A few years back the world looked like it might come crashing down. Wall street was doing a nosedive and the big three automakers in the US seemed to be days away from bankruptcy.

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Many were warning that unemployment was heading toward the double digits. I kept hearing about peak oil, peak water, peak food production and lots of other peaks… Two years later and little has changed.

Fortunately I had a few dollars to invest. Though I hoped the economy wouldn’t come crashing down, I wanted to be ready if it did. Plus I wanted to invest in something that if things got better, would also be a good investment.

I wanted a small farm where I could grow a lot of my own food and in a community that was also close to being self-sufficient. I wanted cool weather, plenty of water. I didn’t want to be to far from San Jose.

I wasn’t quite ready to give up on going to the better groceries; malls and other stores and I still had businesses and a house in Escazu that I would need to check on periodically.

I started looking in the area of Los Santos. After lots of searching I found 5 acres in the little town of La Cima. As soon as I saw it I knew it was the place for me. It had a great area for a garden and greenhouse, a small lake for raising trout and in a community of small farms and dairies.

A good many of my neighbors make their living by growing their crops and take them to the farmers markets in San Jose. They grow strawberries, lettuce, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery and many other crops.

Nearby there are orchards of apple, peach, plum and avocado trees. Cheese making is common on both a small and large scale.

Since I’m in the higher elevations (7,500 feet) the weather at night can be cool, sometimes in the mid to upper 50’s. The fireplace takes the chill off.

Days are usually in the 70’s. As you go down the mountain you find the weather gets a bit warmer

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I now have my small garden and greenhouse, where I grow some of my own food. I found the neighbors to be great and very helpful. Neighbors here have time to talk and help each other out. Life is much more peaceful…

I still go to the city some to buy items that I want that are harder to find in the area, or just to see a movie or walk around the mall. But it seems that I do that less and less.

I have no regrets in my investment. I’m still not sure in what direction the economy and world is going in but I feel that I’m ready for most anything. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, why not contact me using the simple form below and together we’ll check out and see if the Los Santos area is right for you.

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Are You Interested in a More Rural, Self-Sufficient
Lifestyle in Costa Rica?

If you are seriously interested in living in a more rural, self-sufficient lifestyle in totally unspoiled area of Costa Rica, perhaps on a small farm, please contact us using the simple form below:

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There are 2 comments:

  • Cary Bhudri at 11:33 pm

    This message is for Tony Warren. I am searching for a large acreage in San Gerardo De Dota to build an eco lodge for bird watching. I know there are some lodges but it is not an overly saturated area like many parts of Costa Rica. Can you please contact me to let me know if there are options?

  • Penny at 5:53 pm

    Thank you for sharing we are possibly considering moving to CR in the future. I’m sure you hear that a lot but we’ve already been to Panama a it was lovely. We are coming to CR in February for 2 weeks to do the same . We come from a small farming community and hope we can find reasonable propertiy prices outside of gated communities with mild temperatures.

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