Checking residency paperwork online

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    I know someone posted a link where you can check your paperwork online. Could you repost please? I lost it somehow



    I may be wrong but I don’t think the Costa Rica Immigration Department (or any other government department) has reached that level of efficiency yet..


    Ah but it has. Checked it a long time ago but all the papers are in now…


    In my CR notebook, which I have been compiling over the years, I wrote down the following: To check your residency application, go to Go to the left side and click on “Estados de Expediente”. Put in your number – no dashes – just the number, and the next line, put in the number that is showing to the left of the box. It will come up with your status.

    Now, I don’t know where I read this, and I didn’t write down a date. Since I don’t have a folio/file number, or whatever it’s called, I couldn’t try it out. I am still waiting for my number. Guess I’ll have to make another call!

    I also remember reading that the information on the website isn’t updated regularly.


    Unfortunately, while you can check it…it likely won’t give you a time line, and there is must be a [size=200]huge[/size] pile, somewhere, waiting for signatures…
    Many have stated that their file has been at this same status for a year or more.


    Must be some step missing….


    According to others, once your file has reached the second stage,’Resolución Firma’ it [i]usually[/i] sits for an extended time period…probably several months. Note: the principal with a dependent, both may not necessarily be approved at the same time.

    The third step is “Resolución Notificada”, which means your application has been resolved — hopefully approved — and you need to arrange to have your photo and digital fingerprints taken, for your [i]cédulas[/i].

    Then arrangements must be made to affiliate with CAJA, and then return Migración where you will pay additional funds.

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