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Whether you have actually spent time in beautiful Costa Rica or simply enjoyed looking at photos online, you probably noticed the relaxed and laid back lifestyle that both residents and visitors enjoy. In particular, genuine Costa Rican homes consist of bungalows, many located right on the beach. If you want to redecorate your home to resemble the lifestyle of this tropical paradise, you can.

The one thing about Costa Rica that makes it so unique is that it appears to have it all. This country is known for its lush green rainforest, abundance of wildlife and bird species, gorgeous flora and fauna, pristine beaches, and turquoise water on both the Pacific and Caribbean coastlines.

To fully understand why Costa Rica is now ranked as the most popular place to visit in all of Central America, you would need to visit the country where you can sit down with locals to learn about Puna Vida, which translates to “pure life”. The locals, as well as some transplants, use this common term as a way of describing the peaceful lifestyle, as well as the stunning natural environment.

If you are unable to visit or move to Costa Rica, you can always bring a little of it into your home. To achieve the same look and feel that you would find with a beach bungalow, it is important to incorporate vibrant colors and natural materials into your design aesthetic. The goal is to create one or more rooms in the home that make you feel as if you are on a permanent vacation in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Remember, furniture, artwork, and other design elements must be relaxed and effortless, just like life in Costa Rica. Because this country has an overwhelming amount of lush plants, including Orchids, Amaryllises, Heliconias, and Anthuriums, you want to consider bringing some indoors. You can bring large-leafed palms and even citrus trees into your home, as well.

To recreate a beach bungalow from Costa Rica, be sure to always use natural materials. As an example, you can purchase furniture pieces made from reclaimed wood or native wood like cypress, teak, Cristobal, and cedar. For even more Costa Rican flavor, incorporate decorative bamboo pieces, braided jute area rugs, and hand-woven blankets. Remember, you want to maintain focus on materials that are durable with amazing colors and patterns, but also those that are environmentally-friendly.

In addition to hospitable people and breathtaking scenery, Costa Ricans are known for choosing items for the home in an array colors. Therefore, when creating your own beach bungalow, stick with colors that naturally grace the landscape, such as teal, red, orange, pink, and various shades of blues and greens. Some additional elements that you can use are brightly-colored blankets, throws, and pillows. You might also consider a dyed hanging chair, hammock, and blinds or shades that have tropical flair.

In Costa Rica, the people celebrate life and nature. For that reason, your newly created “beach bungalow” should have an atmosphere that is relaxing and peaceful. In lieu of oversized or complicated furniture, choose pieces that you would expect to find in this tropical oasis.

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