Scott…best way to search new postings

Home Forums Costa Rica Living Forum Scott…best way to search new postings

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    Scott…excuse me for being so ignorant but what is the best setting (way) to go to your forum site and see all of the new postings even if the are posted or related to a topic covered in Dec. or Jan.
    I like to keep up with up-dates on all subjects even those that are old topics but new ideas that pop up…thanks

    Terry From Texas


    When you are in the Discussion Forum, click on the ‘Search Messages’ and then type in the words you wish to search for…

    For example, if you wish to search for postings on residency then you could search for and type the following exact words with the quotation marks “residency” and the system will find every instance in the forum where that phrase is mentioned.

    You can use the same thing for when looking for information in the articles section.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    As far as I know there’s no way to search or sort by last date updated, however each topic has beside it the last date updated, so you could easily just page down and find the dates after you last read everything. Also, if you’re interested in a particular topic and don’t want to miss something, reply to it and then check the box that asks if you want emails when there are updates.


    Jim, that is what I thought…I do mark and get updates but was hoping to be able to see new ideas or thoughts that someone had to add to an old topic. It seem a difficult task to have to go thru 1300 emails to see if such items exist everytime you come to the site. Maybe Scott can read your email and mine and figure out how to get the red box (new message) as a way to search.
    thanks again
    terry from texas



    All the subjects that have recent posts come to the top, even if someone has responded to an older post it will move to the top again. once you get to a subject that has no “new” posts in it , you know you been through all the latest posts.

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