Costa Rica Coffee – Do the right thing

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  • #179929

    Holly gehasafers Scotto- With shipping that works out to $30 a pound!!!

    I can go to Starbucks and not have do the dishes for that kind of dough.

    Rots a ruck with dat a one….


    Thanks for your feedback Diego but I think we’re using different kinds of calculators here…

    A quick search on the internet will show that US$8.95 is a competitive price for a high quality, single origin Costa Rican coffee.

    With shipping, you are talking about only .50 cents per cup and even ten years ago – the last time I visited Starbucks – the coffee was a LOT more expensive than that…

    According to my sources there are 453.59237 grams in a pound which would mean that if Wise Owl coffee is $8.95 per 250 gram bag then one pound would be US$16.23 per pound, no?

    We would charge only $6.95 for shipping which is significantly lower than most internet suppliers so if you add the $6.95 shipping to the $16.23 you would have a total cost to you of $23.18 for a pound of coffee which is WAY cheaper than it works out to be with your calculator.

    Two 250 gram bags (including the cost of shipping) should brew about 50 cups of coffee and at $24.85 that would be only US$0.50 cents per cup.

    Having said that, we are testing this new product and I promised Kattya & Felix at Coope Llano Bonito that we’d try hard and help them sell more coffee so if we have to make adjustments in the future, then we shall.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Can you tell me where I can buy this coffee in Costa Rica, I live in Escazu and am always looking for local farmers coffee, not the huge company brands.


    I picked up the coffee personally from the Llano Bonito Cooperative which is about two hours from San Jose – It’s a beautiful drive.

    I will be living in Escazu for another few weeks so if you want to arrange to meet somewhere to pick up a few bags, we can, obviously we would not charge you the shipping charge.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    My best coffee experience has been the dark roast grano from Copedota in Santa Maria de Dota, Terrazu. The best I have ever found in Costa Rica The last was $10.50 per kilo. The drive and a B&B stay near Santa maria de Dota is fantastic and worth the 2 hour drive from San Jose.

    My adventure today has taken me high above Natanjo, Alajuela. I have purchased more dark roast from Copenaranjo for $4.80 a kilo. I can´t wait for these 4,000 ft elevation grown coffee beans to grind..

    Pura Vida
    Bill Maes


    Yes! That is a good, rich coffee…

    Which B&B do you recommend in the Santa Maria de Dota area Bill?

    Scott Oliver – Founder



    Where are you moving to?




    That’s the subject of a whole series of new articles to come… But I can tell you that my new office will be two hours from San Jose smakc dab in the middle of Costa Rica coffee country and in a very, very different environment.

    Scott Oliver – Founder

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