Delayed Permit

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    First, I am new to the forum and want to thank Scott for its existance,—so helpful! I am working with my architect/contractor who is now applying for my permits. He is also building our neighbors house which he started in January so they are well into the building phase. He mentioned that he still doesn’t have the building permit (the paperwork has been submitted and is in process) for our neighbor but is going ahead without it. He states that the local municipality (Guanacaste) has been very difficult to work with. He feels that will be the same issue with our house, which is to be started in the next few of months.
    I have researched this issue on your site but the only thing I found is the following which is discussing the local municipality problems with timely processing of permits, etc.

    “Furthermore, the concept of “silence means assent” (when an institution does not answer in a given time, it’s considered a “yes”) does not exist for these institutions. In addition many steps must be taken in specific order, i.e. one permit must be allowed before another one can be granted.”

    And this is in reference to how CR is trying to address the problem:
    “The law of “Silence is Consent” is being considered for every aspect of building except environmental-impact studies.”

    My question is has anyone been faced with this issue and should we let our architect/contractor proceed without the permit in hand?

    I appreciate any help you can offer.



    For more infrmation on what can happen when you do things without the necessarty permits please see [ ]

    I don’t know about you but Murphy’s Law has always played a big part in my life… When I am on a long drive stuck behind a tractor or a broken down truck, fifty cars can overtake the tractor in front of me, but when I eventually overtake it – lo and bloody behold – there’s a Police car around the corner…

    I would suggest that the wait for the permit (with a few nudges here and there of course) would be a lot shorter than the wait to restart your construction after it’s been shut down because you did NOT have the right permits to begin with…

    Having said that, I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY and I would encourage you to perhaps ask your attorney this question and see what he/she says.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Video Lady:

    Don’t build without all the proper permits and approvals, ever! I have been through the permit situation you describe many times also involving environmental approvals through SETENA, forestry permits through the MINAE office in Santa Cruise and MINAC authorization in the Las Baulas Park, here in Playa Grande.

    All the institutions are hard to deal with in Costa Rica, as they are in British Columbia, Canada. First, what ever you do, do not build without all the proper permits. Without knowing the details of your project, I suspect that all the required documents have not been submitted properly.

    Permits are time consuming and in CR every “T” has to be crossed and every “I” dotted. Authorities are sticky about this for a reason. If they do something incorrectly you can be assured it will come back to bite them.

    I have dealt with the Municipality of Santa Cruz on many occasions and find them easy to deal with, if you have everything in order. My guess is that something is missing or not correct with your application.

    Tell me more about your situation and I can probably steer you in the right direction.

    Does your project require and environmental study? Are you cutting trees on the property? Do you have health approval? Water approval? Are you registered with SEGURO? Do you have INS insurance? Do you have all the documents submitted properly as requested by each institution?

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