As you know, I’ve lived in Costa Rica for almost eleven years. I consider myself to be the same person as when I left California, perhaps a bit more “globally-educated”, but the same guy.

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After spending time with old friends and colleagues, I find it interesting how I have definitely changed. My experiences living abroad have changed my perspectives and shaped myself into an “improved me” (at least in my humble opinion).

Back track 11 years…I once lived in a very nice suburb where everyone around me seemed to have a similar work ethic and enjoyed the same types of activities. We worked hard, climbed the corporate ladder, read the daily newspaper, watched the nightly news, became “successful”, drove luxury cars, and went mountain biking on the weekends.

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I have fond memories of my achievements and friendships over the years — those will never be replaced.

Fast-forward to me today – I still work my tail off, yet I made a conscious effort to not read or watch the daily “news.” I do not answer to any corporate ladder, I still exercise (a lot) but I stopped reading the daily paper and have not turned on a TV while living in Costa Rica (for any news).

Whoa! Is that all it took for me to change my outlook on just about everything?

My friends in the U.S. are intrigued with our life in Costa Rica. At first they thought we were adventurous and “pioneers”, but after 11 years they have realized there must be something else.

They ask me if I’ve watched the recent TV sitcom and can’t believe we don’t’ have cable television (it is available, we choose not to have it). They talk about the traffic on their daily commute and how frustrating it is because they don’t have time for fun.

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I hear them floundering over what they want to do with their lives and how “stuck” they feel.

But do you know what is most interesting? Even with all their cable and TV, I find that a majority of them are just not aware of what is going on in the world. Why? What do I see that they are not?

While they are averaging 21mph on the freeway (speed limit is 65), I am seeing a world that is a mess. (Just so we are clear, I am not a glass half empty guy).

Most are not aware of the chaos happening in Europe, the massive issues between Russia/Ukraine, the civil unrest in many parts of Africa, the economic derailing in Argentina (again) or the never-ending turmoil in “Chaostan” (any country ending in “stan” or “an”).

I get the “deer-in-the-headlight” looks whenever we talk about economic issues such as the staggering US debt levels. Heck, most of my friends are simply clueless to that one.

“Everything is fine where we live”, said a friend in Newport Beach CA, where even the nanny drives a Mercedes Benz.

Most are unaware of the money printing going on globally — Japan created $1.4T last year, ECB created over $1.2T and about to print more in a moment, France is a mess, so is Italy.

The USA is creating new laws to keep their dollars onshore, making it more and more difficult for citizens to move their money offshore. FATCA, The Hire Act… to name a few notable pieces of literature. AND, why is gun ownership at the highest level in history?

Many countries are in a race to devalue their currencies — anyone paying attention here? Has anyone seen a chart on the continually rising income taxes over the past 30 years? Where do we think that trend is going?

I have no political intentions. I am, however, curious about this and wondering why my friends are not. Am I reading from different sources than they are? Obviously. Am I more intelligent? No, definitely not as I have some very educated friends. Could it be as simple as not watching what TV networks want me to see and hear and making the decision to choosing my own “news?”

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Without a TV, I guess I am deprived from not watching the latest Game of Thrones episode and seeing who wore what and where. Perhaps I am weird and drinking too much free coconut water. But the ones that do come and visit me in Costa Rica “get it.” They see and experience a bit of why we choose to live here. We may be removed from the hustle and bustle, yet we are more aware of the world around us.

Why My Friends in the USA Think I’m Weird – Perspectives from outside the Matrix…

Article/Property ID Number 4903

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