Mario Zamora, Hero of Tiquicia

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    Mario Zamora, Director of Immigration, just declined a bribe of $2.5 million from the Chinese Mafia gang known as “The Chinese Dragon” to bring in 500 Chinese to basically become slaves in Chinese-owned small business establishments in Costa Rica. Arrests have been made, and Mr. Zamora is now the subject of death threats.

    This man is a hero!

    The past administrations of Calderon and Rodriguez, both convicted of taking bribes, fed the Costa Rican underworld by their complicity. Why shouldn’t a poor Tico steal someone’s car if the country’s leadership is on the take as well? I think that, on his 2nd time around, Oscar Arias is taking the bull by the horns. Police operatives are up, and real progress is being made.

    Now if only our U.S. leaders would take their hand out of the two vast Gringo kittys, otherwise known as the military-industrial complex and the government by the dollar and for the dollar.


    Exactly what I was thinking when I read this … This is serious and well publicized progress for Costa Rica.

    And you’re such a cynic GringoTico about the TRILLIONS of dollars in US TAXPAYER’S dollars missing…

    According to:

    “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,” Rumsfeld admitted.”

    $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.

    “We know it’s gone. But we don’t know what they spent it on,” said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

    But it’ll come back soon and you’ll wake up one morning, check your account online to see it sitting there in your checking account… Yeah! Right.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Mario Zamora is a hero in every sense of the word!!!

    This is a Beautiful bright day for all of Costa Rica, We lead by example I don’t know if this was a difficult decission for Mr. Zamora but I believe not.

    Passing up 2.5 million dollar bribe comes easy to honest people

    It is a true pleasure to read about a honest Government Official from any country. In our world that has become about money and me me me it is REFRESHING to know we may be on the road back to doing what is proper and honest.

    I refuse to over shadow what Mr. Zamora has done by thinking about or writing about politicians in any other country that has disgraced their citizens with their bad actions.

    I will end with AGAIN KUDOS Mr. ZAMORA I AM PROUD OF YOU !!!!!

    Edited on Jan 12, 2007 17:01

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