There is more to Costa Rica than blue sky and cool breezes. There are also a remarkable assortment of critters, both flora and fauna.

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According to a book found sitting on my sister-in law’s coffee table, “Costa Rica has 4% of the world’s species. 200 mammals, 214 reptiles, 130 fishes, 168 amphibians, 850 birds, exceeding the entire north American continent, more butterfly species than the whole of Africa, 1,200 plus varieties of orchids, and 12,000 plant varieties.

Costa Rica coastal waters are home to 6,777 different species of marine life which represents 3.5% of the world’s known species.”

This little tome is about one of these species, specifically a certain nameless variety of reptile that moved into our cabin and set up housekeeping in the kitchen. Don’t be alarmed! This reptile is only six inches long (half of it comprised of tail) and is only a threat to various insects and a few spiders that wander by.

We first noticed him a month ago in various venues within the living room and more specifically haunting the numerous window sills. Assisting Cindy with the bug removal situation, we introduced ourselves to him and gave him the name of “Lizardo.”

He would welcome us by extending a flap of skin under his chin which I figured was an indication of his fondness for Cindy. Guys are usually attracted to Cindy so I took no offense, and considered his flap extending as merely an, er, affectionate salutation.

Two weeks ago, Cindy was reaching for the bean masher kitchen tool and found that it was already being used. Lizardo bolted from his perch on the business end of the masher, giving both a start. The lizard retreated with a flying leap to the window sill and hid behind a ceramic bowl that serves as a picture frame.

This seemed to be a serendipity moment for the reptilian state of mind because Lizardo moved right in behind the picture and set up housekeeping. He now enjoys an overview of the kitchen activity plus is blessed with morning sun through a huge picture window looking out to the vegetable garden.

Two days later he had a visitor. On the outside of his picture window, strolled by, another of reptilian persuasion, albeit a larger version. This guy extended his own chin flap and received a flap in return. Oh! Oh! Maybe Lizardo is actually a girl named Lizzie? What a quandary.

None the less, all is well in Lizardland and we are adjusting to a third persona in our little cabina, regardless of the reptile’s gender.

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Written by VIP Members Larry and Cindy Windes. Larry is a retired architect who has designed and built projects in dozens of countries around the world and Cindy was a computer teacher and administrator for a semi-conductor design center and they both now live in Costa Rica.

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