Really, that is all I could think to say after my birthday party experience.

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First of all my son flew in from Indiana to prepare the party for me. I almost messed up and got in his way. It took me a few days to understand that he was fully capable of handling things. It is so hard when you reach my wonderful age of 67 to realize that people in their 40s have some abilities. It was so exciting to have my son here, and it was really great how my party came together.

Now, ladies I don’t know where you live in the U.S., but where I’ve lived, having a make-up-artist come to your house to prepare you for your festive event was highly unlikely. My party was scheduled for 1:00 pm and the lady who did my make up came over about 12:00 pm.

Oprah, eat your heart out!

That is one of the nice things about Costa Rica. Some services that are so expensive in the USA are readily available and very affordable here. If I must say, my makeup was great and I looked just gorgeous.

In the kitchen we had four assistants who helped my son, Charles, cook and there were two other girls who helped set up for the party. We ordered tables and chairs and rented catering equipment to keep food hot. The catering service even sent over tablecloths. My son’s friend came over and helped decorate. Set up was a blast.

That is not all. To top it off a small group of teenagers who play music for our church came over and played music for my party. It was wonderful! And a guy who has moved here from New York and is married to a Costa Rican sang gospel songs and his wife danced.

Was I in heaven? No, this is still Grecia, Costa Rica.

Ladies, if you move here because you are looking for a cheap lifestyle you may be disappointed. However, if you move to Costa Rica and expect a different lifestyle and a more affordable lifestyle then, you will not be disappointed.

Some people move here and yearn for what they had in the US. Let me tell you this, there are some advantages in Costa Rica you cannot find in the US. If they are available in the US at all, they are not affordable. Where in the US will the masseuse or manicurist/pedicurist come to your home? I’ve always hated getting a massage and then having to drive home for an hour.

Here at my B&B in Grecia I get a lot of customers who are looking forward to building a dream home with a view. Those are good things to look forward to, but those advantages are not only what makes Costa Rica a great place to live.

These things I’m mentioning are not usually of much interest to guys. Men do not ask what it costs for household help. His vision is seeing you clean that 3,000 square foot mansion that you and he have been dreaming of. He, of course, DOES check out how much a gardener is going to cost.

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I can’t totally blame it on the guys. Some women tell me they like to clean house. Sure, it just thrills me to mop and wash toilets. If that is what you like then okay, but when you get tired of doing all that washing and cleaning, it is very affordable to hire someone to do that for you in Costa Rica.

You would be surprised how many people build that dream house and begin to hate it and decide to move back to the U.S. One reason they move back is because they did not check out the real advantages of living here in Costa Rica. You can call a doctor and he will make house calls. There MAY be one or two counties in the US where that is still possible. I refer to the U.S. because I’m familiar with what is available and I don’t know much about Canada or other countries.

  • Ladies, you can come to Costa Rica and look forward to being able to have someone clean your home, cut your grass and even chauffeur you around.
  • You can come to Costa Rica because you would like to have furniture custom designed for you and then made out of fine wood at an incredibly affordable price.
  • You can call the pharmacist and tell him what your symptoms are, and more often than not, the pharmacist will recommend something and have it delivered to your home.
  • Ladies, where in the US can you call the butcher and tell him to send you an order of meat?
  • Tell me where in the US you can hire someone to go shopping for you if you are not feeling well? Send me the name of the place and I might move back.

Meanwhile, I’m enjoying my last years here in Costa Rica. Yes, these are my last years and I’m not going to spend these last years sitting in a fancy condo with the heat down low during winter trying to keep the cost of utilities down, or suffering heat during the summer to keep the cost of cooling down. Why should I make provision for such things instead of making those things work for me?

One of the things I used to hate about buying fresh fruits and vegetables was all the cleaning, cutting and preparing. It is so nice to have someone do those things for you. It is so wonderful to drive up to your house and have someone take the groceries in and put them up. It is wonderful being asked what you would like prepared for breakfast. This is my reality in Costa Rica.

When I first retired, what I faced was cleaning toilets full time and cooking three meals a day. What kind of retirement plan was that? If you enjoy those chores, wonderful. But I have not gotten any fulfillment in life out of cooking and cleaning. Now when I go into the kitchen to cook, someone else washes the meats, fruits, vegetables and cleans the kitchen afterwards.

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This has meant more to me than the view of the stars and mountains. Don’t get me wrong! I do have a view and enjoy it. My greatest desires, however, were not to have the biggest house or the most land…

I wanted to enjoy some of the things women who have money enjoyed. Oprah cooks but she does not clean her kitchen. That, after all, messes up your nails!

At my party there were 50 or more people. My ladies left about 6pm and everything is back in order. I can remember the old days when a party with about 10 guests would take me two days to clean up! My husband and I would have to shop, prepare the food, entertain our guests and clean up after they left. What kind of party was that? I love to entertain but the work it took was not my great burn.

Next year I’ll have another party. You have got to come visit so you can see how wonderful life is for this aging lady! I have everything Oprah has and more, on very little money, and I don’t need body guards.

You can keep looking at Oprah on TV and wishing that God had blessed you with fame and fortune, or you can come on down to Costa Rica and enjoy your own pleasure in paradise.

PS. Oh, just in case you were wondering. No! You can not live on $600 per month and take advantage of the things I mentioned. If your income is about $2,500 per month free of bills you can enjoy the same lifestyle I enjoy.

Just remember it costs Oprah millions!

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Written by Jeanetta Owens who owns the lovely La Terraza B&B in Grecia which is about one hour from San José, Costa Rica. For a taste of living the good life in Grecia, Costa Rica, may we suggest you to book yourself into Jeanetta’s B&B for a nice long vacation.

Jeanetta’s B&B has been rated the #1 B&B in Grecia, Costa Rica by Trip Advisor. You can find her blog here at La Terraza Blog

La Terraza B&B in Grecia.
Calling from the U.S. 1-786-363-9036

Toll Free Calling from U.S. or Canada 1-(877)-298-7439800

Calling within Costa Rica 2494-0970

Calling direct from other countries 011-506-2494-3493

Fax number from the U.S. 011-506-2444-5221

Living In Luxury In Costa Rica Like Oprah Except “On Very Little Money!”

Article/Property ID Number 2481

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