I Mean Seriously, How Bloody Stupid Do They Think We Are?
My newsletter normally goes out on Tuesdays but I wanted to wait for more news about the horrific new Defense Authorization bill for 2012 in the U.S. working it’s way through Congress …
While you were probably enjoying the Thanksgiving celebration with your family and friends, “… big government Republicans and democrats were busy shredding the last vestiges of the Constitution” according to Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Judge Napolitano says: “I was utterly appalled when I saw this legislation proposed…”
“It basically says that the President can arrest whoever he wants anywhere in the United States of America and keep without charging them with a crime, without letting them see a lawyer without bringing them to a Judge for as long as he wants…”
Sen. Lindsey Graham confirms that: “The homeland is part of the battlefield and people can be held without trial whether an American citizen or not.”
“This would target American citizens, on American soil. Military personnel would be able to come into your house like something out of a Tom Clancy novel and chopper your innocent self down to Guantanamo Bay for life.
Dr. Bosworth concludes with: “The bill’s provision for the indefinite detention of American citizens, without charge or trial, represents nothing short of a declaration of war by the federal government on the American people….”
Rep. Ron Paul calls this bill “one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime.” He says it’s “destructive of our Constitution.”
“There has been some confusion on the Internet as to whether the National Defense Authorization Act really applies to U.S. citizens. But Sen. McCain’s answer (in the video below) should clarify that once and for all.”
Sen. Rand Paul: “My question would be under the provisions would it be possible that an American citizen then could be declared an enemy combatant and sent to Guantanamo Bay and detained indefinitely.”
Sen. McCain: “I think that as long as that individual, no matter who they are, if they pose a threat to the security of the United States of America, should not be allowed to continue that threat.”
You’re probably thinking that this must be part of that “fighting for your freedom” strategy which has been so successful in destroying exactly what they claim to be fighting for…
I mean seriously, how bloody stupid do they think we are?
Judge Andrew Napolitano – A Powerful Video
Are every day people in North America and Europe more free or less free thanks to what appears to be a never ending number of grotesque and deadly wars for “freedom?”
I received many positive responses to my newsletter about this but Andy H****** in Texas is one person who did not like it.
Yes! Of course I know this website is about Costa Rica, of course I know my opinions from time to piss people off but so what? Fact of the matter is, if you’re not pissed off about what’s going on in the world you are either asleep or just plain stupid!
Andy H****** wrote to me saying: “You would do well to stick to subjects about Costa Rica and stay out of American politics. Your over-the-top liberal leanings are most obvious and quite distasteful to many.”
I replied saying that: “So much for freedom of speech eh? Feel free to unsubscribe Andy.”
Andy politely replied: “Consider it done, asshole. You offer nothing but a constant hawking of over-priced real estate anyway, which you probably get a kickback on. The only reason the US has had to set up the draconian laws in the first place is BECAUSE of entitlement morons like you. Hasta la Vista, Dickhead. Maybe you can move in with Barney Frank since he’ll be retirng now. I’m sure you both have a lot in common. Two fucking parasites.”
I said: “The line of your argument shows how ‘smart’ you are… I write about a recognized U.S. Judge complaining about the shredding of your Constitution – which you might want to brush up on Mr. Laggard – and you call me an “over-the-top liberal” and talk of “entitlement” and “parasites”? Hilarious!”
Somebody PLEASE tell me that Andy H…. is one person amongst a tiny group of people otherwise.., there really is no hope…
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” so think of yourselves and your family first, please get your heads out of the sand and make sure you have a plan ‘B’, a safe haven outside your own country because if you are in the US, Canada or the UK, you’d have to be really bloody stupid not to realize that your country is a shadow of it’s former self just 20 short years ago.
Strange and unilikely as it may sound right now, I sincerely believe it’s only a matter of time before you’ll have to apply to live or retire outside the U.S. “for your protection” so if you can, do it now!
What Can You Do? Not much!
The White House has threatened to veto this but I wouldn’t bet on it… Senator Mark Udall requested that all US citizens sign a petition online against the provisions for indefinite detention of US citizens without criminal charges or access to attorney but “the United States Senate, by a vote of 60 to 38, voted down the Udall Amendment, which would have deleted a controversial provision in the National Defense Authorization Act that allows the military to arrest and lock up Americans indefinitely without charge or trial.”
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Written by Scott Oliver, author of 1: How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa, 2: Costa Rica Real Estate Scams & How To Avoid Them, 3. Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore and 4. ¿Cómo Comprar Bienes Raices en Costa Rica, Sin Perder Su Camisa?

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