Permanent residency cedula changes

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    For all you folks here in Ticolandia that have had permanent residency status for some time, things are changing. The next time you renew your cedula, you receive a new plastic ID card with a new number.

    They also give you a certified document with the official seal of the immigration attorney who works in La Uruca. This new cedula and document are the beginning of a series of legal changes that will take you some time depending on how many Tico bank accounts, credit cards and SA’s you have.

    All of the above need to be changed to include your new cedula or the next time you need to make a transaction with any of the above and they ask for your cedula, your new ID number is different and must be changed for you to continue using the above accounts.

    I have been going through the process for several weeks at various institutions and today realized that my BCR automatic monthly e-mail messages that confirm the automatic monthly deduction of my phone bills had changed to say “rechazado por motivo de: RELACION NO EXISTE”.

    In other words, the bank has stopped paying those bills automatically because the cedula number changed and you need to un-affiliate with your old cedula number and re-affiliate with your new number before the bank will continue to pay your bills automatically.

    You need to take your old cedula and new cedula with the certified document they gave you in immigration to BCR and change your accounts and affiliation with the automatic payments previously established on your debit or credit cards.

    BCR cancels your old card and issues you a new card.

    During this process your automatic payments are disrupted, so ask the customer service rep to complete this change while you are there making the initial changes.

    BNCR, does not need to cancel your old debit card and process a new one. They only need to make copies of the certified document and new cedula.

    The process at HSBC, was simple with only the presentation of the certified document and new cedula.

    Additionally, I noticed that on my telephone bills, my old cedula is indicated. I now need to go to ICE and change those records as well.

    The most important changes that need to be made are any legal documents that are recorded in the Registro Nacional of valuable assets.

    Your lawyer will be happy to hear you received your new cedula as he or she will now need to draft new certified legal documents to change all your SA’s and recorded deeds in the Registro.

    I don’t understand all the paperwork in a computerized world. However, here in Ticolandia it keeps many Ticos employed, pushing all that paper. Puro 10’s


    Holy Moley! Is this going to happen EVERY time we renew our cedula after we arrive? Or is this a one-time only occurance that has something to do with a new law? We will be arriving in summer 2010. So will our new pensionado/cedula (after we have received it) serve as the beginning in a process, or will we have to make all these changes every time we renew our cedula? If so, I guess we will have to keep an attorney on a constant retainer!



    thanks for your message… strange but I just renewed my cedula.. last week and i renewed it the same way.. no changes.. I do have a permanet cedula as I am married here with my wife.. if that makes a difference..

    its just so odd.. the extreme differences between your experience and mine. what kind of residency do you have??



    Those of us who were here in the early ninety’s received permanent residency, “libre condicions” and immigration issued small green books with pages to be stamped every time we renewed the cedula. Since then they have changed the law and they now issue a plastic ID card like what you must have.

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