Specifically geared and customized for youngsters in wheelchairs, the JAWS program is free of cost to it’s participants.

Underwritten by Ocean Healing Group and generous sponsors, JAWS utilizes a phenomenal group of highly trained volunteers, all of whom posses significant in water experience and lifeguard training.

Our JAWS program has a two-fold mission; our major goal is to help our campers establish a sense of independence as well as experience the thrill of real adventure while allowing the parents to kick back, relax and actually enjoy a real vacation without having to worry about their disabled child 24/7.

Just Add Water Surfing Program Video

Spread over the course of 8-10 days, we engage our kids in a wide variety of fun and exciting activities. Including, but not limited to surfing, rainforest zip-line tours, quad riding nature tours, snorkeling, horseback riding and deep sea fishing.

It’s our collective mission, to help them to break down their mental and physical barriers, while building up their self confidence so they can expand the bounds of possibility for themselves… It’s all about helping them to carve the “Dis” out of Disability!

Volunteers Needed For Ocean Healing Group

The Ocean Healing Group is a non-profit 501c3 foundation, dedicated to providing once in a lifetime, adaptive sports adventure to wheelchair bound youngsters and their parents.

It’s our collective mission to expose kids to a wide variety of sports and activities, things they would never have the opportunity to experience otherwise… including but not limited to surfing, snorkeling, zip-line tours, fishing, quid riding, nature tours, and horseback riding.

Ocean Healing Group’s schedule for 2013 includes events, activities and other fun stuff all in an effort to Carve the “Dis” out of Disability. Their goals for this year include:

  • To have 4 or more JAWS (Just Add Water Surfing) events, sending at least 12 families on a once in a lifetime trip to Costa Rica.
  • Expanding our list of activities to possibly include fun stuff like horseback riding and ATV jungle tours.
  • Expanding our program to include a wider range of disabilities such as Autism and TBI.
  • Continue our development of sporting equipment and gear designed to assist injured athletes in their quest to accomplish their goals.
  • Of course, in order to do this, we will need the continued and new support of you and all of the others who make what we do possible everyday. We feel so blessed to have the support we have and thank all of you for your kind donations which go directly to our adaptive programs. With your help, 2013 can bring an amazing adventure to many children and their primary caregivers, an adventure they deserve and need and an adventure they will never forget about.

Ocean Healing Group is looking for independent, motivated people to volunteer so if you have the time and the willingness to be a part of one of these programs, please send them your resume. The help of amazing volunteers truly makes their adaptive camps possible.

Want To Get Involved!

There are several ways you can get involved with Ocean Healing Group. Whether physically or financially, they will appreciate your support, honor your strength and welcome you to their family.

  1. Guests: What we do is possible because of the strength and hope of the people we support. If you or someone you know can benefit from our Adaptive Programs, please send an email to our guest relations staff at guest@oceanhealinggroup.org
  2. Volunteers: OHG is always looking for purpose driven people to assist in their Adaptive Programs as well as helping in marketing & outreach, media interests, grant and sponsorship support and merchandise design, if you want to be a part of their volunteer force, please send an email to volunteer@oceanhealinggroup.org
  3. Sponsorship: With your gift, Oceans Healing Group will help families with a disabled child or adult have a chance to attend truly amazing Adaptive Sports programs and clinics around the world. The activities shown here are no longer reserved solely for the able bodied. We can now help people leave their wheel chair behind and explore the world through a new sense of adventure; to play in a world without limits.

    Your donation provides travel expenses, lodging & food but so much more than that, they provide rehabilitation of the soul, the knowledge that when they drive themselves to achieve, anything is possible. It is this mindset that is the core philosophy of Ocean Healing Group.

Donations can be made online through the OceanHealingGroup.org website here by clicking on the Paypal donate button at the top right hand corner of that page or, by check to:

Ocean Healing Group

PO Box 4974

Aspen, CO 81612

If you have any questions, please email them at sponsorship@oceanhealinggroup.org

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