Jeff Hickcox has his finger on our pulse

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    Mr Hickox has addressed some valid problems in the usa,but please take it easy ha ha ha. You cannot duplicate the safety and personal and property rights anywhere else in the world as are in the united states. Call the police here and see the great results you get here ha ha ha. Perform a realestate transaction here and see what laws are in place for the buyer and seller protection and contract uniformity ha ha ha. Most of us would not be buying anything here if it was not for the money we made in the usa. Im not going to give a long speech here but there is no perfect country,here there seems to be certain levels of interest but this society with the infrastructure of a childs sand box is not the answer either but something else for us to do now. Yes I love the women here and there is business to do here but lets not give up hope on the good ole usa and mr hickcox dont dog her too bad because remember she made most of us who we are,if someone does not like her then tear up your passport but the usa will always be there for most of us if we need her. God Bless America!


    Why don’t you tell us what the US did for Ecuador?? Then we’ll move on to Panama, then Indonesia. You’re also the person who said the US didn’t run death squads in Central America. Here’s a new book for you to read — “The Art of Political Murder” by Francisco Goldman. The US is always doing dirty tricks and nasty deeds. These things are facts, not my imagination. And what does the ME generation have to do with any of these shenanigans? I’m a baby boomer and proud of it!!


    Well, the issue is that there are wonderful things about the USA that many of us love–important symbols such as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that are being shredded to pieces in order to support the unhealthy need for control and attention this government has displayed in the past few years without the slightest regard for others. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) would classify a person portraying these behaviors as suffering from a variety of pathologies, but of course we’re talking about a government so the label doesn’t apply??? Of course, that’s not to say that the USA has not implemented other despicable foreign policies throughout time, but I do believe that if they could, the founding fathers of this nation are rolling over in their graves and hoping that the PEOPLE for whom the United States of America was created for remember why and how the country came about. I never thought I would see the day when I lived with the same personal safety concerns about my government than people that have lived under communist and fascist regimes! Under the Patriot Act, I have lost so many rights and can still loose so many others if someone decides that this 5’3″ lady is a national threat or heaven forbid a terrorist. If you think that is a ridiculous thought, let me tell you that I personally know of a 14 yr. old teenage girl that was charged with TERRORISTIC ACTS in my town because she and another girl were having a catfight over the Internet! It’s the FEAR word of the day like being a communist was in the McCarthy period just with greater consequences to the national and international population–not to mention our economies. God forbid anyone today or any country today has a dissenting opinion because that automatically makes them the enemy or even worse it makes them terrorists and terrorist lovers! I believe in many of the freedoms, rights and responsibilities this country was founded on and I refuse to sit idly by and just be complacent.

    What is goodness is understood cross-culturally even if we all have subjective ideas of what we prefer so instead of a definition, I prefer to look into synonyms to clarify this point:

    According to Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

    Synonyms for goodness:

    “Integrity, honesty, uprightness, probity:”

    Now with all of the dishonesty, omissions and misleading statements that have come from this administration to its constituency and to the world–Are they examples of goodness which would at least give them some moral ground to say who may be evil?

    “Goodness, morality and, virtue refer to qualities of character or conduct that entitle the possessor to approval and esteem. Goodness is the simple word for the general quality recognized in character or conduct:”

    How does the world feel about the USA right now? I think it would be fair to say that the majority of other nations and their peoples do NOT hold us in high regard due to our actions since our attack on Iraq and all of the information that has become available since.

    “Virtue is a rather formal word, and suggests usually goodness that is consciously or steadily maintained, often in spite of temptations or evil influences: of unassailable virtue; firm and of unwavering virtue.”

    Have we been considered virtuous before, I would say yes (as much as any political group deserves to be labeled that and certainly as a people), but this needs to be maintained–it is NOT a virtue written in stone, but rather one written in our everyday discourse and actions.

    “benevolence, benignity, humanity.”

    How much humanity has there been in our treatment of “suspicious” people and even our enemies? How much “benevolence” does every US citizen and the citizens of this world need to endure so that someone feels in control of how others think, feel, do, say and act—even when that is on foreign soil?????

    I also want a USA I can be proud of and right now the this country has lost its way. It’s up to its citizens to stop closing our eyes and demand our country and the values it stood for back…

    As far as I’m concerned the “axis of evil” is anywhere we allow basic human values to be lost in order to blindly follow a “means justify the ends mentality”….

    I say, God bless everyone and God help us ALL return to some semblance of sanity….

    Edited on Nov 10, 2007 08:03

    Edited on Nov 10, 2007 08:07


    Many of you american expats in Costa Rica might consider yourselves opportunists or adventurers or retirees. Call yourselves whatever you think applies, but look up the word refugee and consider if it might also be applied right now to americans coming to CR to stay. There is definitely economic if not political upheaval in the States right now. These things are cyclical but I am convinced there has been a permanent and negative change in my country. Has Costa Rica ever seen such an influx of north american immigrants? Would there be this many if things were hunky dory in the States?

    Obviously, a good number of expats are leaving the “God Bless America” crowd to do their chanting and flag waving while they move to a better, more tranquil place.


    hello, dig into those foreign aid stats and you’ll find out that one country receives more aid then all the other countries the US gives foreign aid to combined.


    I guess if history repeats it self than I would say we have great odds! During the great depression most people were saying the U.S. was doomed! How ever the U.S. did pull itself out of that mess and became one of the most charitable country in the world! The U.S. will come out a live like it always does. Even when September 11th happened most people would say that would have shut down any other country but the U.S. will survive! The world does depend on the U.S and if the U.S. shut down countries such as China would suffer the worst.


    Yes! History repeats itself and empires rise and fall and the arrogance of the empire shines through in your comments. Never before has the US been is such an abysmal financial condition.

    It would appear that there are conflicting statements in the forum that say that America is not nearly as charitable as you think and, let’s be realistic – if it wasn’t for the BILLIONS OF OUR DOLLARS that the US throws at Israel every year, that US charity would look really pathetic.

    And how does that work anyway? If Israel’s economy is in such good shape with a magnificent trade surplus and ours is in such bad shape with record deficits – Why does the US keep giving Israel billions upon billions of OUR TAX DOLLARS?

    The world does NOT depend on the US however, as US actions have proven, the US clearly does depend on oil.

    Obviously you think everything begins and ends in the US (which does not) but the US is not the only country to have suffered from terrorism you know and the demolition – Yes! I said D-E-M-O-L-I-T-I-O-N of the World Trade Center is hardly enough to force a whole country to stop functioning…


    Scott, I respect your insight, how ever many people can spew figures and statistics but when it comes to reality that is different. I currently am involved in projects that 99 percent of other countries would not touch because of the costs. The U.S. puts huge amounts of money in to projects that is for the betterment of small countries. Here in Paraguay where it is the most impoverished countries in South America the U.S. is creating incredible differences to improve life.

    In Paraguay embassy such as China, Russia and a host of others are planting themselves here but none have the capabilities as the U.S to deliver promises and none of the would out of charity!

    Yes, you could say that countries such as the ones that you have listed could donate more per person, but the U.S. is much larger any of them and as a total the U.S. donates more than any of them!

    I mean really, lets look at Norway! Does the statistics show that Norway donates more money and resources than the U.S. world wide?


    Even though I do agree with you regarding Israel, I think you are a little off kilter!

    I would love to ask any of our grand fathers if they would think that the depression was a cake walk! If you agree that history does repeat itself than we have a great chance to rebound, like we always do. We might have to cut some of those ss benefits from the baby boomers though!

    Yes, the world does depend on the U.S. do you think that any one countries other than the U.S. can purchase the amount of goods that china produces? Our world has become a world economy and if the U.S. defaults many jobs will be lost around the world and many economies will suffer greatly! Do you think that if the U.S. stops buying goods that are manufactured from countries such as China, that china will not suffer?

    As for the world trade center, that is way off topic and that is for another day!


    Wow, your really off base! I am glade you are happy to be part of the ME generation, because now my generation has to pick up your mess! How ever I am not looking forward to working until I am 90 to pay your SS!

    Have you ever been to El Salvador? If you haven’t I have a great contact in El Salvador that will tell you the story and reason why their problems started and if it wasn’t for the U.S. they would have been in a world of hurt now!


    I’ll say it again, history does repeat itself but what I am referring to is the historical fact that in history empires rise and fall and the US empire has risen and is falling. History is repeating itself.

    You don’t get it do you and you’re on the ground in Paraguay

    International Relations Center, December 14, 2005
    Title: US Military Moves in Paraguay Rattle Regional Relations” by Sam Logan and Matthew Flynn

    Upside Down World, October 5, 2005
    Title: “Fears mount as US opens new military installation in Paraguay” by Benjamin Dangl

    U.S. Military in Paraguay Prepares to “Spread Democracy” by Benjamin Dangl

    What is the U.S. Military Doing in Paraguay? By Benjamin Dangl

    ‘Intelligence Brief: Rumsfeld Visits Paraguay and Peru’

    “The Paraguayan government confirmed on Tuesday that a British prospecting company has found oil and natural gas in the north of Paraguay, whose energy has depended on import.”

    “John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush. He spent 13 years in the agency. He gives a short history of CIA covert operations. He is a very compelling speaker and the highest level CIA officer to testify to the Congress about his actions. He estimates that over 6 million people have died in CIA covert actions, and this was in the late 1980’s.”

    We can probably add a couple of million more innocent people slaughtered by the CIA to that number now …


    Much good and much not so good has come out of USA aid to other countries. No one is denying that the US gives money, but it’s certainly not a case of mere charity there are political implications and considerations in each and everyone of those instances. The other day a dear friend of mine shared an article about Cuba with me. Even if I don’t agree with some of the Cuban VP’s declarations, the facts are that when the UN has voted on whether or not to stop the embargo to Cuba there have most recently been 3 countries taking the US’s side to continue the embargo: Israel, Marshall Islands and Palau. Now what the heck does Palau, Marshall Islands and Israel have at stake in their votes (see below)—Well, it sure isn’t the well being of the Cuban citizenry nor the US people, their stake is the huge amount of aid the US sends their way (see below) and in the case of Israel, it’s also the political & military support the US provides for them every time all hell breaks loose in that area–even when Israel has clearly been in the wrong (and before you accuse me of being anti-semitic–let me tell you that I’ve studied and have great interest in the Middle East and that part of my daughter’s heritage is Jewish–I most certainly am not an anti-semite–I’ve just always detested the actions of bullies anywhere, anytime).

    From the article that was sent to me, “Cuba’s Sin” by William Blum: “the annual vote at the United Nations on a General Assembly resolution to end the US embargo against Cuba. This is how the vote has gone:

    1992 59-2 (US, Israel)
    1993 88-4 (US, Israel, Albania, Paraguay)
    1994 101-2 (US, Israel)
    1995 117-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)
    1996 138-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)
    1997 143-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)
    1998 157-2 (US, Israel)
    1999 155-2 (US, Israel)
    2000 167-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)
    2001 167-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)
    2002 173-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)
    2003 179-3 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands)
    2004 179-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)
    2005 182-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)
    2006 183-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)
    2007 184-4 (US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau)

    In 2004-5 we gave an average per year to Marshall Islands of $43.50 million, out of the top 10 donors, we were #1 and we gave 4 times more than what the other 9 put together gave them!

    In 2004-5 we gave an average per year to Palau of $13.62 million, out of the top 10 donors, we were #1 and we gave 2 times more than what the other 9 put together gave them!

    Are you starting to get the picture here???

    Do you also see an interesting correlation of timing and countries looking for military backing and not just monetary aid (Albania, Uzbekistan, Israel). If not read this article from the Washington Report on the Middle East:

    You might also want to take a look at this report on the reasons & distribution of aid:

    If you ever want to pinpoint the type of aid, who gives it and to whom, check this site out: (It’s a data base on aid). Great statistics of every kind–you just have to sift thru it!,2340,en_2649_34447_36661793_1_1_1_1,00.html

    You’re right, statistics can be used to skew the true meaning behind what they’ve measured but not if you read the fine print, that’s why need to see the details and also the big picture to use your judgement–just as statisticians do and something we should also rely on. We’re in such deep economic troubles these days that the US hasn’t been able to even keep its word regarding the aid already promised to other countries. Not to mention how the real estate and mortgage markets have been reduced to crumbs. Just because Rome stood tall and powerful once doesn’t mean that one day it didn’t also loose it’s power. I have great love and respect for the ideals under which the US was founded. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for what we have been representing as a political entity these days. It’s shameful and the one thing I continue to be proud of is that people in the US and elsewhere recognize the gravity of the current situation and are doing what they can to bring about change. For me, that change has taken way toooooooooooo long.

    Speaking of shameful, as far as Central America goes, please don’t go there. The US has backed dictators and corrupt/abusive governments from Guatemala on down! I know a lot of Salvadorians that would vomit to hear that the US was actually what saved El Salvador when they still have relatives that are “missing” and of course others they can only now remember since they’re dead. Not to mention the other countries devastated by US meddling such as Guatemala and Nicaragua. There are many books written on just this subject, but if you want to read a brief but disturbing book about what the US knew and supported in Guatemala, read a NOBEL PRIZE WINNER’S account of her family and her country’s struggle in “Me llamo Rigoberta Menchu y asi me nacio la conciencia” by R. Menchu (“MY NAME IS RIGOBERTA MENCHU AND THIS IS HOW MY CONCIENCE WAS BORN” ) or ask yourselves why we back a military training school called “School of the Americas”, who has been trained there and to do just what….

    For me, just like Castro is no Jose Marti, and Chavez is no Simon Bolivar, our current government (Congress and all) falls incredibly short of what the Founding Fathers thought of and tried to create for this country!! And you have to pay the piper somewhere along the line….

    Edited on Nov 10, 2007 13:46


    No, I am not off base at all, and if you knew anything about our aid to the countries I mentioned, you would understand what I’m talking about. You truly are one of the most misinformed and misguided people I have run into in a long time. I’m sure you mean well, and you’re probably a nice person, but your grasp of foreign affairs, especially in Central America, is so frighteningly shallow as to be nonexistent. Have you read the book I mentioned above? Perhaps you should; you will get an entirely viewpoint than the propaganda you choose to spout.El Salvador WAS in a world of hurt BECAUSE of the US. My generation didn’t make a mess of things. Whatever are you talking about? Once again, it’s just blah blah off the top of your noggin. And when you’re done reading Francisco Goldman’s book, read “Dark Alliance” by Gary Webb. Of course he’s dead now; two bullets to the brain deemed to be a suicide after he exposed when we did in Central America.


    Yep, Sprite, I do consider myself a refugee from my own country. Now that’s a scary thought, isnt it?


    Wow, misguided and misinformed. I guess than the El Salvadorian guide that I had showing us the country was misinformed as well. Maybe you should explain to her that she and her family should not have escaped El Salvador to the United States, but instead should have moved to Russia at that time! I am sure that she was misguided as well! You should also explain to her that it wasn’t because of Communism backing the wealthy land owners (which was about eight spainard familys) and creating DEATH SQUADS to hush up the peasants from revolting prior to the U.S. getting involved! Of course I am just a person that learns from real world experience not from the highly educated people like yourself!

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