Corporation Tax Issue

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    I have been delinquent in paying my taxes. My attorney is now charging me interest on being late. He never informed me about any late charges or how much is being instituted until I saw my bill and challenged the charges. He is also charging me $250.00 a year to celebrate the Shareholders Meetings for my corporation. Is this a normal fee? Lastly, he is charging me double the Corporate Fee because he said that I have an Active Corporation and until I Deactivate it, that’s the charge. I don’t know how to Deactivate it. How is this done? I feel I’m being taken advantage of. Please advise.


    [quote=”vm”]I have been delinquent in paying my taxes. My attorney is now charging me interest on being late. He never informed me about any late charges or how much is being instituted until I saw my bill and challenged the charges. He is also charging me $250.00 a year to celebrate the Shareholders Meetings for my corporation. Is this a normal fee? Lastly, he is charging me double the Corporate Fee because he said that I have an Active Corporation and until I Deactivate it, that’s the charge. I don’t know how to Deactivate it. How is this done? I feel I’m being taken advantage of. Please advise.[/quote]

    First off go to a Bank of Costa Rica with the number of your SA or corporation. Every corporation has a number, than you will go to one of the tellers and ask for the amount that is due on your SA or Corporation. They will give you the total amount due. If you haven’t paid it for awhile there will be interest. Read AM Cost Rica tomorrow and the courts may have pulled having to pay this any more. Check with your friends and find another lawyer and see what they have for fees. Make sure you have all the paperwork for your corporation as well as your shares in your own person. If you have had any transactions at all since the tax was put in place your corporation is active. If you have have not had any activity your corporation should be inactive. To change back to inactive it is a long process that is done by an attorney. I hope this has helped you. Good Luck !!!!!!!


    Straight up answer is if the S.A. is only being used to hold property title your attorney is ripping you off… plain and simple. As with the answer above it’s an easy 5 minute transaction at the bank to pay them (I pay at BCR… don’t even have an account with them.. but my bank BN always seems to have connection problems with the National Registry).

    Get in there and see what you owe. If the S.A. is incorrectly listed as “active” you may need an attorney to fix that…. FIND A NEW ONE…. not the guy you’re using now it fix that. No need to keep lining his pockets.

    In the future just have someone you know and trust pay your tax each January.


    I am copying/pasting info from another group for you – I did this & was able to verify my corporation was inactive before paying my tax. Hope this helps – Jessica
    The Registro Nacional

    At the top of the page go to the large buttons and choose: Consulta al Impuesto de Personas Juridicas

    If you haven’t registered, it is free to do so, and I recommend everyone do this. You can then look up your paperwork and do a lot of things that would save you time and worry. Once you are registered, log on. On the next page you will see on the left hand side a list .. # 9 is “Impuestos Personas Juridicas” Click on that and the following page has a place to put the number of your corporation. 3-101-xxxxxx. You will see a page with the title: Consulta Pública de Morosidad

    The information on this page includes: Active Hacienda (Active or Inactive S.A.) It should say No.
    Whether it is up to date with Taxes and paperwork and also the Monto Total a Cancelar Al Dia de Hoy.
    It HAS gone up a bit. It is now 100,850.00 colones for each Inactive S.A.


    [quote=”whyworry”]……. If you have had any transactions at all since the tax was put in place your corporation is active. If you have have not had any activity your corporation should be inactive. To change back to inactive it is a long process that is done by an attorney. I hope this has helped you. Good Luck !!!!!!![/quote]

    As I understand it, “Active” versus “Inactive” really has nothing to do with “recent activity”.

    As an example, when my son passed away year before last, we removed him as an officer of our 4 corporations and transferred the stock that was in his name to his children. That “activity” did not trigger any change in any of the 4 corporations Inactive status.

    Then last year, I transferred the ownership of the assets of 2 of the corporations into one of the remaining corporations, we all resigned as officers and legal representatives of the 2 “non asset holding” corporations and dissolved those 2 corporations before the deadline to do so. The transfer of assets into the remaining corporations was definitely an “activity” that involved the Nacional Registry, but again, it did not change the Inactive status of either remaining corporation.

    If the corporation owns, operates or manages a commercial activity, it is “Active”. If the sole purpose of the corporation is to own a non-commercial item or items (property, house, condo, boat, car, ATV, legal weapon, etc.) then it should be classified as “Inactive”. If it is “Inactive” you must still oay the tax – if you don’t, your Big Tico Brother can seize your corporation and anything that it owns Big Brother then owns and you are SOL!

    I will join the chorus of those offering you the best advice so far = = go get your corporate books from your current attorney and get a new attorney!!!!

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