Is Costa Rica good for your health?

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    After spending two months in Costa Rica, I got back to the states last week and went to my doctor to for a checkup. I had lost two pounds since Dec. (I don’t know how with all of the good eating I did while in Costa Rica. Maybe it was because I was outside all the time and did a lot of walking).

    The best news was that my blood pressure was down so much, my doctor cut my blood pressure medicine in half.

    Jerry Minchey

    Edited on Mar 07, 2008 05:38


    That is great to hear. I keep reading that besides the obvious factors contributing to health improvement such as exercise, diet and avoidance of drugs and alcohol, there are other positive things which are less obvious. Owning dogs, being happily married, removing the rushed pace of north american life styles, keeping engaged with people and good weather are some of them. Costa Rica has all of those things in spades.


    I second that…I’m always amazed at how much I eat in CR and how I always loose weight there…Yes, there’s the natural & less processed food and extra exercise we get there, but there are also all of the benefits considered under the “biophilia theory” proposed by Edward O. Wilson, a Harvard University professor who also LOVES Costa Rica! Our “love of living things” our innate affinity with nature provides us great benefits once we’re in the midst of it and it doesn’t get much better than CR…Costa Rica has always been good for my integral health and I highly recommend it! Besides, it’s so much more fun than taking a bunch of pills or dieting 🙂


    Our family had a similar experience. Four of us lost about three pounds each after a nine day visit. The other benefit was a chronic sinus problem I have, and my sons suffer from too, completely disappeared after a couple of days in CR. When we returned home, we stayed symptom free for three months. Maybe it was psychosomatic, but it happened.


    Men’s Health Magazine earlier this year had a list of the healthiest placezs on earth. The Nicoya Penninsula made the top 10.

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