s AM Costa Rica regarding corporation taxes for some companies ( like ours) changing from inactive to active:
    The fix looks fairly simple, but who knows how long it will take? Our attorney seemed to know about this issue when we talked to her in February.
    Glad we only have one corporation to worry about.


    Our attorney was relieved that we hadn’t paid it. So we are proceeding with option 2. Will keep you posted on progress (if any!).


    [quote=”lyncota”]Our attorney was relieved that we hadn’t paid it. So we are proceeding with option 2. Will keep you posted on progress (if any!).

    you lose either way since you have to pay the attorney 🙂

    keep us updated


    Good news! Just checked my corporation tax on-line and it has been changed back to “inactive”, and now shows the correct amount due.

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