Genetically Modified Foods

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    “Organic” is an accepted term for growing/raising food. organic farming in general features cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not allowed, although certain organically approved pesticides may be used under limited conditions. In general, organic foods are also not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or synthetic food additives.

    The word “organic” for some strange reason can be a hot topic for some. It’s essentially just a cleaner, sustainable way to raise food. Yes, I took high school science, I understand the definition of “organic”. However it is an accepted term when it comes to describing a method of food production. Study the pesticides that are permitted to be used and the effects they have on cells/dna. You may consider “organic” in a different light. I understand it is not economically feasible for all persons to purchase organic food. However some awareness of what is allowed in producing food can benefit everyone and assist us in making healthier, more informed choices. And if we all speak up loud enough perhaps even change some of the practices allowed in food production.


    Lets all go “all organic” and let the rest of the world starve.


    Don’t know if you guys saw this….

    Costa Rica Not Banning GM Crops

    Although some sectors anticipated approval of the initiative by the Commission on GM crops, most of the deputies in the Agricultural Affairs Committee rejected it, burying the law that would have banned GM cultivation in the country for four years…

    [url=]Diputados rechazan iniciativa que proponía moratoria de productos trasngénicos[/url]


    Link in the [url=]English language press[/url]


    Forks over Knives–awesome film. I can’t believe all of the crap that’s in our food and the cruelty involved in factory farming.

    [quote=”Lotus123″]Choose organic, support organic. Funny in the USA they charge farmers to certify their crops as organic, subsidize the rest.genetic modification, inserting pesticide into the genetic make up is different than what Dr. Welsh for example did with grapes. by the time they provide you with scientific proof, you’ll be poisened. Want a list of the stuff that the scientific method gave the thumbs up to? Watch forks offer knives or otherwise eat as you wish, it’s a free country :)[/quote]


    Projected 9 billion people by 2050. Shortages of corn, wheat, rice and soybeans. “Mother nature” is not going to be able to keep up. Aside from the Four Horsemen, what’s the plan if you exclude GMOs

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