How To Pay Property Taxes

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  • #203382

    Can somebody advise us on how we can pay property taxes for our house in Puntarenas Garabito /Jaco on line from bank account with BCR?

    We can’t see any Jaco Municipality listing for where tax payments can be made.
    My thanks.


    The [url=]Municipalidad de Garabito website is here [/url].

    The Tax calendar showing [url=]when you should pay your taxes is here[/url].

    The [url=]Banco Nacional bank account information in English is here[/url].

    The [url=]Banco Nacional website is here[/url]

    Does that help?


    barbara ann

    l always pay at the municipality, if you pay in january you get ten per cent discount


    Can the corporation tax can be paid at the municipality that collects the taxes for the property owned by the corporation.


    [quote=”sprite”]Can the corporation tax can be paid at the municipality that collects the taxes for the property owned by the corporation.[/quote]The answer is no. The Corporation Tax goes directly to the Ministerio de Hacienda (National Tax Department) via a payment in BCR (Banco de Costa Rica)utilizing the cedula juridica number (corporate registration number) of the company. The annual Corporation Tax and the annual Property Tax for property that a company may own, are completely separate taxes, paid to separate Government entities.

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