Natural pools

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    Just went to a meeting that included a presentation on natural pools and natural water filtration. The web site is Program started in Europe. Turns out that a natural pool is actually cheaper than than a fiberglass or concrete pool. Who knew? Also they are quite beautiful.

    Anyway, the Swiss project is teaching native Costa Ricans how to make the pools, ponds, and river filtration systems. Check them out. Up here at the lake, there are even ways to keep all that cow poop from fouling the rivers that feed the lake. We all need clean water…..


    Sounds like a great program but I only understand a little bit of German, do you know if they have an English website?


    We looked into this, years ago and have read many books on the subject. Just finding the recommended aquatic plants will be a major task.
    Too many snakes and other critters may want to call it home…:wink:…if one wanted to swim in it.


    Translator not working Scott? Tell it to translate from Swiss to English….. 😉


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Translator not working Scott? Tell it to translate from Swiss to English….. ;)[/quote]
    Most Swiss speak German, with French and Italian bringing up the rear. However, my German-born spouse insists that what the Swiss speak in not German:lol:

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