Coffee Farms For Sale – VIP Member Ken Pollinger visits a coffee farm…
“Ken Pollinger here. Recently I met up with your Recommended Realtor in San Isidro in order to visit and study some coffee farms for sale in one of the beautiful valleys close by. Well, how can I relay all that happened?
First of all, he is a first class gentleman with an incredible knowledge of Costa Rican culture and business opportunities. I felt as though I had a week’s long seminar in just ONE day – what an education, about things big and small, like the stop we made to explore how coffee gets from the farm to the market – fascinating.
From his varied experiences in Costa Rica he laid out the future of the southern part of the country in great detail along with excellent investment possibilities.
Second, on the parcel itself he not only showed me around but also had great ideas for improvements – constantly expanding my vision. He even had me meet the present owner and we had about an hour’s conversation about the property and the surrounding villages and theirlife style.
The river water was so crystal clear, the air so pure and fresh, and the land so inviting, with its horses, cattle and fruit trees. A mixture of Spanish and English and a good time was had by all three of us.
Third, he introduced me to one of the best lawyers in San Isidro and had the whole process of buying to the closing spelled out in easy terms. Many of my doubts were addressed and the normal stress of these types of endeavors was
greatly diminished.
Fourth, he assisted me even in what type of 4X4 vehicle was needed and where to purchase one reasonably. And on and on. A true teacher and guide!
Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed our day together, our conversation, our Tico lunch, the sightseeing through many “salt of the earth” Tico villages. So, I couldn’t possibly recommend him enough to fellow foreigners. I guarantee a GREAT experience, whether you buy or not. But, why not buy a piece of paradise?
Scott, many thanks for your very newsy newsletter and all your help in making it enjoyable to think about living in Costa Rica. And thanks especially for introducing me… ”
Written by VIP Member Kenneth Pollinger of Nyack, NY. Ken’s website is at
Are You Looking For A Coffee Farm For Sale Costa Rica?

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We are looking to buy a coffee farm and will like information on what type of farms you have available.