Mexico is America’s Next Afghanistan

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    I am watching the increasingly gruesome gang problems in MExico and the US/Mexico border and saw this article this morning which really frightens the crap out of me.

    Like it or Not: Mexico is America’s Next Afghanistan

    Like it or Not: Mexico is America’s Next Afghanistan

    “With the exception of, perhaps, Texas governor Rick Perry, no public official wants to publicly admit an obvious fact: The United States of America will likely be forced to invade Mexico. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.”

    How do you think this could affect Costa Rica?


    Jeez! Like we need another “war”.

    Seems to me that the author of the article makes a lot of assumptions about a US invasion of Mexico – a country of 111 million people…

    “… sooner or later, the U.S. will likely have to send a large amount of troops into that country to wipe out the drug cartels.”

    Makes it sound easy but I’m sure it’s not even “if” the Mexican military and police cooperated.. How many troops would we need on the ground to be able to do that?

    The author also assumes that for the most part, this would be welcomed by the Mexicans and I’m also not so sure about that… Didn’t California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, as well as parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas used to belong to Mexico?

    How this could affect Costa Rica?

    We’ll probably see more Mexicans and more Gringos moving here!

    Anybody else have any comments?



    Guess I [i]WILL[/i] fly instead of drive. Or ship myself over on a banana boat… yeah…


    Gee…. heaven forbid we should secure our border and make this less of an issue. If we would restrict the movement of drugs and guns across border I don’t believe we would have them all congregating at the border. This is the front gate to the land of prosperity, haven’t you heard. USA will give you free food, free health care, free education, 3 years of unemployment income, and you don’t even have to pay taxes. Come one come all!
    I believe a larger concern will be how the USA reacts to the construction of Russian /Iranian missile sites in Venezuela. This is coming and I don’t believe we will take it lying down. Then again this administration will probably borrow the money from China and then loan it to Chavez to fund it.


    im glad i moved to costa rica and not mexico where i still own property. some of my friends there travel with armed body guards. ugh


    [quote=”maravilla”]im glad i moved to costa rica and not mexico where i still own property. some of my friends there travel with armed body guards. ugh[/quote]

    My sister has to make regular trips to Nogales supervising work transfer from the US to Mexico and they have armed escorts from the border to the factory and back out again. All are warned to be out of Mexico and back across the US border by dark.


    who they gonna use for soldiers?
    illegal mexican immigrants?
    their should be a bounty on illegal immigrants,and then penalize americans who use them for employment as a fine to pay those of us that’ll trap’em and bring them back.and if they are caught A second,third or fifth time exe3cute them.
    why just yesterday me and A buddy were in Mc Donalds,I looked out the window and saw a short ‘lil brown guy workin in A Mc D’s uniform,I said “oye,Mira,los Hombres de immigracion en el otro lado”. that dude took off across the parking lot.
    when we got to the window I asked for the manager to let them know what happened.
    he like to have shot me if he had A gun.
    I get A kick out of doing this when they arte landscaping and such.
    we saw A wedding in A park,they had about 30.I hollered MIGRA real loud,the folks were some upset.they had to serve food for their guest.the bride was not happy.
    this country is for sale.
    and Santa Ana said it in one of his speeches,”the mexican people will have their territory back” and how true them words are,from 160 or so years ago. it was around 1853-54 if my history is correct.
    what A wise man.


    Hey, you sound like a really nice guy. Can hardly wait to meet you when you get out of jail again.

    [quote=”wspeed1195″]who they gonna use for soldiers?
    illegal mexican immigrants?
    their should be a bounty on illegal immigrants,and then penalize americans who use them for employment as a fine to pay those of us that’ll trap’em and bring them back.and if they are caught A second,third or fifth time exe3cute them.
    why just yesterday me and A buddy were in Mc Donalds,I looked out the window and saw a short ‘lil brown guy workin in A Mc D’s uniform,I said “oye,Mira,los Hombres de immigracion en el otro lado”. that dude took off across the parking lot.
    when we got to the window I asked for the manager to let them know what happened.
    he like to have shot me if he had A gun.
    I get A kick out of doing this when they arte landscaping and such.
    we saw A wedding in A park,they had about 30.I hollered MIGRA real loud,the folks were some upset.they had to serve food for their guest.the bride was not happy.
    this country is for sale.
    and Santa Ana said it in one of his speeches,”the mexican people will have their territory back” and how true them words are,from 160 or so years ago. it was around 1853-54 if my history is correct.
    what A wise man.[/quote]


    [quote=”orcas0606″]Hey, you sound like a really nice guy. Can hardly wait to meet you when you get out of jail again.

    [quote=”wspeed1195″]who they gonna use for soldiers?
    illegal mexican immigrants?
    their should be a bounty on illegal immigrants,and then penalize americans who use them for employment as a fine to pay those of us that’ll trap’em and bring them back.and if they are caught A second,third or fifth time exe3cute them.
    why just yesterday me and A buddy were in Mc Donalds,I looked out the window and saw a short ‘lil brown guy workin in A Mc D’s uniform,I said “oye,Mira,los Hombres de immigracion en el otro lado”. that dude took off across the parking lot.
    when we got to the window I asked for the manager to let them know what happened.
    he like to have shot me if he had A gun.
    I get A kick out of doing this when they arte landscaping and such.
    we saw A wedding in A park,they had about 30.I hollered MIGRA real loud,the folks were some upset.they had to serve food for their guest.the bride was not happy.
    this country is for sale.
    and Santa Ana said it in one of his speeches,”the mexican people will have their territory back” and how true them words are,from 160 or so years ago. it was around 1853-54 if my history is correct.
    what A wise man.[/quote][/quote]BWAHAHA


    Ten years ago, I sold a house with seller financing in Texas. About a year ago the owner rented the house out to a group of illegal Mexicans.

    Now the buyer has stopped paying and I have to foreclose.

    I’ve called the police, immigration in Texas, immigration in Washington DC, the TExas Rangers and NO ONE will do anything about the illegals.

    They told me that unless they are committing a crime they just don’t have the resources to deport everyone. I reminded them that they ARE committing a crime by being here illegally.

    thousands of Illegal Mexicans are moving to Texas every month to get away from the drug problems in Mexico.

    We HAVE to close the borders.


    big corproations NEED those people — are you going to pick lettuce, slaughter hogs, pick strawberries, and live 10 to a room in a barracks somewhere to earn enough money just to survive (barely)? i hope all you folks who are advocatinbg rounding up the illegals in the US are legal in this country and not a perpetrual tourist, border jumping every 90 days for the privilege of living here. close the borders. what a joke. AS IF that could even be done. maybe if we hadn’t passed NAFTA they would want to stay in their own country, but we helped make it impossible for them to have jobs, and the oligarchy there would rather send them up north anyway, and i’ve spoken to a lot of illegal mexicans who believe that they have a right to cross that border since it was their country originally. what a mess.


    txjackie, I’m afraid that the government officials you talked to — local, state and federal — are telling it straight. They just don’t have the resources to round up illegal aliens who are not otherwise breaking the law.

    It’s a tough reality to consider, but ask yourself this simple question: By what factor are you prepared to have your taxes increase so that the government (at any level), can round up, house, feed and physically deport eleven million (11,000,000) people? That’s approximately the size of the entire New York City metropolitan area. (And how many of them will return?) How much, and for how long, are you willing to pay? Someone has to. And that presupposes that money alone will buy the resources that would be required. Do those resources even exist?

    maravilla is right, too. Who among this forum’s participants is willing to cultivate the crops that feed us, slaughter the animals, cut the grass, build the homes, tend the children and perform the hundreds of other menial tasks that Americans wouldn’t do at any wage?

    And it’s not just big corporations that need those people. Every one working under a false Social Security number or who never qualifies for Social Security is paying into the Social Security Trust Fund nonetheless. They’ll never see a dime of that money, but we will!


    [quote=”normita”]I am watching the increasingly gruesome gang problems in MExico and the US/Mexico border and saw this article this morning which really frightens the crap out of me.

    Like it or Not: Mexico is America’s Next Afghanistan

    How do you think this could affect Costa Rica?[/quote]

    The issue here should have a positive effect on Costa Rica in reducing the transport of drugs through this area by disrupting the distribution in Mexico.

    To set this up as a military operation is not the way to go. The U.S. should provide investigative and intelligence assistance through police operations and let the Mexican Federales deal with the actual arrests and physical combat against the cartels.

    Scott’s article on military assistance in Costa Rica is spot on. The U.S. Coast Guard watches suspicious boats navigating Costa Rican waters but does nothing toward interdiction. This has to change drastically.


    wspeed1195. How easily we forget, we all came to the USA for similar reasons: political or religious persecution, or looking for better economic conditions. Moreover, we second, third, fourth generations, easily forget all Europeans who first came to the US were at some point illegal alliens. I don’t recall the Native Americans ever handing “green cards” to the pilgrims and those who came thereafter.
    We easily forget the waves of illegal Europeans (Irish, Italians, Germans, Polish, etc.) during the 1920’s, 1930’s, etc. To this day, those illegal alliens were a higher burden to the welfare system, than the Mexicans are today. It is easy to find reputable information that confirms the economic benefit of the illegal alliens outweights the cost.
    I wonder what your ancestors would think of your comments.


    There is a LEGAL to come in to the United States and a LEGAL to become a citizen of the US or any other country.

    Regardless of how things were done 200 years ago, anyone who wants to enter ANY country should do it the LEGAL way.

    My great great grandparents came through Ellis Island and spent all day in line to get the papers to be here legally..and they would be very upset at the way things are handled now.

    [quote=”markus”]wspeed1195. How easily we forget, we all came to the USA for similar reasons: political or religious persecution, or looking for better economic conditions. Moreover, we second, third, fourth generations, easily forget all Europeans who first came to the US were at some point illegal alliens. I don’t recall the Native Americans ever handing “green cards” to the pilgrims and those who came thereafter.
    We easily forget the waves of illegal Europeans (Irish, Italians, Germans, Polish, etc.) during the 1920’s, 1930’s, etc. To this day, those illegal alliens were a higher burden to the welfare system, than the Mexicans are today. It is easy to find reputable information that confirms the economic benefit of the illegal alliens outweights the cost.
    I wonder what your ancestors would think of your comments.[/quote]

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