Hermosa Highlands

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  • #181949


    WeLoveCostaRica.com wholeheartedly believes in the concept of free speech and will always allow postings in the Discussion Forum that would be of interest to the 7,000+ VIP Members of the WeLoveCostaRica.com community.

    However, we should take note that in any country, there are strict laws that prevent people from making unsubstantiated claims.

    We can discuss whatever we want as long as it falls within our forum guidelines but, we can not make accusations without factual data to prove that what is claimed is true. This factual data could come from newspaper articles, well known website sources and government agency websites.

    There have been a number of unsubstantiated claims made in this thread and even after I have repeatedly requested that these claims be verified by sending us URLs or faxing me information that would prove these claims were true, this has not been done. The same people that have been posting these claims have also refused to answer my emails.

    Therefore we are forced to delete this thread.

    Scott Oliver – Founder

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