Paragon Properties in Costa Rica – Part VII – 2005 Discussion Forum
Joined: 09 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: 16 Oct 2005 04:02 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Paumatom wrote:
I’ve wondered if they’re only interested in prospects with 25K who will not be expecting to close in the next 3/4 years. Then again that’s probably just a sign of my over active imagination. Anyway there just seemed to be too many questions regarding the deal. >
My comments:
I plan to test that theory with them on my Playa del Sol lot. The letter I received from the escrow attorney Mr Nuestein stated clearly that he handled the exchange of money and registered deed and that the deed would be delivered within 100 days of receiving payment in full. Mr Nuestein has been confirmed to me by 2 separate sources as being a well respected attorney in the state of FL.
In any case they know exactly what my intentions are. I filled out a questionaire that asked exactly when you expected to close and I said in 18 mos which is when they should have infrastructure in or at least a good portion of it. When I see solid movement in that area is when I plan to close. Oh and I looked at that website you mentioned in your post. I agree they do have better web designers but the prices were double what Paragon is charging. These are more developed lots I would imagine. It’s also over by Tamarindo which I’ve heard is a nice area but it is more than twice the distance from San Jose as Miramar (Play del Sol) for example.
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PostPosted: 16 Oct 2005 04:22 am Post subject: Parrita beach versus
In rebuttal to the comments about the beach having smaller lots indicating it is some kind of negative factor and people want their space. First off many beach properties are anywhere from double to 6 times the size of typical urban lots that most are accustomed to so you are not exactly crammed. I will remind everyone again that 99% of the readers here do not have a clue what a big piece of land here means. IT IS NOT IN YOUR VOCABULARY! Where you come from this is totally foreign hence how would you understand from zero experience. Why do we call it jungle, dah because it grows like a bloody jungle. We are trying to assist by putting the newbies in the shoes we know you will be in down the road when the realization of what jungle means and how much work that is. Unless your dream is to retire to status of full time gardner with motto “have machete will travel” you will be in for one rude awakening when this realization comes home to roost especially if you are not in full time residence. After that having neighbours instead of wild jungle to tend to may not look sooooo bad after all.
On the question of leases the government has never taken back a lease when the owners have followed the rules. Most of the problems have come from those thinking they could ignore the rules or buy their way out of it which time and maturity has proven rather ironeous and a big mistake. Leases are hardly something new or novel and are used all over the world particularly in sensitive areas. Saying that people would just be kicked off of leases for now reason is a rather ridiculous argument. In fact some of us that live here do not think that having tight control over the ocean front is a bad idea in comparison to what has been done in many other countries with runaway development.
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PostPosted: 16 Oct 2005 06:06 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Hi Dixon-
Re: your comments.
“Oh and I looked at that website you mentioned in your post. I agree they do have better web designers but the prices were double what Paragon is charging. These are more developed lots I would imagine. It’s also over by Tamarindo which I’ve heard is a nice area but it is more than twice the distance from San Jose as Miramar (Play del Sol) for example.”
In addition to the design I was talking about the content. A full disclosure of who is involved, what is planned, how real esate transactions are handled in Costa Rica etc. etc. Oh, lets not forget, actual photos showing the ocean and the development in the same frame. You are right though, Paragon will be a better deal, dollar for dollar, if all promises are kept. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you. True,we are 4.5 hours from San Jose but we’re only 45 minutes or so from Liberia where there actually is an international airport. ( had to stand-up for the neighborhood a little bit)
I agree with the comments made by Trevor regarding the size of lots.When I was looking to buy, the size of the property was not really that important to me. I decided I really wanted to be able to walk to the ocean and only needed enough land to build a house. What Trevor says about vegetation growth is so true. I couldn’t beliveve my eyes the first time I visited my lot in the rainy season. There was 6-8 feet of growth, it didn’t seem possible but trust me things grow like crazy and I’m in the driest part of the country.
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PostPosted: 16 Oct 2005 06:45 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
trevor why not just answer the question, save your pompous answer about not understanding land proportions for your clients. what size are the lots for $42-200k? I for one am not building a house in cr so I can see my neighbors 100 ft. away I may not be able to manicure my entire 1.3 acres(approx.5100m2) but the area around the house is easily maintained by a couple of men with machetes. I own a house in the country in the n.e. u.s.on 10 acres to afford some privacy no neighbors a bit more work but better than being in some slopeside condo. i’m not a retiree looking to stretch my ss check…i would’nt move to costa rica to live in a condo butted up against someone or for that matter in the city and i’m not looking to cash in on the so called developement boom of costa rica…also there are many concerns about being on the beach(a place I personaly don’t think one should be allowed to build hence it becomes like the jersey shore or aculpulco!) erosion, storms, flooding etc but my biggest concern would be building on consession land. fact: there is no obligation on the part of the cr gov. to renew your lease.warning: past performance is no guarantee of future results. I would never, ever invest 100-200 thousand dollars and my heart in land I don’t own! big big red flag. things change, 5-ten years from now the cr gov. may want to neaten up the coast after so many gringos have sprawled…read the local papers recently? I read it’s not a few but hundreds of properties that are being bulldozed or taken over. bet they did’nt think about this when they bought.that is a risk I would not want to take just so I can walk to the beach…and even though i’m “5 countries away” I don’t need a local so called expert to tell me that! I have spent many years traveling to cr and have many friends who live there and would not consider you a local as you dub yourself after a few years there. trevor you seem to have a big fish in a small pond mentality with your condensending remarks to anyone who has an opposing point of view.puravi
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PostPosted: 16 Oct 2005 09:04 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Hi Guys,
No, don’t get me wrong on “Tierra Pacifica.” It looks like an excellent place to invest if you have a lot of cash lying around. They specifically mention in their ad that they do not offer any financing and that they sort of expect you to re-fi your primary residence to get the money. The only problem is that you’ve got to go in for 150K to 200K to get a lot comparable to what Paragon is offering in terms of size.
It is a personal choice and subject to one’s own taste but I would not want a place too close to the water. 1 to 2 miles is good for me. The extra dollars and risks (govt or weather) don’t make it attractive enough for me. If I were to go for water front property I would go for a lake location.
By the way does anyone know of a convenient way of getting a speedboat shipped down to CR?
Very Happy
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 05:45 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
I am a retired home builder, land developer (dirt salesman), that will be making his first trip to Costa Rica the 1st of November for a look see. Let me say that after reading, for about two hours, about this Paragon Properties lot sale deal that I might be willing to bet a million dollars that it will never be completed. It just SMELLS.
I hate that it is coming out of the United States. The U. S. doesn’t need anymore bad press. H+++, the media will probably blame the failure on George W.
Art Surprised
Be there Nov 2-16
PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 01:19 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
We would really love to your expert builder’s opinion on these homes because the “opinions” we hear privately are not positive.
It would also be VERY good to know that “if” these Paragon homes are now being sold with correct title, my suspicion is that even after all this time, they are still NOT titled properly in which case, one can still not actually be the legal owner.
Unfortunately you and I share the same concerns about the success/failure of this project, but it’s not the US reputation that will suffer, it’s Costa Rica. It will be blamed on the “government bureacracy” or their “refusal to grant permits” or whatever – everything but the real reasons for failure.
But hopefully we are both very wrong with our gut feelings and all those people that have “invested” in land being sold by this group will indeed have a beautiful Costa Rica home a few miles from the beach.
Joined: 11 May 2005
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 03:06 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
This is the bumper sticker that is on the back of my car:
I may bring it to Costa Rica with me just for the laughs!
PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 03:11 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
That is bloody hilarious! Thanks for sharing and making me laugh out loud on a very ‘technically challenging’ morning…
We have to think of a Costa Rican equivalent….
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 05:29 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
That’s good Art!
You are the first to post here who claims to have a crystal ball.
If you are asking us to take your word for it because *it takes one to know one* we might have to take you seriously. Laughing
Good one! I like that. Change the word *elk* to “Toucan” or something. I hope Art did not take offense.
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 05:53 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
To All,
When I read about the person that found the “four corners” of his lot, and camped on it, with I’m sure dreams of his “dream home” keeping him awake at night I about had tears on my cheeks.
“Dirt sales” like these folks are using are not new. “Dite Sales” probably started soon after someone traded shiny beads to some Native Americans in the United States for land, then that person sold the land to the arriving pilgrims, even though they didn’t really have “clear title” to it. Maybe someone bought a couple of hundred areas, broke it up into 5 area lots, then took a “down payment” with a “promissory note”. Then the developer gave the permission to a purchaser to build a cabin, or maybe the developer built a “model” cabin to show progress. In the past a developer could survive quite well for a long time living off the “down payments”. Duh, at $25,000 per pop these folks can too, and “stirring the dirt” by pouring some concrete into some blocks puts on a good show for those that are skeptical. “History Repeats Itself”. There are no new tricks.
I really do hope this project builds out.
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 07:46 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
The issue for me isn’t will I get something for my money. But the future value will depend a lot on what Paragon follows thru with. I don’t see a *completed development* meaning fully complete with community gate guard and heated swimming pool next to the community recreation center coming very soon if ever. I would be happy with a few lots out of the 90 or so in my development, with houses, a gate to the area which can be locked and each lot owner with a key, and some electricity, water and road perhaps only gravel. Although a *completed development* would be the ultimate goal. That depends mostly on what kind of owners buy into the place and what they will want to pay for. Even so it it still a good deal in my book if we end up with the basics.
Lets be realistic here. It isn’t very likely that these guys will cut and run without having made some money on building homes. They have been sucessful at getting the permits in the Parrita area or they wouldn’t be able to put up their model homes as they are doing right now, right?
Ok so what we are talking about is how likely is Paragon to build some houses in Playa del Sol for example. I think from the evidence I’ve seen that the answer is they are highly likely. My only question left will be answered when I go and see my lot and what kind of view and atmosphere the place has.
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 08:27 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Dear bhdixon, and all,
Dear bhdixon,
Quote: they wouldn’t be able to put up their model homes as they are doing right now, right? I don’t know. It is a different country.
And somewhere in my readings someone advised to “go slow”, that may have been Scott.
Here’s what I am doing. I’m flying down on the 1st of November and staying for at least a couple of weeks with a Tico family that operate a Hostel. What better way to learn about Costa Rica than to live with Ticos, as they seem to like being called. I will ask them and get back to everyone.
The hotels are filled with people wanting to learn whether or not they want to purchase a home in Costa Rica. Me, I wouldn’t want to live in a gated sub-division, preferring to live among the “locals”. It’s their country, I just want to blend in.
Art Smile
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 09:21 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Hey, Scott — glad you got a laugh out of the bumpersticker!! I get a lot of scowls from the developers in my area when they see that, but it makes me smile to know they know I’d rather see them on the side of the road than that elk they just hit! Surely there is something that would apply to CR — as Dix suggested, Toucans (but not Tommy Toucan), maybe monkeys, sloths, etc.
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 09:37 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Well I know there were some posts earlier about the legalities of owning property and building in CR. Basically, no you can’t build without permits. They even send out copies of their permits with their sales literature. I have found that they seem to know the system now and how to work it. I’m feeling pretty confident as we sit now. These guys are go getters. I’ll know more after my trip. I’ll be in CR tomorrow around 8:30 pm. My tour of Paragon properties is the following morning. Good luck in the hotel with your Tico family.
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PostPosted: 18 Oct 2005 10:57 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Good luck to you too.
I’ll know a lot more after my trip also, as I slip around incognito.
Please keep us informed,
Art Cool
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PostPosted: 20 Oct 2005 05:41 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
you may think twice about gated communitys after your home is emptied out a few times. cr is a wonderful country but theft can be a real problem depending on where you wind up.
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PostPosted: 20 Oct 2005 10:47 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
I’ve read a lot.
I have a question – exactly how many hectares or acres does Paragon have at the disputed location? Exactly how many? Does anyone know?
It seems to me that they aren’t selling lots but are selling ownership in a corporation since the property, from what I gather, hasn’t been legally divided and so there is no title to individual lots. Is this true? There are no titled lots, right?
When someone talks of ‘his’ lot – it doesn’t seem to me that he has a lot but more a promise of either an ocean view lot or something else based on what he paid Paragon.
I’m just trying to figure out if Paragon is overselling – selling what they don’t have. Anyone can buy 100 hectares and sell 1 hectare lots to 500 hundred people since they are virtual lots and no one really knows how many lots have been sold.
When your (Paragon’s) property is a mile from the beach, there can’t be too many of the hectare size with ocean views – I wouldn’t think. They would have to own an entire ridge on a mountain side, right or wrong?
The overselling is what I think Paragon is up to. And I think they will not ever attempt to subdivide the land, because they have too many lots sold or will have too many lots sold.
I don’t know if what I ask is in all the previous posts – I did read quite a lot so I’m not asking blindly.
Paragon reminds me of some gyms in the late 80s – they started to sell memberships at discount prices a year before the gym was to open. As the opening date approached, it was moved again and again to a later date. Regardless of contract – I think this is what Paragon will do with regard to infastructure. Delay, delay, excuses, delay some more, excuses and the excuses are always the type that blame someone else (like Scott said, probably the gov’t in CR). The gyms …. trouble is a lot of gyms never opened.
BTW: I’d never buy anything without a title no matter the financing deal and I’d never buy anything that didn’t have a road to it and I’d never buy anything I didn’t personally visit and I’d never buy anything that didn’t have a clearly defined source of water.
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PostPosted: 21 Oct 2005 08:35 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Reports from CR:
Ok here’s the deal. We first went to the new Paragon office and was very impressed with the staff and the office just as Mbussanich said. Very nice small models of homes were worked up and they even had full and partial scale mockups of actual interiors to showcase what is avail in the homes they want to build for us. They have gone to a great deal of trouble and seem very motivated to build homes and make even more money.
After coffee and some conversation with Jeffrey Saragosi we met a few of the other people including Mr Soto the new Paragon pres.
Then we headed up to see the lots. The Playa del Sol and del Mar were right next to each other off the same main access road. Took about 1.5 hrs to get there from San Jose. Very close and a main hwy all the way. The access road was lined with very rustic looking houses with poor ticos living in them. At the end of the road which was very rough in spots we came to a small rustic house that I was told was owned by Paragon. Here we used the restroom and waited for our ATV drivers to get back from marking out our lot using a GPS. Finally my wife and I each got on the back of one of these ATVs and went down hills and up hills to see our lot. Very very rough paths with huge ditches and boulders. They were barely passable even with the ATVs. Of course we were told to expect this from the start since Paragon has only purchase these properties from farmers about 2 mos ago and during the rainy season. We were promised nice cut roads within 1 or 2 mos.
Anyway we didn’t like our lot (#16) because there just wasn’t any ocean view to speak of. There were nice views of the countryside and all but it was situated low and you couldn’t make out the ocean. So we requested to see a couple of more lots and told them we wanted the best ocean view they could find on an avail lot. They took us to 2 lots (#11 & #43). We like 43 better because it had a better view of the coastal plain and had more useable area (was flatter). The view overlooks Punterenas and was about 3 miles from the ocean. #11 was nice and had a nice view of the Barranca river as well as some ocean view and we were torn about that. However the slope was so extreme on one side that it might have been a problem if we were to divide it in the future. Jeffrey back at the office double checked and said that lot 43 was available and he would send me fax at the hotel to confirm the change. I haven’t received it yet but I need to go check the front desk.
There seems to be a few lots left in Playa del Sol and a lot more in Playa del Mar which isn’t selling out as fast as Playa del Sol. I understand that each development has about 90 lots or so of 1 hectare or larger. I could tell you exactly but i don’t have a lot map in front of me right now.
You get the title according to contract when you pay the full contract price. The title without infrastructure isn’t worth much though. I will wait for infrastructure before paying my balance. As home builders I think Paragon would be very good. The report from mbussanich and now my own trip here has conviced me of that. Others I have spoken with have told me that the biggest danger is of Paragon goin BK. However in the same breath the person I spoke with said that the real danger period for this is within the first 6 mos or so and they are far past that period now. So it is very likely that they will follow through. I have pics of the view from my lot I will email to Scotto when I return home. I can’t do it from hear at the hotel. Gotta go now but I will do more reports in the future.
Pura Vida!
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: 21 Oct 2005 11:47 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
In regards to “”I read it’s not a few but hundreds of properties that are being bulldozed or taken over. bet they did’nt think about this when they bought”” the laws that these owners ingnored have been in place a very long time. I think they were thinking is “”out of sight out of mind “”
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PostPosted: 22 Oct 2005 04:27 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
perhaps….but maritime zone means no title…if the gov wants you out the lease is not renewed. beach property can change quite drasticaly over time.
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PostPosted: 23 Oct 2005 04:01 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
I don’t own or want to buy into paragons project. but is it really so unimaginable to expect to get a clean title to a lot there once paid for? as long as you have title and they put in some kind of roads dirt, gravel and run some power to the propery….you can build your house . I spent about six weeks in nosara last year and they have quite a nice community very very pricey and even the road into town is dirt and barely drivable in a car and all the roads once there are dirt and pot holed and rutted. even the driveway up to the house I stayed in needed a 4×4 to climb it. so if this group has sold let’s say 100 lots and only have the down payments of 25k that equals $2.5 million dollars just for starters! I think think this is certainly enough to cut in some roads, power and water and why would’nt they? I think these guys must be thinking if we only knew about land sales in costa rica a few years ago they would have went straight a long time ago! is it really that hard for them to close on this property and get titles for the sub divided lots? many others appear to be doing so down there. I mean they have now opened a showroom in san jose, built houses and some access roads, when do all the nay sayers acknowledge that maybe this project is for real? if you don’t like what they are building you find a builder who suits you it seems that unless they are running a shell game they have more than enough money to build some very basic infrastructure and get everyone a title. what am I missing here? they are not building rome for godsake…just subdividing some land, it does’nt take trump to pull this off and you pay some local r.e. law firm to handle all the legal stuff. then turn over the s.a.’s to all the dreamers etc…and build your next projet.godbless them they got even 1 person to send them $25k with a bad web site and a shady phone pitch!
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PostPosted: 24 Oct 2005 04:38 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Just got back and wanted to check in with the forum to see the reaction to my trip. Will get to the photos tomorrow and email them to Scotto. OK Scott? I’ll include some appropriate captions and my opinions.
Well I’ll admit part of the experience is not what I expected but they seem to be a great group of people that may just pull this off. I wished to be a little closer and have a larger view. Instead of 1 mile away it is approx 3 miles. It’s not an easy thing to risk all that heavy equipment during the wet season so it was expected the roads would not be done. Since I chose another lot to replace the one I didn’t like, they have invited me to request an extension on the refund period before I come back again to see the progress in Late Feb early March. I would love to see the place with roads and in better weather to see the difference in seasons before I make my final decision. I would also like to see the other earlier projects so I can evaluate just what is being done and what commitments are being kept when I go on the next trip as well. Yikes that was a long flight though. But I did enjoy Costa Rica so won’t mind going back. There’s lots to tell so will get back
PostPosted: 24 Oct 2005 04:43 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
We look forward to hearing more and yes! By all means email the photos to me at
If it were me putting up tens of thousands of dollars of my hard-earned money to buy land, I must admit that I would prefer to have more positive, concrete feeling about the people and the project than they “may just pull this off.”
But ‘risk- management’ is very much my business and I appreciate that there are many people out there that don’t mind speculating and I respect that…
You should know that his has been a VERY wet rainy season and you were here at a very wet time. As you may have seen, there are hundreds of areas that are virtually impassable and dozens of major highways that are riddled with HUGE holes
I was at the source of the river Parrita over the weekend (which flows down to the town of Parrita on the coast) and there are numerous landslides and at one stage, we were stuck in a very good 4×4 and I was out there in the rain and at least 18″ of mud trying to dig us out of it… I love this place.
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PostPosted: 24 Oct 2005 04:34 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Thank you Scott,
Yes I am playing catch up at work here but will get to the pics a bit later.
I must say I really enjoyed being in CR. Even with the bad roads (and aggressive drivers) it was thouroughly enjoyable seeing the country, eating their cuisine and experiencing the people. Just as everyone says, even the rain didn’t bother me. I love tropical places but that’s just me.
The people at Paragon were extremely personable and enthusiastic; not pushy at all when they were showing us the properties. I can really see why they are anxious for people to come down and see what they are doing. They just sent me some recent pics of the model home progress and they have a very nice new office/showroom for the home interiors. I’m talking full interiors of kitchens for example with fancy fixtures and sinks. Special ceiling designs are featured as well.
When i said they just may pull this off I guess that was a little flip but what is important to me is that they seem very sure of themselves. I think if they were going to go BK on us it would have happened in the early stages. They seem now in a phase of rapid growth and are past the danger period of the intitial start up a little under 2 yrs ago.
I’ll get the pics to you today. I better get back to work now.
PostPosted: 24 Oct 2005 05:17 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Thanks Bruce
You must also remember to explain to me how you manage to post on our forum from 43 different IP addresses in California. (All listed below)
There may be some perfectly innocent explanation for this…
But unless you regularly use 43 different computers at work which would be somewhat unusual, we can only assume that you have given your username and password information to your friends at some Paragon telemarketing boiler room in California and they are posting their ‘promotional fluff’ on your behalf… Would that be correct?
Last edited by scotto on 24 Oct 2005 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: 24 Oct 2005 05:40 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Hi Scott,
Just read your last post to Bruce about all the different IP addresses.
I use Earthlink as my ISP and I think every time I log on they give me a different IP address, (for security I think). Could this be Bruce’s reason.
I am not a techie so excuse me for butting in.
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PostPosted: 24 Oct 2005 08:15 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Hello Scott and Art,
I’m not a techie either but I think Art is right. I know I most always use the same computer. My emails are sent through a small internet company here in my backwoods town. It is called The town I live in is Volcano in northern california. I know, wierd name, and It’s not even in CR Laughing
Sometimes I do send emails through my web mail web hosting company and I’m not sure what their IP address practices are either. But in any case I assure you I don’t work for Paragon. In fact they just sent me these nice closeup pics of construction going on in The Gables. They are very far along with the construction now. But they transmitted a legal paragraph with it that the photos are proprietary and confidential. So unless I want to get sued I can’t transmit those. However I did just transmit my own photos taken on my recent trip to CR. You should have those in your hand now. Feel free to publish them when you get a chance.
It’s funny you should be asking me if I work for Paragon
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