fines for not paying the SA tax

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    does anyone know what the REAL fines for not paying are? someone said they are C180,000 plus 3% interest per month. that can’t possibly be right. i didn’t pay the tax today because after paying the usurious traffic fine of $350, it was eventually reduced to about $25. C180,000 is more than the tax, so how could that be possible? maybe i should’ve just paid the damn thing and gotten it over with.


    Maravilla……..a friend of mine paid his tax yesterday for a inactive SA , ¢67,000, and the fine was ¢50/day. That was in Alajuela but as you know it might be different in Heredia or San José

    [quote=”maravilla”]does anyone know what the REAL fines for not paying are? someone said they are C180,000 plus 3% interest per month. that can’t possibly be right. i didn’t pay the tax today because after paying the usurious traffic fine of $350, it was eventually reduced to about $25. C180,000 is more than the tax, so how could that be possible? maybe i should’ve just paid the damn thing and gotten it over with.[/quote]


    yes, it’s C50 a day for an active corp, and C25 a day for inactive. i think i can afford that $.05 a day to wait until Sala IV makes a final ruling. thanks.


    [quote=”orcas06″]Maravilla……..a friend of mine paid his tax yesterday for a inactive SA , ¢67,000, and the fine was ¢50/day. That was in Alajuela but as you know it might be different in Heredia or San José

    [quote=”maravilla”]does anyone know what the REAL fines for not paying are? someone said they are C180,000 plus 3% interest per month. that can’t possibly be right. i didn’t pay the tax today because after paying the usurious traffic fine of $350, it was eventually reduced to about $25. C180,000 is more than the tax, so how could that be possible? maybe i should’ve just paid the damn thing and gotten it over with.[/quote][/quote]

    Thanks for clarifying this.
    To further clarify, then, each “county” can set its own fines? Is it safe to assume that the fines would not be a LOT more than what it says here, or could some county go completely crazy and have fines that would be dollars per day?


    if the fine were dollars per day, nobody would ever pay the tax. hopefully the Sala 4 will rule soon on all the other appeals.


    Not all of the appeals are to the tax payers advantage. Right now, if a S.A. is inactive, property can be transferred without paying transfer tax, even if it is a regular sale and the S.A. will not be dissolved. One of the motions/appeals is that the property transfer is only tax-free if the S.A. will be dissolved which generates attorneys fees and registry taxes ($ 150 + $ 50 more or less).
    So, if one wants to get rid of the S.A. better transfer the property now tax free (to other S.A. or personal name) and then let the “empty” corporation sit for 3 years without paying any taxes, after this period the registry will dissolve it.
    I am pretty sure that the motions / appeals will not eliminate the new tax / law, just make a few changes.:?


    Has anyone heard any recent news about the constitutional challenges against this new tax?
    I know one of the challenges was denied in court, but at the time of that decision there are still several others pending – are they still pending or have they also failed?


    i put this off as long as possible, but i guess we will have to pay now or have a bigger headache down the line.

    While I advised waiting on the Sala Cuarta decision on the unconstitutionality
    of the Tax on Companies, they have not yet responded to the remaining 4 amparos
    and as July 1st makes you REALLY delinquent and can cause graver problems as it
    is the day that starts the time for de-registration by the Registro, today I say
    pay the tax now and unfortunately, even if the Sala Cuarta decision strikes down
    the law later, unless they SPECIFICALLY state that those who have already paid,
    get a refund, then more money down the drain as it is unlikely that they would
    order something that would cause a payout and effect the finances of the
    “trocha” or other vital “services”. Sorry for the bad news but with the Sala
    Cuarta dragging their feet, we have no other choice at the moment. The tax can
    be paid at the BCR by indicating the number of the Cedula Juridica… the one
    that starts usually with 3-101-xxxxxxxx.


    [quote=”maravilla”]July 1st makes you REALLY delinquent and can cause graver problems as it
    is the day that starts the time for de-registration by the Registro

    Thanks for the update Maravilla, but what is the “de-registration” you refer to? I thought there was a 3 year period that if the tax wasn’t paid, then the corp’s officers became personally liable. I had not read anything about de-registration.

    Any more info would be helpful and appreciated.


    On and off subject . . .

    In addition to our attorney’s fees, we paid the government c44,000 to abolish the corporation that held our SUV.


    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]On and off subject . . .

    In addition to our attorney’s fees, we paid the government c44,000 to abolish the corporation that held our SUV.


    Hi David –
    so what did you do with the title to the SUV? who owns the SUV now, did you transfer to another corp, or to you personally?

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