Water for rural lots

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    We have a beutiful lot on a hill overlooking Lago Arenal. The farmer we bought the land from has an existing line that we can upgrade and he will split the cost with us. The question is the cost of materials for a 1″ water pipe from a spring that is 1km away versus the total cost of drilling a well. The complication is that the farmer has a couple of more lots for sale and will we be paying for their use of our pipe, not to mention that there might not be enough water for 4 or 5 houses. Does anybody have any experience in this type of situation?



    I don’t know the costs of 1″ PVC in Costa Rica, but to run the 1 km will be less expensive than drilling a well and getting it to functionality.

    We have asked several people in CR for the under ground water rivers and acquifers and no one seems to know what we are talking about. In the States we can get all types of maps to find a perfect drilling spot, but in CR, it will be a hit and miss.

    US$75 a meter is a price we have received for well drilling, with no guarantees that we will get the water we need. Then there is the costs of a holding tank, concrete block, of 10,000 gallons for about US$4,000, then we will need a pump to keep adequate pressure in the line, then the cost of monthly maintenance and keeping the holding tank clean. Then there is the problem of having the water tested and keeping the chemicals around to keep the water safe.

    If he is making an offer to help upgrade the current water line from the local municapility, then I would recommend that you take him up on his offer and get a 2″ line. Then step down to a 3/4″ line into the house. This will be far less expensive and cumbersome.


    As a retired well driller for over 20 years, drilling in the Colorado Rockies,(hard rock)I would say that 75 dollars/meter is very, very expensive. I have been in the Lake Arenal area, though, and believe that there is plenty of water to be found within 100 meters of the surface.


    The current line is coming from a spring not the local water supply but your suggestion of the 2″ line seems prudent. It’s surprising that well drilling is so expensive, how do Ticos afford one? We were told that the law is changing regarding individual wells and if we are going to need one to drill it this year. Does anyone know what’s proposed or changed?


    Hi Rita

    We have also purchased a lot in Lake Arenal area and we are facing this same issue from the farmer we recently purchased our lot from, just curious if it might be the same Farmer? We may be neighbors. Is his name is Don Victor? We are opting for the 2 inch pipe upgrade and the spliting that cost with Don Victor any “new buyers” of the other lots will have to buy into it.

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