U.S. Embassy in San José Causing “Political Unrest” in Cuba.

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  • #170841

    I know the source is not exactly reliable but something like this can be verified.

    any other sources???

    [b]if its true[/b].. another example.. of why Governments are not to be trusted.


    here is another source


    amazing.. these people pretty much do anything they want.


    The US needs those beautiful Cuban beaches – close and cheap – to keep its’ worker bees placated.


    U.S. Embassy in San José Causing “Political Unrest” in Cuba.

    [url=http://www.sunherald.com/2014/04/23/5518254/costa-rica-is-demanding-us-explain.html]Here’s another article on that[/url] …

    Yeah! I read that story this morning too … This is how the U.S. and the U.K. spread “freedom” and “democracy.”

    This [url=http://stopwar.org.uk/videos/ukraine-is-the-latest-of-over-80-us-coups-or-failed-coups-in-foreign-countries-since-1953#.U1lBVOZdX8w]related news item[/url] also came out today….

    “To place the coup in Ukraine in historical context, this is at least the 80th time the United States has organized a coup or a failed coup in a foreign country since 1953.”


    How horrible is this? This is truly the gnat on the elephants ass.

    I only wish the Obama Regime could stay happy torturing Cuba. No, they need to have open borders, and enact the highest taxes ever. They need to “fundamentally change this Nation”. They need the IRS to screw with anybody that doesn’t toe the line. They need to arm a new group of thugs in Social Security, the U.S. Postal Service, the EPA, and the Bureau of Land Management–to name a few. They need to oppose any form of voter identification. They need to subsidize 108 million citizens with government assistance, to perpetuate a growing voting block. It’s the Takers versus the Makers, and it ain’t pretty getting caught in the middle of this mess!


    [quote=”sweikert925″]So in a contest between the US government and the Cuban government and another between the US government and the Russian government you guys are siding with the Cubans and the Russians? Really??[/quote]


    I do not understand your post.. are you saying you agree with this behavior. and we should take sides because its cuba or russia or whoever..??

    so just because your an american you think its ok for the U.S. to engage in this type of behavior.. and using Costa Rica as a base to deploy this??

    for what

    FREEDOM!!! the american way???

    this comment actually reveals your ignorance and at this point you lost all credibility.



    [quote=”davidd”][quote=”sweikert925″]So in a contest between the US government and the Cuban government and another between the US government and the Russian government you guys are siding with the Cubans and the Russians? Really??[/quote]


    I do not understand your post.. are you saying you agree with this behavior. and we should take sides because its cuba or russia or whoever..??

    so just because your an american you think its ok for the U.S. to engage in this type of behavior.. and using Costa Rica as a base to deploy this??

    for what

    FREEDOM!!! the american way???

    this comment actually reveals your ignorance and at this point you lost all credibility.


    Don’t argue with him Dave…. after all the American way seems to work… $17 trillion in an acknowledged debt we will never be able to pay back. Countless more Trillions in promises we can’t fulfill. A shrinking working class…. expanding welfare class… We should be the model for all modern democracies worldwide!

    Fire away Steve! LOL


    [quote=”davidd”][quote=”sweikert925″]So in a contest between the US government and the Cuban government and another between the US government and the Russian government you guys are siding with the Cubans and the Russians? Really??[/quote]


    I do not understand your post.. are you saying you agree with this behavior. and we should take sides because its cuba or russia or whoever..??

    so just because your an american you think its ok for the U.S. to engage in this type of behavior.. and using Costa Rica as a base to deploy this??

    for what

    FREEDOM!!! the american way???

    this comment actually reveals your ignorance and at this point you lost all credibility.


    David, my brother from another mother….http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/

    stop feeding quarters

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