Wages in Costa Rica

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  • #168812

    [quote=”camby”][quote=”costaricafinca”][b]camby,[/b] you really shouldn’t comment on something you obviously know nothing about…:roll:[/quote]

    Your comments were insulting and if I want a talk-down and spank at my age, can get that from the boss at work.

    [b]or your wife![/b]

    Camby, I think I can speak for several other Forum members (whom I have had PM and off-line communications) when I say that what kind of grates on us is that you have spent (as best I can tell) maybe 2-3 weeks total in Costa Rica yet you seem to want to answer almost every post with all this advice and counsel to those other people considering CR as a full or part-time destination.

    Your recent post about (loosely quoted, because I don’t have time to explore all of your epistles) “spent a couple of weeks in the Hermossa, Playa del Coco area, really liked it….” was great, and appropriate, and I am sure very much appreciated by the fellow looking to come to CR for the first time. Likewise, your inquiry about the marchamo – good question and I am sure helpful to others.

    But when you start posting 15 or 20 posts a day on subjects that involve [b]living here[/b], then that’s when you will get, and deserve, a “talk down” or a verbal “spank”!

    Relax a little and give us a break. It is great that you so sincerely want to move to CR and it is unfortunate that your wife feels differently. CR is not for everyone, and I am sure that she has her reasons for not wanting to leave her comfort zone, her family and the US.

    Hopefully you will get to visit here more often, or perhaps live here on day – I’m sure that if you were my neighbor we would enjoy some spirited conversations over some “sundowners”. But until that happens, please leave the “living here” responses to those of us that actually “live here”.


    Absolutely right

    “But until that happens, please leave the “living here” responses to those of us that actually “live here”.”

    My wife is Costa Rican, my oldest son born in CR and I lived (past tense in CR) besides having a house in CR and visiting every year

    But since I do not live there, I should not comment AT ALL about CR.

    Makes perfect SENSE


    [quote=”aguirrewar”]Absolutely right
    “But until that happens, please leave the “living here” responses to those of us that actually “live here”.”
    My wife is Costa Rican, my oldest son born in CR and I lived (past tense in CR) besides having a house in CR and visiting every year But since I do not live there, I should not comment AT ALL about CR.
    Makes perfect SENSE

    Obviously my comments were intended for those “infrequent and or short term vacationers” that have spent minimal time in country but feel compelled and qualified to provide advice on all subjects dealing with living here. Again, obviously, those that visit regularly and stay for extended periods (to actually experience day to day life in CR) or anyone with your experience(s) in living here in the past is more than qualified to offer that experience and information – so I overlooked that category of “have lived here” or “formally lived here” – my error!


    Cambry, I have to agree with Costaricabill. You don’t have a clue.

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