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  • in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187609

    Really, this forum discussion is really and eye opener.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187607

    I never used it in my wash but I will start doing it today. I know it cleans mold real good and it makes a good cleaner for showers and toilets but I never thought about putting in my wash. We use it for washing vegetables, I use lemon for cleaning bacteria from meats, poultry and fish. Thanks for your life saving tips.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187602


    Thanks, wow what an experience and it should be shared. Many things are happening to many people and they think that they are the only ones it is happening to. I learned while living in Germany that the US is more money concious then people welfare concious. The Germans will not accept a lot of US medicines and products because the way the are handled and tested. The will not purchase our beef and not because of mad cow disease, it is because we load our cattle with almost 1,000 different chemicals. That is why our young boys are developing tits and the young girls are wearing size double D bras. That also some of the reasons obesity is on the rise. It has a lot to do with how our food is processed, raised and treated.

    Medication, has just been accepted and I can not understand why because we take things off the market after a few deaths then they repackage it and re name it and put it back on the market. Look at sweet and low and splenda, both toxic chemicals for sale and you do not have to be 21 to purchase them.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187601

    Vinegar, and lemon are great bacteria fighters. White vinegar is very cheap and can be easily added to warm wather with a little soap. Thanks for reminding me about chemicals and also telling me about tilex. Also, a specialist here in cleaning told me that the Costa Rican products smell good but they are not real good disenfectants.

    My advice is that no one should take getting a cold lightly and a lot of colds are actually not colds.

    This forum has be great and informative, because many people have gotten sick and it can be prevented. Prevention is the best health care, you and I talking and exchanging experiences and information. Some times it is not a bad plan to bring your own pillow to sleep on while you are on a vacation. That is the item we keep close to our nose.

    Prevention is the best health care plan, not to say we dont need the other things, but you and I taking better care of ourselves is the best plan and it is very cheap. It feels good to talk about things that do matter in Costa Rica. No matter how big our house is or how good of a contract we get for building or how much it cost to travel. Health is the one most important item and we discuss it to little. We do have some health concerns here in Costa Rica. Thanks Alfred for starting the ball rolling.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187597

    I was preparing one of my vacation houses for a guest, my maids do a great job of cleaning but yesterday when we went to the house that was to be rented we found mold. It just appeared, we alway check for it and think we have done a pretty good job. Yet, because of the rain and damp conditions of this season you have to keep looking in dark corners in cabinets, behind refrigerators for mold. Some of the furniture we get needs an extra coat of varnish because most of the wood was dried but not like we dry it in the US.

    We do a constant maintenance and cleaning because I had a very good friend who died from mold, he lived in a motor home off the shore of San Diego and my aunt had to move from her home because of mold. So, my attention to mold has many reasons. Also I’ve had friends here that lived in typical TICO homes with very few windows and very dark corners who suffer from many asthma attacks. One such friend has been in the hospital about twice a year since being here. She finally decided it was her living conditions. In fact she knows it was because since moving to accommodations with larger windows and more sunlight she has had to take less medication and has had no attacks this year.

    I talk to many people and they want to come to Costa Rica and live as cheaply as possible, you can do that but you need to be aware of your surroundings and the hazards. Many of us come from climates where no one really talks about or is faced with the problem of mold. In fact many years it has killed many people but it is not an advertised disease or condition. You have to be very careful in your home and where you stay when on a vacation and when you come here to live permanently, if you are building make sure your walls are covered with the mold protection prior to painting. Don’t just assume that the contractor took care of that..

    We had to wash all the walls, take down and wash all curtains, bed linen, pillows, towels, put the mattresses in the sun and use mold fighting chemicals all over the house. It took 4 workers and a lot of supplies to accomplish the job. Everything in that house had to be washed to include walls and ceilings, ceiling fans everything. Not that mold was on everything . I had my workers wash absolutely everything. That is one thing that need to be considered Alfred. I had not thought of it earlier, it did not even cross my mind but it is something you may want to consider.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187587

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. Remember Cod Liver Oil? it is still a good remedy for many things because it strengthens the immune system. Alfred do you remember anything about Whiskey, honey and lemon. Some of the best cough syrup you can make. If you want the recipe I send it to you (smile). Health care, really caring for our health, at one time the medical profession was very different.

    Here in Costa Rica I see the Tico’s giving up some of the natural cures they practice for medicine. They think they want and need a quick fix. We do need Doctors but our doctors should be studying foods and the body. If they did it would cut health care cost because a lot of things would not be sold in our stores. They would ban white bread, white flour, white sugar, and white rice. Preservatives would not be used.

    When I was a girl just a few days ago, they did not use preservatives and the rats would nibble the corners of the bread. You would have to look for a package of bread that had not been nibbled. Now you can lay a loaf of bread in fron of a rat and he will not eat it. They have better sense then us. So many things are driving up health care cost. I hear the presidental canidates saying medical insurance for everyone. I would rather spend our money on medical prevention. Save our children by practicing prevention.

    I feel sorry for many seniors that are here just so they can get cheap medical care. My heart goes out to them. It is terrible to spend your last days on this earth in fear of having and not having health care. Not to mock those people that is a real concern, but when are we actually going to be free and live the quality life we worked all the years to enjoy.

    Sugar is one of our biggest killers, it kills far more people then cigarettes, alchol, or cocaine. Figure that one and what does your child see at his eye level in the grocery store. We just did not know, and now we see the results.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187578

    Sir, I can imagine it is very hard for you to see your son suffer. The reason we have such high health care cost is that we look to the Doctor and the medical industry for all the answers. They dont have all the answers, in this age we dont really have a reason for not knowing a lot of things. If you have a computer any questions you have about diseases is available, with solutions. They say ask your Doctor but if he knew anything about it why did’nt he tell me.

    I am going to be 65 in January and the Social Security office sent me my welcome letter for medicare. They told me how much my premium is going to cost and that I will have to take medicare part B if I want to continue under TRI Care for life with the military. Nothing is for life, they have made many changes with military health care since my husband retired.

    I’ve decided not to bother, because I can go get testing for different disease and pay doctors for examiniations. I only need major medical care if that. I’ve decided to take control and change my life. There is a date that I have with destiny and it is set. There is nothing I can do to change it, but how I live, I have power to make a difference. I paid insurance for years and only used it one time. I will not take medications until I make a judgement as to whether I will accept the side effects that come with it. I’ve discovered that it cost very little to maintain good health. Exercise, no smoking and drinking, stay away from sugar, drink plenty water and eat things that have a nutruition value. How hard can that be, it is simple and cheap.

    My husband was going to the doctor here and everytime he told the doctor something he would give him some more pills. One day he decided that since he had been taking the pills he was feeling worse not better. He went to the doctor and the doctor set him up for a test. The test showed that one of the many pills he was taking was destroying his muscles. It took the doctor about one month to call my husband and tell him that. He could not face my husband.

    If a side effect from medication causes you not to take the medication any more, then why take it in the first place. That does not make a lot of sense to me. Some things are elementary and we can do something about it. I am beginning to trust my wisdom and not depend on the doctor, who is trying to make a living. His main focus is the same as yours and mine he needs to make a living for his family. I don’t care whether he is a NP or any other type of doctor. He is not in it just because he likes to practice medicine.

    Change our way of living, it will save a lot of health care cost. We are so dependent on the system. Other country’s pay for health care they pay in their taxes. We in the USA are always trying to figure a way not to pay taxes. You can not have it both ways, some one is going to have to pay. It would be better if we had set up in each community clinics that gave classes on healthy life styles .

    in reply to: Costa Rica Discovery & Family Vacation #187666

    You better check out what standards Scott has for his quality of life before you take his advice. Low rents mean, under paid staff, little use of cleaning agents, cheap mattresses and cold water. It often means ants and mice in the room. I for one like nice clean rooms nicely furnished, with a refrigerator, coffee pot, telephone in my room, computer access, hot country breakfast and excellent service and airport pick up. You can not get that for $35.00 or less.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187573

    Ive added years to my life when I quit smoking. I added years when I stopped eating a lot of sweet things. I added years when I stopped holding grudges and getting angry about problems I could not solve. We have a vote and it does count, now maybe the company that made the menthols cancer sticks I smoked did not know when I quit but boy I knew. Maybe the sugar manufacturer did not care that I used less sugar but I knew the difference. We can make a difference, we are not helpless and our situation is not hopeless. We can easily stop buying all of that junk and refuse to take some of those medications. We have power with the Dr. and the hospitals, we can refuse to be robbed. We can require an accountability. Here we are under Tri Care, if I allow Tri care to pay the doctor directly the doctor will charge Tri Care $75.00, but if I pay him and then send the bill in he charges $40.00 at Cima. Well I go to the local Dr. and he charges $20.00. Do the math, that is not only happening here but that is going on all over. So the govenment is not the only one responsible.

    I can act like that $75.00 inflated price does not come out of my pocket but believe me we pay for it. We need to be responsible and we have not been, that is the bottom line. We are in a generation now that blames everything on someone or something else. I took drugs because my childhood was bad, I smoked because my boss on the job gave me stress, I ate to much because my mom feed me to much when I was a kid. I drank because my dad drank. Just make the list, very seldom do you hear us say we made a bad choice.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187569

    We are the problem, you and I, we have allowed them to do this. We voted for them we spend our money and purchase this stuff. They appeal to our greed and self centered desires. We have to be accountable. We need to get away from the devil made me do it concept.

    in reply to: Healthcare costs in the US #187567

    The problem with health care is that it is not health care. They really dont care about your health. One of the solutions to health care is if we start taking responsibility to take care of ourselves and stop killing ourselves with the food we eat and the advertised medicines we see in the TV commercials. We could radically reduce our health care cost if we stop eating to much, stop drinking to much and most of all quit smoking.

    When I visit the US I see that the average weight for a woman 5’5 is about 200lbs. We could greatly reduce health care cost by becominng healthy. We have been dupted inro believing that what we eat or drink play no part in our health. Now we are also allowing them to kill us with their expensive medication. We need to get our minds off how much it cost to get sick and concentrate on staying well. Why are we taking that stuff, can you explain why we would take something that lower cholesterol but yet will attack every muscle in your body.

    We can play a great part in reducing the cost, just by living healthier. The Dr. needs you to come in pay him $150.00 so you can keep a check to make sure the medicine he gave you is not killing you. Just when things look real bad he will take you off the medicine and then you are faced with what you had and then what the medicine gave you. I think we must not only be blind but dumb, how can they sale us things that will fix a headache and kill the liver.

    It took me a long time to figure that I was going in getting blood test not to measure my sugar but to measure the damage medication I was taking was doing to my liver. Liberate me from this madness, who is crazy and why am I going around trying to figure out how I can get this stuff they are killing me with free. When am I going to wake up an realize that if it is important to put quality gas in my car then what I put in my body also determines my rate of repair. I know every disease is not caused simply by what we eat, but every disease is helped to manifest by what we eat. Almost every disease is an immune system disorder.

    $2,000.00 for health care, when eating right would be so much cheaper. The best health insurance plan you can get is to eat a good balanced diet and stop stuffing ourselves with this packaged crap we find in the stores.

    in reply to: Costa Rica Discovery & Family Vacation #187664

    In Costa Rica you can look into getting a vacation rental. Most areas offer vacation rentals and they are usually the best way to go for people who have children. Look up and you will find information about vacation rentals. I’m partial to Grecia because that is where we live and the crime is low, the community is wonderful. We have a lot of families living here from the USA and Canada. Renting a home will give you the opportunity to meet the Costa Rican people. Your children may even make some new friends.

    in reply to: CR trip #187699

    Come and spend time in Grecia, it is the cleanest city in Costa Rica, very safe, other areas can be easily reached from Grecia. Only about 21 miles from the airport, 1 1/2 hour from the beach and just a few minutes from some very famous and beautiful tourist locations. Check, it rates accommodations in the area, some even offer airport transportation. You can also look at, they rate accommodations and also post customer comments.

    in reply to: Availability of Bean varities #187510

    Thanks a lot I will try it.

    in reply to: Availability of Bean varities #187508

    Collards grow very well, the only thing they are not as sweet. I have had customers bring seeds from the US. I’ve planted blackeye peas and they grow crazy and very rapidly here. I guess going to the market downtown San Jose is much closer then Panama (smile).

    Peas, green peas, and sweet corn that is sweet and juicy. So many of those things have been hard to find. Of course I am an old Nebraska girl so good old country eating is part of my heritage. Perhaps if we check San Jose and the surrounding area markets we will find almost everything.

    Does anyone know about wheat flour, soy flour, rice flour and whey. Where can you get it. In fact where can you get health food from, are there any health food grocery stores in Costa Rica. Maybe a substitute for somethings I want are in some of the oriental stores. If so where are some of them. We are on a change of diet kick right now.

    I know the subject has gone from beans to everything else, forgive me.

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