“It appears The Tico Times may have fallen victim to an unsavory ad offering deals that are too good to be true,” said Tico Times Associate Publisher Abby Daniell. “While it is difficult to screen every ad, we apologize to readers who may have responded to the ad.”

But how difficult is it to screen a full page advertisement that promises you, in the words of today’s apology from the Tico Times: “… dozens of electronic consumer goods offered at absurd prices”?

If someone offers you a brand, spanking new Apple iPhone or laptop computer for half the price you would have to pay in the U.S., do you immediately buy one or, do you ask yourself how on earth they can sell the latest technology for the half the price?

  • Could these valuable high-tech products be stolen?
  • Could it be a fishing like scam to try and the credit card details of hundreds of people? Or…
  • Do these clever Nigerians have a special relationship with Apple, Blackberry, Samsung, Sony and Nintendo that nobody else has?

What we need in situations like this is common sense which is clearly not so common.

When the full page advertisement first came out on 22nd July 2011, it was too-good-to-be-true from the moment I saw it but as you can see below, just for the fun of it, I wrote to Billy Kasht and I actually told Billy in writing that it: “Sounds like a scam to me.”

There are many different English language news where you can find free information online:

  • A big percentage of this “news” is regurgitated in English from the main Spanish language newspaper, and one source published an article recently about the problems expats face when working in Costa Rica without a work permit without once mentioning that it is strictly illegal and if discovered, you could be immediately deported.
  • We have another well known English language news source which claims to be looking out for their readers best interests, although they conveniently neglect to mention they have always gladly accepted mucho dinero (big bucks) in advertising from dozens of groups they claim to be protecting you from…
  • Then there were the seminars held by an association which recommended all new residents of Costa Rica to deposit their ‘residency’ money in a certain bank which then went belly up!
  • And when you are considering buying a home in Costa Rica, getting your ‘expert’ information from an article written by an anonymous, young journalist earning US$500 per month is probably not the best idea since it is unlikely they have invested too much in real estate anywhere.

It’s important to remember that unlike all of the other English language news sources in Costa Rica, WeLoveCostaRica.com has never accepted any advertising from the many “too-good-to-be-true” investment programs or the dozens of questionable land developers we’ve seen cross our paths.

Although this revenue would pay for the operational costs of the site, I did this so that you – our VIP Members – did not click on those links and get sucked into some scam!

Hundreds of people over the years have contacted me asking for help in advertising or promoting various projects and services but the majority of them just don’t pass the smell test!

Just like Billy’s “… dozens of electronic consumer goods offered at absurd prices.”

The only companies, real estate projects, products, services and professionals you will find promoted on WeLoveCostaRica.com are for people whom I have met face-to-face. People whom I have come to know personally, and most importantly – after checking references and carefully verifying what I have been told – who I trust implicitly.

If they screw with our VIP Members in any way, they know they will be crucified in writing on WeLoveCostaRica.com and, as one of the most popular English language websites in Costa Rica, this could be business-ending publicity for them…

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Written by Scott Oliver, author of 1. Costa Rica Real Estate Scams & How To Avoid Them, 2. How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa, 3. Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore and 4. ¿Cómo Comprar Bienes Raices en Costa Rica, Sin Perder Su Camisa?

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