Why Would I Leave Costa Rica?
I came to Costa Rica, after one visit and moved here less than one month later.
I am sure that like most people I had cautious optimism about life here. The hesitation very quickly dissipated, and was replaced by extreme satisfaction with my “wisdom” in making this choice for my future.
A couple of months ago as I sat sipping a great cup of coffee and enjoying a scrumptious breakfast in the restaurant at Pirates Beach, on the Northern Coast, I was hit between the eyes by the fact that as I sat there truly enjoying my exotic, beautiful surroundings, that others were busy getting ready to enter the rat race (which the rats always win I might add), and were entering traffic jams, punching timeclocks and generally starting what will end up as a very hectic day…
Yet, here I was sitting there and living a life that they are trying to work towards, and this was just another day to me. That is the moment that it truly hit me how wealthy I truly am.
I don’t think that having multitudes of millions of dollars will ever give a person the satisfaction that I find so wonderful, in spite of my being rather thoughtless at that moment.
Living as a guest in this beautiful and friendly country where family and friends are still important, and people are not too busy to enjoy meeting and conversing with you has a warm charm that overcomes many of the glorious imperfections that are encountered here.
I have had family and friends back in the US ask me why don’t you come back to civilization, and the only thing that comes to my mind is why in the world would I want to do that? I guess that it is just my perception of what constitutes civilization that refuses to be reversed. This is a more pleasant, civil, and considerate society.
Just my opinion, but you asked!
Scott Eastman originally comes from Portland, Oregon in the USA. He has been in the hospitality and real estate business prior to ‘retiring’ in Costa Rica.
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