Paragon Properties in Costa Rica – Part V – Discussion Forum from 2005
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Location: Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 06:53 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
The truth is that if it wasn’t for the excesses of the DOTCOMS and the likes of Enron, WorldCom, etc., etc. I rather doubt Martha Stewart would have gone to jail.
By the way, if she had NOT tried to get out of it – she wouldn’t have gone to jail. She wasn’t convicted of insidered trading, but of talking when she shouldn’t.
They couldn’t prove the insiderer trading. So, I wouldn’t use Martha Stewart as an example.
I have no “class warfare” mentality. After all, even in the USA I would be considered fairly well off – much less here. And, as a president of a company, I rather doubt I would be yelling about how unfair that the presidents of a company don’t get prosecuted.
No, my point is that it is the rich and well to do that fill prisons – but the poor who can’t afford a good lawyer. Do you disagree with this? A statement of fact is not political. I am sorry, but if you think justice is blind – I have some beach front property to sell you in Parrita… Wink
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 06:59 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
1. Which of our questions did Mr. Gale answer in this forum exactly? We would be interested in seeing that…
I had no intention of ‘dragging him through the mud’ – All we wanted were some answers to some very basic questions which he refused to give.
2. And if he had indeed answered some of our questions, complicated ones like does anybody at Paragon have any ‘real’ real estate development experience (which he did not answer) – then just maybe I would have taken the time to visit the project.
There are no egos at play here, just basic common sense, prudent time management and sensible decision making.
3. When you visit a Surgeon, if he refuses to answer any of your questions about his qualifications and experience – questions that ANY SURGEON ANYWHERE in the world would be expected and delighted to answer – do you just assume that all is OK and allow him to cut you open and operate on you?
4. Would that be a sensible, logical thing to do when there are so many other qualified and experienced surgeons (and real estate developers) out there who would bend over backwards to answer your questions to make you feel comfortable and help you?
PS. Please remember that it was Bill Gale that contacted me…
Joined: 09 Aug 2005
Posts: 39
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 08:13 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
To CrTreedude,
Perhaps we had better start another thread about Martha Stewart? Very Happy
To Scott,
Glad you reassured me about the no egos thing. I would hate to think that anyone here posting in this forum had an ego Very Happy
I seem to recall that Bill did defend himself fairly well in that little exchange that took place but as I said I will go back and re-read to see if I can find you something specific to cite. If not I stand corrected. I was told by my sales rep that Bill Gayle was heavily involved in Real estate development in Florida some years back. I know they use to say that Mr Robles (former Pres of Paragon) had extensive experience in real estate and the legal system in CR. His replacement Mr Soto has more of a construction and infrastructure background.
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 08:35 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
It’s interesting that you should associate Paragon with Martha Stewart.
1. According to attorney James Coney of the Department of Justice (See < > “this criminal case is about lying.”
2. And Paragon’s website at: < >
States that:
“The government is also building an additional airport in the city of Orotina…”
3. According to Federico Carillo, the Costa Rican Minister of Finance who wrote to me on 1st September 2005
“An additional international airport in Costa Rica is not a priority at this time. Our first priority is upgrading the San José airport and the Liberia airport. We then plan to develop a new airport in the south west (around Golfito) and after that, if the studies show that the demand is there and the budgets are available, we could look at another airport around the Orotina area – maybe in 15-20 years.”
“… maybe in 15-20 years.”
Could someone not accuse Paragon of “lying” when they say that “The government is also building an additional airport in the city of Orotina…” which you may notice is in the PRESENT TENSE!
Is it possible that Paragon could be lying about other things too?
Does that not concern you?
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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 09:34 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
My literature states that there is a planned airport for Orotina which seems not to be a lie.
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Location: Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 10:10 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
There is probably a planned airport for Orotina just like there was a planned road between Ciudad Quesda and San Ramon.
Just so you know, the plan was longer than I have been alive (46 years) , and according to Tawain (who I actually might believe) it is starting now. If I didn’t see the engineers and the equipment, I wouldn’t believe it.
There are lots of “plans” in Costa Rica – to sell based on them doesn’t seem to be very ethical to me, unless you had a hard start date – i.e. the construction equipment is rolling.
Quote from the website “The government is also BUILDING an additional airport…” I am sorry, words have meanings and to say BUILDING when it is 10+ years in the future (optimistically) is not correct.
Perhaps it is in the same category as saying they are BUILDING the infrastructure you are going to need. You better hope not.
You seem bound and determined to defend them – why I don’t know. Their future valuations have to be based on being near to the non-existant airport. When you visit, ask to see the construction of the airport and ask how soon it will be finished. I will be interested in hearing what they say and what you see.
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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 11:22 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
To CrTreedude
I hate to be in the position of defending *them*. I guess I am more defending my decision to buy land with them at least for now. It should be remembered that under their contract i have 6 mos to think about things and within that time I can get my original deposit back and cancel the whole thing. It seems they have gone out of their way to make sure people are comfortable with their investment and why not? So far everyone I’ve heard from that has gone and seen their other developments and their own lots has been very impressed. I haven’t heard of one person who has come back and said wow I looked at my lot and it was crap so I cancelled. There was that one guy who only paid 16K and thought his ocean view was too far away but for some reason didn’t cancel when he first saw it. Now he has buyer’s remorse. That’s why you have to go and see the lot you are buying before you commit. That’s what I’m going to do. I’m not a dummy. Hey I’m a CEO too of an electronics company here in CA USA. Actually even after committing, at the end of the 5 years if you can’t pay or decide not to pay the balance, the contract says that again the contract is cancelled and you are entitled to a full refund. The difference seems to be that after that initial 6 mos if you decide you want to cancel then you have to wait for 5 years. Also at that time it may be harder to get your money back since it is in CR and not still in the Escrow agent’s hands in FL.
On the Airport in Orotina,
This was never an issue for me. I’ve been in sales long enough to know salesman always puff up their product and you just have to know how to see thru the puffy claims. Everyone know that an airport anywhere, even here in the US can never be counted on. Heck there’s a place called Palmdale out in the desert just outside Los Angeles. They’ve been threatening to build an airport out there for decades and still isn’t in the works. Freakin A, the whole country of CR is about he size of Los Angeles County! It would be nice to have an airport there in Orotina but it isn’t a deal breaker for me. Actually if it does happen in 10 to 15 that will be just fine for me, just in time for my retirement. Very Happy
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Location: Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 11:43 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
I am not trying to attack you just so you know. I really don’t understand. There are many people willing to sell you a property down here – why go with people who can’t get their facts straight at the very least?
A deal is only as good as a person’s word down here in my opinion. Going to court to retrieve your money is a joke – it will take years. Also, if they end up going belly-up, all promises to return the money go out the window. Surely you realize this – but you keep talking about that if the property isn’t good, you will get your money back. What if there is a run on the bank and everyone decides to go for their money at once? If too many people want their money, what do you think is going to happen? What if they are unable to get their permissions, etc. etc. in a timely fashion? I can tell you from personal experiences that EVERYTHING takes longer here – and being upset doesn’t help in the least.
Even if you don’t care that the airport is being built – how does their “bending” the truth sit with you? If I am willing to tell people that something is in order to sell properties – what else am I not telling you?
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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2005 11:57 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Below you will find some exerpts taken from this thread:
Scott had asked 3 questions initially before bombarding Mr Gayle with a mile long list of *followup* questions. Here is Mr Gayles reponse to the intial questions:
Mr Gayle writes:
I’ll answer your three questions, but I don’t want to see more questions as a means of your avoiding the issues. Odds are that the other readers of this Forum are now questioning your bona fides as an honest, disinterested journalist. Please, Mr. Oliver, lets keep on the issues, without personal attacks and without posts that do not serve to inform your readers, and the readers of this Forum.
In answer to your first question, I am chairman of the board of directors of Paragon Properties of Costa Rica, S.A. In answer to your second question, I have never participated or associated in any commercial venture with Steve Tashman. Until he agreed to serve as my consultant in Paragon, our relationship had been strictly social. His contributions to the acquisition of property and installation of infrastructure have been of tremendous value to our customers, allowing us to pass on amazing discounts to purchasers. In answer to your third question, the issue is not will I answer your questions on this ForumI have plainly done thatthe real question is, will you answer mine, and write honestly about what you see with your own eyes?
bhdixon narrates:
Note: Scott refused the invitation to look at the properties in question. Since then numerous posts have revealed that Paragaon was indeed building the infrastructure in the time frames promised. It should also be noted that the author of this post does not fault Mr Oliver for being skeptical and asking questions. My only point of re-posting the exerpts was to show that Mr Gayle played along for awhile and agreed to answer more questions if Mr Oliver would visit the properties. Since Scott made the decision not to visit, then Mr Gayle chose to no longer engage the forum. Stand off. Plain and simple just as stated in my previous post.
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Posts: 39
PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 12:17 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
To CrTreedude:
Hey I know you are not attacking me. You seem like a good guy.
Ok, I’ll give you my thoughts briefly:
If the quality of the land is what I think it is, no one down there can beat Paragons deal. 85K for a spectacular view. These are the newest lots. From the map this lot is located on a small land bridge and has a gorgeous 180 deg view of ocean at least. I’ve seen it in photos emailed to me from the Director of Operations (Very personable guy, direct, straight shooter IMO, not a “salesman” type). Of course I will verify the view when I go down in Oct. Trust but verify, a good saying.
And it’s not just the price of the land but the way they structure the financing. 0% interest for 5 years. Perfect. Not too long and not too short. Of course if you want to close sooner that is your option.
When I say I can get my money back I’m not talking about 5 years from now. I’m talking in just a few months. If it came to that, heaven forbid, I doubt Paragon would go belly up in that short time. They seem to be going on all 8 cylinders to me. In five years there is no telling but chances are they will be as successful as ever. That’s the judgement you have to make. You gotta figure that if your deal is good, then most likely others are making good deals as well with them and if I am satified with the service and there’s nothing special about me, it is likely that others are satisfied as well. If everyone is satisfied then no belly up. After this they will likely expand into Nicaragua with all the experience they gained in CR.
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 12:27 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
oh and another thing:
I may close on this early, as soon as the roads and electricity are in. So if you’re worried about holding onto the corp and not having the deed in hand then close early. Simple. They give you the fully registered deed within 100 days of receiving the full contract price.
The thing is I’m up here in CA and I don’t thing I’d be able to spend the time to really do a deal down there with a Tico. It seems like it would mean a lot of trips and research and what have you. As I mentioned before I’ve got a small business and a couple of whipper snappers to look after with my “esposa”. So it just isn’t practical for me to go thru the whole *go it alone* thing. Paragon is taking care of the details so I don’t have to.
Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 04:35 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
It is my understanding that the $35k is in escrow for a very short time. Once the Agreement is ratified the money goes to Paragon. I wish you good luck with your purshase.
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 03:50 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
bhdixon- As I have said before, I hope all the best for you, and I do agree that the shortest time you are in escrow would reduce the chances for things to go upsidedown.
I also think, however, that the ‘asking the surgeon question’ analogy ScottO gave was valid.
I will just say it this way.
I am in the architectural design biz and deal with realtors, builders, developers, engineers, architects, et al all the time – and have for 18 years. BTW, I am not quite 40, but ceratinaly a ‘pirate looking at 40.’
I read the list Scott asked when it was posted. It is a reasonable list of Q’s in my learned opinion, based on the info provided previously by Paragon. And, a simple list to answer, if everything were in order (like yes, we have this or that permit, no, that permit is pending we expect it in the near future, yes, we got that last month but the paperwork hasn’t caught up with the computer, etc).
Mr. Gale’s incredible lack of response only indicates a few potential options for me.
1) He could just assume that there are many more fish in the sea and disregard Scott, since he’s obviously not in the market as a customer anyway.
2) He has a ton of answers and hasn’t gotten around to answering them yet because he’s selling like hotcakes.
3) He doesn’t have a clue and wants to smokescreen it until it ‘goes away.’
4) He would prefer to show Scott in person all the wonderful things he’s done, and doesn’t want to waste 30 minutes on the computer, but would rather spend hours with Scott.
5) He has something to hide and ought to be avoided.
Quite frankly, if I were Scott, I don’t think I’d plan a 5 hour drive, and then several hours of time with Mr. Gale touring a couple of developments (or searching in vain for the airport or highway), spend the night, and then drive back another 5 hours the next day, all based on the response from Mr. Gale, and all at my personal expense!
Two more points to ponder.
One, things in CR are not the same as here. No other way to put it, but I agree with crtreedude. A handshake and a relationship go farther than ink. Even if you like the paperwork, I wouldn’t trust it as much as seeing and believing. You are going down there. Please check the water bibbs and sewer taps! Seeing pipe is NOT the same as running liquids and permits for their construction.
Two, the verbal answers I got when I asked about the airport and highway were standard Tom Hopkins Sales Training style. (You remember those, right? Ignore the first time you hear an objection and it isn’t real unless asked again? Then deflect with humor if you do not have the answer? Then attack the question if it comes again?) Well, let’s just say, I didn’t give up, and the answers were sad. I understand that some selling agencies take a little liberty with their slick work, but claiming that “of course Jim, you’d have to agree that your property would greatly benefit if there is a new airport nearby, wouldn’t you?” That is a transcript of the best answer I got after the fifth attempt to get a simple answer about the existence of an airport I already knew didn’t exist. (I have already toured Orotina and surrounds. They simply refused to answer yes, or no.)
Lastly, I am pretty sure there are a few spies from Paragon posting on this very forum in support of them, and I imagine that the boilerroom in Florida has about 10 people in it. I can see it now, with Mr. Gale, and a couple of salesmen, along with about 5-7 college students trying to sell on the phones, attempting to give the illusion of a large development corporation.
While there is nothing wrong with a group of 5-10 people running the entire CR and FL operation and I do believe it’s certainly possible, they do put out the impression that they are made of numerous employees trying to keep up with all of the development. My gut tells me that based on how easy it was to contact all of the players (except Mr. Gale – didn’t know he was someone I’d like to chat with while all this was going on). See, in a development company as ‘big’ as Paragon, it’d be very lucky, or amazingly rare to be able to reach all of these powerful folks so easily – they should be meeting with other busy bees, bankers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, contractors, etc, not selling. I could be, and certainly hope I am wrong. They could have just figured out how to be better in customer service than just about any development company I have ever seen on any scale, large or small.
I also understand that you have to go with your own gut, so Buena Suerte!!! I’ll keep the tums for you just in case.
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 03:59 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
And another thing. I think I am going to stop my discussion of paragon. I can’t find anything to say that is provable and good, and I cannot prove that they actually said YES, THEY ARE BUILDING AN AIRPORT IN OROTINA, and therefore bad.
As someday in the coming months I hope to be a micro competitor of them, I think from now on I’ll keep my opinions to myself. Maybe the non-confrontational attitude of the Tico’s is changing my heart – part of the Tico-in-training program I am on.
I would look into my crystal ball, though, and foresee that the recent article in the Tico Times will become the standard answer for anyone (maybe even Paragon) trying to persuade gringos that the airport is as good as on the ground. The article only talks about the distant future, and if shown to gringos as though it were in the US, would probably persuade 90% of them it was coming soon. In CR, the fish from the market wouldn’t want to be wrapped in that story.
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 04:22 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
That is true but is dependent upon when you visit your property. The contract states that is does not take effect until you have viewed the property and approved your lot. So theoretically if you took the whole 6 mos to go see your property, the deposit would be in escrow for that long.
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 04:42 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
My last post was to Jacquesba by the way:
To Jim,
Yes, I hear what your saying about Scott and Bill but again I think it was a simple standoff. Bill threw everything back at Scott and said hey come visit if you want me to answer more questions and Scott said no. End of story.
Personally, it would have benefited me to have Scott go as an emmisary from this forum and find out first hand about things us gringos back in the states would like to know. Otherwise we are just getting a bunch of egos with speculations and opinions. But I understand whats going on here I think. You’ve got some upstart florida company coming in with millions of dollars and spending millions on Television advertising and it is displacing some of the small operations that have been operating in CR for years and decades. Naturally there will be resistance to some upstart new kid on the block doing this. I have heard the sentiment in many comments directly and indirectly stating “buy from Ticos.” These upstarts are invading our turf is basically the underlying attitude that I read between the lines. Understandable. I’d probably have the same attitude if the situation was reversed. Doesn’t mean the skepticism isn’t valid. It may well be and it could all turn out bad. But it is also possible it will all turn out well. I like whats happening so far. I’ll say one thing: for being such small boiler room operation as some seem to think, they sure have spent a lot of money on television and seem to have enough personel in several offices to tend to all my questions and needs. I have been getting near immediate responses on requests for various things.
Joined: 25 May 2005
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Location: Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica
PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 05:24 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Actually, buying from Ticos isn’t always the cheapest way. Often a Tico will see your blue eyes (or pale skin) and jack up the price.
There are lots of big operators down here and I don’t see anyone posting against them. This one is giving some people the willies because of their claims and they way they are doing business.
There are a lot more developers down here than Paragon and some have very good track records. All you have to do is a little research and you can find plenty. It isn’t like Costa Rica didn’t exist until Paragon discovered it.
What is odd to me is that if I had the ability to make my case on a list like this, I would take every opportunity I could to answer questions. If I had a credibility issue, I would at my own expense have someone investigate all issues that were brought up. The behavior of Paragon is non-typical.
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 06:03 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
LOLOL, ok ok ok, I’ll bite…. 9 projects times average of 100 lots each times $60,000 per lot = 54 M I L L I O N dollars…. yep, I think that would pay for some nice ads… and not only have they not completed 9 projects yet, they sure haven’t spent all that on infrastructure! But that’s how much cash they’ve got…so far. BTW, that should certainly cushion you if you decide on a refund!!! AND, when you go, you’ll see there’s plenty of room for competition – the whole countryside is ‘for sale.’
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PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 06:12 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Hey, look what I just found…. (ScottO. How does this fit into searching the Tico Times classifieds?!?!?!?)
Guide to Real Estate Terms
To spare others from dashed hopes, shattered dreams, and tired feet, here is a guide to familiar
real-estate ad phrases.
Charming – Tiny. Snow White might fit, but five of the dwarfs would have to find their own place.
See “Cute,” “Enchanting,” and “Good Starter Home.”
Much Potential – Grim. Steer clear unless you have a lot of money and believe your blind dates
really did have nice personalities. See “Ready to Rehab,” and “Fixer Upper.”
Unique City Home – Used to be a warehouse.
Hi-Tech/Contemporary – Lots of steel shelving with little holes – the kind your dad used to store
tools on in the basement.
Daring Design – Still a warehouse.
Completely Updated – Avocado dishwasher and harvest gold carpeting or vice versa.
Sophisticated – Black walls and no windows. See “Architect’s Delight.”
One-Of-A-Kind – Ugly as sin.
Brilliant Concept – Do you really need a two-story live oak in your 30-foot sky dome? See “Makes
Dramatic Statement.”
Upper Bracket – If you have to ask . . .
You’ll Love It – No, you won’t.
Must See To Believe – An absolutely accurate statement.
Joined: 09 Aug 2005
Posts: 39
PostPosted: 08 Sep 2005 06:33 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Love it! Yes, that certainly sums up the real estate biz and terms.
You know, I just want to make sure everyone knows I am not attacking Scott. Scott has done a terrific job on his web site and I only wish my skills as a web designer were half as good. I did my company’s site but it is no where near as elaborate as this. Very nicely done.
Listen, Scott is in a tight spot with regard to Paragon though. It’s not just their size and newness to the area but the way they do the financing and other things. That is what attracted me to them over other large developers in CR.
It really doesn’t seem that Scott would benefit by either praising or embracing Paragon, but the thing is that this web site does provide a lot of good advertising for the smaller but very reputable CR real estate professionals. Scott would put himself in a tough spot with them all if he were to visit with Paragon and gave the *appearance* of promoting them whether he really was or not. And heaven forbid if after visiting them he found some positive things about them or at least could not find anything particularly negative. Being a man of integrity he would then have to report what he found. There lies the rub as they say. He would likely have some resentment from the local Ticos that he would have to deal with. Best to stay out of the main fray of discussion and just sit back and moderate for the most part. No sense in getting too involved. By the way Scott has taken a fairly moderate view for the most part and has pointed out when the criticism has gone over the line. I commend you for that Scott and I appreciate you keeping it real! I hope I am right for trusting Paragon for the time being but if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Just remember that some people are always naysayers when it comes to something new. Sometimes they are right and they take great pleasure in that. But remember even a broken clock is right twice a day! Something to keep in mind.
Joined: 11 May 2005
Posts: 24
PostPosted: 14 Sep 2005 03:11 pm Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
“This was never an issue for me. I’ve been in sales long enough to know salesman always puff up their product and you just have to know how to see thru the puffy claims” –
I haven’t checked this board in a while and I’m sitting here in total utter amazement. Puffing up a product? Like an airport or superhighway? That’s a great big puff! I particularly like the points that Jim brought up. All of them are valid, especially the part about having a US attorney look over your contracts. Did you do that, Dixon? Did you have someone other than Taragon tell you what their cleverly worded agreement really means? I’m just curious because I don’t know anyone who has ever bought property from anyone else anywhere in the world who didn’t do this one simple thing — have your own lawyer review what you are intending to sign. It’s fundamental, isn’t it? If I were going to give anyone my money for land after finding out about their failed ostrich business, or those internet kiosks, I’d be tracking down some of those investors and checking out the M.O. they used to sell those birds and other business ventures. I think their names were listed on one of those articles about Tashman being investigated. I certainly hope nobody loses their money in this land investment. But I’d like to know why nobody has actually built a house on any of these developments? Oh, and for the record, I know a half dozen people who were threatened with lawsuits by Paragon’s lawyers for even hinting that there was any impropriety of any kind. The letters that this lawyer wrote sounded as if they came from Tony Soprano’s lawyer. As for Bill Gale’s responses — that was the biggest and best diversionary tactic and smokescreen I’ve seen in a while. He didn’t answer one single question — and I don’t think any of us who are invested in Costa Rica think that the exchange between Scott and Bill was a duel of egos. Scott asked pertinent questions and Bill Gale avoided answering any of them. Maybe the actual existence of an airport isnt a big deal to you, but isn’t using that as a sales tactic a little more than puffing up a product?? As for the prices — I’m glad you think it’s a good deal, but really, if you looked around and shopped around, you’d find that there are much better deals.
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Posts: 39
PostPosted: 15 Sep 2005 12:22 am Post subject: RE: Paragon Properties
Pat Wrote:
(Did you do that, Dixon? Did you have someone other than Taragon tell you what their cleverly worded agreement really means? I’m just curious because I don’t know anyone who has ever bought property from anyone else anywhere in the world who didn’t do this one simple thing — have your own lawyer review what you are intending to sign. It’s
fundamental, isn’t it?)
My response:
Actually I got the benefit of Jim’s lawyer and I agree 100%. Certainly this was addressed already. Here’s where I agree with Jim:
1. Contracts are not needed when both parties perform.
2. Enforcing a contract in CR is near impossible anyway
3. If contract wording is the only thing of importance then one need look no further than the clause which states the the entire
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